The annual meeting of the members of the Bayles Lake Homeowners Association (BLHOA) was held at the Lakeview Country Club, Loda, Illinois on May 7, 2012 at 7:00 pm.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Rod Cardinal, and a copy of the Notice of the Meeting with Proof of Mailing to each of the members, marked “Exhibit A” dated April 14, 2012 is inserted immediately following the minutes of this meeting.

The President asked the Board Treasurer if he had a list of members present and a list of members represented by proxy. The Treasurer indicated he did. The President declared that the meeting was duly called. The President asked if a quorum was present and the Treasurer indicated we did. The meeting proceeded with the transaction of BLHOA business.

The President welcomed all to the meeting and asked that if members had a question, to please stand and state their name, so we could get it recorded in the meeting minutes.

The President asked for a moment of silence, in memory of Tom Stack, long time BLHOA maintenance man. The President read a thank you note from Marilyn Stack.

The President introduced Brad Cosgrove, President of the Lakeview Country Club Board of Directors who welcomed us to the club. He apologized for having to cancel the buffet dinner that traditionally precedes the annual meeting. The cancellation was caused by a medical problem that Bob Cambridge, Lakeview cook, was experiencing. They have just found a temporary replacement cook to fill in while Bob recuperates from his problems. Cosgrove invited all Bayles Lake residents to check Lakeview out and consider joining the Club for dining and golf. Cosgrove talked about working together with BLHOA on a Lakeview irrigation dredging project and helping to improve some erosion issues on Bayles Dam at the irrigation pond.

The President introduced all the Board members and Staff and thanked them all for their hard work and dedication to our community this past year.

  • District 1 Dan Boyce, Teri Watt, John Konieczka
  • District 2 Rod Cardinal, Jim Flaherty, Dan Schneider
  • District 3 Ed Killen, Greg Weller, Gene Merkle
  • Security Officer/Building PermitsRay Soltysiak
  • Recording Secretary/Legal Counsel Ellen Lee
  • Board Treasurer Arvie Beard
  • Maintenance and Grounds Bob Siddall
  • Water Supply Operator Joe Sage
  • Newsletter Editor Diane Obernuefemann
  • Dispute Resolution CommitteeAnn Barbieur, Warren Hamby, Don Ward

Jim Flaherty, Teri Watt and Ellen Lee were absent. The minutes were taken by Pam Weller.

The President thanked Pam Weller for her help with the meeting minutes.

The President introduced Ed Killen, who read the 2011 Homeowners Annual Meeting Minutes that was held on May 2, 2011. The President called for any additions or corrections. There being none, Jack Thorstenson made a motion, seconded by Jim Bass to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.

The President stated that the next order of business would be the election of board members for three year terms, 2012-2015. The President thanked outgoing board members, Teri Watt, Dan Schneider and Greg Weller for their service to our community. Nominating Committee Chairperson, Dan Boyce read the slate of nominees, the nominees being District 1, Nick Schuit, District 3, Dale Foster. At this moment there is no nominee from District 2. Jay Ross moved that the nomination be accepted by acclimation, seconded by Ted Jeurissen, motion carried. The Chairperson stated that he will continue to search for a candidate for District 2, this would be considered an “at large” nominee and would be open to all residents of Bayles Lake.

Committee Reports:

Building Permits-Ray Soltysiak gave the building permit report for the year, 0 houses, 8 docks, decks and 27 dumpster permits. The high number of dumpster permits was due to all of the roof damage caused by a hail storm. Ray reminded that most permits are free. Ray complimented the residents on calling first and asking questions.

Security-Ray Soltysiak gave the lake security report for the year. He reported 2 thefts, a GPS Unit was taken from a vehicle and hybrid flowers were taken from a garden. He indicated a few calls regarding dogs not on a leash. He reminded residents that they must have their lake house number on all paddle/pontoon/fishing boats, make sure they have a life jacket on the boat for all children under 13, no sitting on the front of boats or dangling their feet in the water from the front of the boat. Ray also discussed helping Bob Siddall clear out a decomposing deer carcass from under a dock on the south lake. He reminded us, in case of an emergency call 911. He reminded all residents to remind their guests/contractors, etc., to observe the speed limit signs.

Maintenance-Bob Siddall was introduced by the President. The President also reported, Oct 29, a letter was sent to all residents describing Tom Stack’s health issues and the need to seek a replacement. Our committee (Dan Schneider, Gene Merkle and Ed Killen) received interest from 9 people/6 returned applications. Dec 5 the committee reviewed applications and interviewed the 3 finalists. Dec 6 the committee made a recommendation and emailed the President seeking board approval. Dec 7 job offer and Dec 15was the start date).

The BLHOA Board of Directors hired Bob Siddall to fill our maintenance and grounds position. Bob and his wife, Viva, have lived at Bayles Lake for about 25 years, at 260 Ocala Court. Bob retired this past June from United States Fire Protection Company where he served as a Construction Foreman, installing water mains, fire pumps and overhead sprinkler systems.

Bob stated he has been doing a monthly a check list, visually inspecting the spillway and Newell Dam and the playground equipment at Robinson Pavilion. These checklists are posted inside the Maintenance Shed along with the Storage Agreement forms. He has been doing maintenance on the 3 John Deere vehicles, changing oil, filters, greasing and cleaning. He will start next week removing the leaf enclosures and cleaning up the ashes. He has been turning on water, as requested by homeowners as they return from their winter homes. Bob states he has some concern about turning the water on too early, in case a leak develops before the homeowner arrives. He would like to develop a form with important contact information regarding shut off/turn on information. He is waiting to hear back from Lee Excavating with a price for the removal of the ashes from the burn pile. He has a price quote from Hofer Trucking. He plans on burning the brush at the burn pile on a more regular basis, keeping the volume down and better manage it. He has been mowing and grading the areas at the Maintenance Shed as the boats are removed.

