Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting of MCTRS

Wednesday, April 16 2014 7:00 pmECCO Centre, Mission Creek Regional Park, Springfield Road, Kelowna

The meeting started with Chairman Denis Davies introducing the Directors present.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

Move to adopt the Agenda as circulated. Lisa/Gordon (Carried)

2. Speaker–Joe Smuin Introduced the Presley family who have had a long history of involvement with the KVR. This was followed by an interesting photographic presentation labeled “Myra-A Century Later” in which comparisons were made of the trestles 100 years ago with the same trestles today.

3. Approval of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, April 17, 2013. Acting secretary, Graham read the minutes of the 2013 AGM. Motion to approve the minutes. Vern/George (Carried)

4. President’s Report (Denis Davis) Indicated that it was a busy year in part due to the trail being closed due the boulder that had smashed into Trestle3. As a result the number of visitors to Myra Canyon was down about 10%. He indicated that 2 Trail Hosts had been hired and it has been proposed that 2 others be hired this summer. An important accomplishment was the signing of a new Partnership Agreement with BC Parks. Further, it was hoped that the annual inspection of the Myra Canyon area with BC Parks would take place in early May, after which work priorities would be established. Denis gave special thanks to the volunteers that had helped during 2013.

5. Treasurer’s Report Karen Merwin presented a detailed Financial Report (Karen Merwin) See attached documents. A motion to approve the report was carried (Karen/Ken)

6. Summary of Tasks completed in 2013 (Ken Campbell) Ken reported that the number of rock slides in 2013 were down substantially from the previous year. An attempt to do a site inspection in April had to be abandoned due to deep snow in some of the cuts. The inspection took place in May. A memorial bench as requested by Ms Donna Love was installed in June. The bypass trail around trestle 3 was a major hazard for the 800 or so cyclists participating in a Myra to Penticton event. Members of the Society played a major role in ensuring safe passage for the participants. There were several trail improvements made including clearing out some ditches and also providing better drainage, especially near trestle 6. Gravel was also spread in some areas and improvements made in the tunnels. Tightening of the bolts on all trestles was completed.

7.Proposed Work Plan for 2014 (Ken Campbell) Ken outlined the plans for 2014 including: the erection of storm shelters, spreading of more gravel on the western part of the trail, hiring 2 Trail Hosts, adding mileage signs on the trestles, installing a new trail counter near Ruth and investigating a route to the work camp above trestle 4. Ryan Elphick from BC Parks said the trail would be closed for 10 days in June in order to work on the slide area near trestle 6.

8. Election of DirectorsDenis indicated that all the current directors, excluding Mike Budd, were willing to stand. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion to approve this list of directors was approved.

George/Graham (carried)

9. Other Business

10. Adjournment