Minutes of the 575thMeeting of the Board of Governors
Minutes of the 575thMeeting of the
Board of Governors
Saturday, November 24th2012 at 9:00 a.m.
Room 270, 2nd Floor, Residence Commons
Carleton University
PRESENT: / Mr. R. Jackson, Chair / Dr. R. O’Reilly Runte / Ms. S. BharadiaMr. K. Black / Dr. C. Carruthers / Mr. Z. Colt
Ms. L. A. Daly / Mr. B. Dickie / Mr. N. Falvo
Dr. C. Freedman / Ms. J. Gilbert / Mr. A. Golovko
Mr. E. Greenspon / Ms. P. Griffin-Hody / Mr. B. Hobin
Mr. O. Javanpour / Prof. T. Kunz / Prof. M. MacNeil
Prof. A. Mingarelli / Ms. G. Samson-Verreault / Mr. A. Tattersfield
Mr. M. Wernick / Mr. B. Wolfenden
STAFF: / Ms. A. Bauer / Ms. S. Blanchard / Ms. J. Bray
Dr. K. Matheson / Mr. R. Moher / Dr. P. Ricketts
Ms. B. Steele / Mr. D. Watt
REGRETS: / Ms. D. Armstrong / Ms. M. J. Binks / Mr. G. Hyder
Mr. M. Robinson / Mr. J. Ruddy / Mr. A. Vered
Mr. B. Wener / Prof. C. Worswick
The meeting was called to order at 9:11a.m.
The following question was submitted:
Can the Board have an update on relations with the Rideau River Residence Association? I am referring to their media release of 29 October 2012, which is currently available at their web site
The President reported that the Rideau River Residence Association and the University’s administration have come to an agreement regarding the Association’s space.
It was moved by Mr. Tattersfield and seconded by Ms. Daly that the agenda be approved, as presented. The motion carried.
The Consent Agenda was circulated with the meeting documentation. It was moved by Ms. Samson-Verreault and seconded by Mr. Falvo that the Consent Agenda be approved, as presented. The motion carried.
The President did not present a report.
The Chair did not present a report.
6.1Modification of Student Association Fees
The Vice-President (Finance and Administration) explained that two student fees previously approved by the Board in April 2012 required modification. The fees in question are the Garden Spot and the drug, accident and dental plan fees. The Garden Spot was a vegan food operation that served meals on a donation basis. It ceased operations in 2012-2013. A fee of $2.16 had been levied to full time undergraduate students for the academic year and $1.09 per term had been levied to full time graduate students.
The drug, accident, dental plan fee of $178 for full time undergraduate students per academic year also required modification as the student association has changed carrier at a reduced cost of $146. It is proposed that a $20 per full time undergraduate student refund be paid. The remaining $12 per student levied be maintained as a reserve for drug accident, dental premium issues.
The Finance Committee, at its 268thmeeting held on November 14th, 2012, recommended that the Board of Governors approved the proposed changes to Garden Spot and Drug/Accident/Dental fees and that the excess payment refunded.
The GSA representative was not aware that the graduate portion of the levy would be included in the refund proposal. He requested that this item be tabled as it is in violation of the Administrative Agreement which requires notice on student fee adjustments. The President noted that the University is responsible for ensuring that fees are distributed to the appropriate clubs/groups. If the fees are not being spent for the Garden Spot, then the graduate students should receive a refund. It was suggested that the University retain the fees while the GSA sorts out the refund process.
It was moved by Mr. Wernick and seconded by Dr. Carruthers that the Board of Governors approve the proposed changes to both the Garden Spot and the Drug/Accident/Dental fees, and excess payment refunded with the exception of the GSA portion of the Garden Spot fees, subject to satisfactory agreement between the parties. The motion carried.
6.2Framework for the 2013-2014 Operating Budget
The Vice-President (Finance and Administration) made a presentation. He provided a financial overview, changes since April 18th, 2012 when the 2012-2013 budget was approved and the 2013-2019 planning framework.
He reviewed the 2012-2013 Operating Revenues and Expenditures, noting that income from tuition fees and the government grant are solely based on registration. Most of the expenditures are allocated to salaries and benefits.
Undergraduate Enrolment
There is a modest growth in the number of students. The University is not forecasting any significant changes in first-year student enrolment.
Pension Status
The University filed a valuation as of July 1, 2010. The Plan value as of July 1, 2010 was $688 million with a solvency deficiency of $76 million and Going-Concern deficit of $48 million. The Plan value as of September 1, 2012 was $779 million with Mercer projecting at July 1, 2013 a solvency deficit of $198 million and a Going concern deficit of $121 million.
2013-2019 Planning assumptions
- Retention at average of past three years;
- Domestic tuition fees will increase 3% per year;
- Maintain first-year enrolment for 2013-2014, then very modest increases;
- Discounted government funding to university sector for undergraduate growth after 2011-2012.
- Annual reduction in expenditures of $2.0million;
- Extraordinary pension payments (started in 2010-2011);
- Annual base fund of $1 million for mission critical initiatives;
- Enrolment-Linked Budget Allocation model in place that provides 40% of net new income from undergraduate growth to faculties.
It was moved by Mr. Tattersfield and seconded by Ms. Daly that the Administration be directed to develop a 2013-2014 Operating Budget that will permit progress towards institutional priorities. The motion carried.
The ancillaries consist of Athletics, Bookstore, Health and Counselling Services, Housing and Conference Services, Graphic Services, Parking and University Centre. Their mandate is to break even in terms of generating sufficient revenues to fund the cost of providing service.
It was moved by Mr. Dickie and seconded by Ms. Samson-Verreault that the Administration be directed to develop the ancillary budget based on the Framework. The motion carried.
6.3Amendment to the Academic Governance of the University
Governors received proposed amendments to Article 9.5 – Standing Committees of the Academic Governance of the University. It was explained that the new Quality Assurance process changes how curriculum changes are assessed. As a result, most of the work of the Senate Curriculum Committee has been taken over by the Carleton University Committee on Quality Assurance. The remaining work consisted of minor changes to the descriptions and titles of course. This work overlaps, considerably, with the work of the Senate Committee on Admissions and Studies Policywhich oversees changes to the calendar. The two committees also have considerable overlap in membership and both committees agreed that it would be most efficient to combine the tasks and have a single committee – the Senate Committee on Curriculum, Admissions and Studies Policy. At its meeting on September 28, 2012, Senate approved the creation of Senate Committee on Curriculum, Admissions and Studies Policy and the termination of Senate Curriculum Committee. In order to include this change in the Academic Governance of the University, amendments to the standing committees are required.
It was moved by Mr. Black and seconded by Mr. Wolfenden that the amendments to Article 9.5 be approved, as presented. The motion carried.
There were no items for information.
There being no further business, the Open Session was adjourned at10:05 a.m.