Malcolm Eves (secretary), Geoff Armstrong, Kathleen Turnbull, Colin Calder (Westbourne Medical Centre).

Dorothy Elliott (chair), Mike Brewster (vice-chair) (Grangewood Medical Centre).

Gladys McKillup, Janice Collier (Hetton Medical Centre).

Mary Buston (Kepier Medical Centre).

Brian Nelson (Houghton Medical Centre).

Harry Brown, Norma Bright (Herrington Medical Centre).

Mike Lowthian (Age UK).


Jackie Gillespie, Margaret Hope, Paul Finch, Margaret and Brian Doyle.


Mike gave an overview regarding engagement in the Coalfield area. The SCCG has Vanguard status to provide health and social care support to those 65+ with long-term health problems. The aim was to give more support at home in order to avoid hospitalisation.

The multi-disciplinary teams were being initiated e.g. that at Houghton UCC was now in place. Mike’s team is talking to interested groups such as luncheon clubs and holding public events in order to engage with patients and carers. Leaflets were being distributed also. Dorothy noted that at an earlier public meeting lots of questions remained unanswered.

An essential IT system had yet to be developed. Sharing of information had to meet data protection protocols. Good communication was seen as being at the heart of efficient working. Mike would seek initial feedback from involved patients and this would be reported to SCCG. Key partners would be present at a conference to be held in February 2016. Mike confirmed that Hetton New Dawn had been involved. He confirmed also that key partners in different geographical areas were in touch with each other regarding lessons learned.

A survey from the SCCG’s comm’s team had been given to Mike’s team for implementation. Mike was thanked for his input.

Mike Brewster noted that information from the survey was being collated.


They were agreed as a true record although Dorothy noted that it was she rather than Mike Brewster who had asked David Gallagher about patient consultation.


Jackie had sent an email to Malcolm giving some updates. He would forward it to Forum members. In response to our earlier query, Sunderland was not involved in a GP bonus payments scheme to limit hospital admissions. Dorothy noted that Grangewood’s Dr Gray reported that more treatment was being handled in surgeries. The aim was to expand this best practice. There was certainly no intent to cut down referrals when hospital was the most appropriate location for the patient.

Sunderland doctors would share best practice and their expertise would be harnessed across the City. There was the issue of being able to quantify how many patients had been kept well enough to avoid a hospital referral.

Jackie mentioned that SCCG is in the process of finalising its Strategy for General Practice, a structure that would be in place 2016-2021.

Community integrated teams were being rolled out in localities. SCCG had been successful in bidding for support funding. Further funding would allow for the introduction of 6 clinical pharmacists to work in primary care. They would work across 15 practices which expressed interest. Members hoped for more information about the specifics of the roles when Jackie next attends. Janice noted the success of these professionals when promoting self care.

Mike noted that the multi-disciplinary teams were only for the 2-3% of patients considered to be very vulnerable i.e. with two life-threatening conditions…dementia counted only as one even though it covered several problems. It was important for us to express our views e.g. physiotherapists were not included in the teams.

Mary and Norma both expressed dissatisfaction with the service provided by the re-enablement team. Age UK held the contract for this service.

Mike reminded members that carers do their job for free whereas care workers are paid.


Dorothy handed out a leaflet ‘Sunderland Health Care Information Sharing.’ GP information would be made available to other professionals via a yet-to-be generated IT system. The aim was for more joined-up and safer care.

Members felt there was too much information on the sheets…bullet points were preferred. We need a clear list of what was being shared using large print and clearer contrast in colours. Dorothy would email a response before the deadline.

Mike noted that the Health Care information sharing showed a better level of understanding than Vanguard.

For our next meeting Mike asked if we might have an update on service provision from North East Ambulance Service.

NEXT MEETING: Monday 15th February 2016. Hopefully at Hetton Medical Centre.