He has been in contact with the IEPA about obtaining a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. This is a new State Law from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. In Illinois, the new law became reality for the use of any chemical, biological or mechanical applications that happen near, over, and in waters of the United States and this is a requirement of the Clean Water Act. BLHOA has made an application for this permit that will cover all of our residents for the use of products for vegetation control, insect/mosquito control, and animal pest control on our shorelines, boat channel and spillway. This is a 5 year/renewable permit.

NPDES permitting will be a new requirement for many homeowner associations; we have been exempt in the past. In general, we are required to perform duties such as record keeping, equipment maintenance, site inspections to remain in compliance with the permit.

Finance-Dan Boyce thanked his committee, Rod Cardinal, Jim Flaherty and he really appreciates the work and help of Arvie Beard. He stated that we have a reserve fund of $100,000.00, with Busey Bank investing $65,000.00 and Federated Bank investing $35,000.00. Our year-end balance in our checking account was $66,630.00. Our 2012-2013 proposed budget was $279,812.00 with anticipated expenditures of $276,283.00.

Resident comments: Ron Moline stated that we did not have last year’s budget or year-end totals for comparison. Jim Bass stated that they had no opportunity to question or compare. DeannaWimer challenged the board to be more forthcoming with this information. Deane Trumble stated that the information on this year’s handout only gave this year’s projections.

The president apologized for the lack of information. The Finance Chairperson asked that anyone who wanted more specific information to contact him and he would get the requested information to them.

Lakes and Parks-Rod Cardinal thanked his committee, Ed Killen and John Konieczka.

Highway Shoreline/Terracing Project: This past year we finished our shoreline/terracing work at the bridge, boat channel and the county road. This completes 2 years of maintenance work in this area, getting rid of a lot of brush, weeds and trash and has made the whole area a neat, clean and attractive part of our lake. It will be easier to maintain. Richard Vance, Vance Landscaping, Paxton, did all this work and we really appreciate his hard work during those hot July days.

Newell Dam Shoreline Project: We had Berns Clancy and Associates complete the Newell Dam safety inspection and analysis and the associated spillway facilities inspection last fall, as mandated by the Department of Natural Resources/Office of Water Resources. This safety inspection is done every five years.

In general, the dam and spillway were found to be in sound condition. However, a number of minor maintenance needs were identified:

  • Placement of riprap erosion control materials on the face of Newell Dam.
  • Modification of vegetation on the downstream face of Newell Dam.
  • Placement of riprap in the spillway outlet channel, north of Skyline Drive,

fill in scour hole.

  • Extend and raise the spillway concrete sidewalls. (Wing walls)
  • Removal of brush and wood vegetation from portions of the inlet/outlet channels and downstream of the spillway.
  • Create an Emergency Action Plan, Operation Plan and Maintenance Plan.

Bayles Dam Clean Up: This dam is located past the end of Country Club Lane. It separates the Lakeview Golf Course irrigation pond and Bayles Lake. Last fall we cut down a few trees/shrubs and lots of weeds and will strengthen the wall face on the Bayles Lake side with some additional rip rap. The Lakeview board has done a great job investigating our EPA concerns and we have agreed to continue working with them on this project. We will work together to correct an erosion issue at the dam.

Lake Water Testing: We will continue to use PDC Labs for testing lake water quality for swimming / recreational purposes. Samples are taken from 7 sites and analyzed. We have had a good year with no water quality issues. Samples will be collected later this month.

Sedimentation Study: Lake Iroquois has a company coming the middle of May to do some sediment removal work on its fishing pond and a couple of their eroded bays. I have talked with this company and have asked to meet with them when they complete their job over there. I will be watching as to how they perform this job and where and how they store the vacuumed sediment.

We still need to look into the algae and sedimentation issues at Bayles Lake. Our goal is to develop a Lake Management Plan: To assess, enhance and manage our aquatic and natural resources and its environmental impact on recreational boating, swimming and fishing at Bayles Lake.

Their information can assist in planning: budget planning, creating a timetable, identifying areas and priorities for removal, removal method and storage areas.

Bayles Lake Trapping: In response to some resident’s concerns, this past winter the Board of Directors had permitted Greg Anderson, Paxton, to trap on association property. He was successful in trapping several muskrat, mink, possum and raccoon. The trapping season is now closed.

We are now working with the state DNR Out of Season calendar and if residents have problems, please check out our website under “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ), scroll down the page to find information on nuisance wildlife.

Fish Stocking and DNR Request: In 2011 we added about 900, 6-8 inch Walleye to the lake.

This spring we have added about 1000 Channel Catfish to Bayles Lake. As we follow along with the Department of Natural Resources suggestions, the catfish species was next in line and hopefully this fall we will be adding either Walleye or Hybrid Stripped Bass.

We have also made a request with the DNR to visit Bayles Lake and conduct its Fish Sampling Program, which we use to help guide us in restocking the lake with fish. Their last visit was 2009.

Bayles Lake Clean Up Day: Rain or shine, Saturday, July 7, will be our Bayles Lake Clean Up Day. A dumpster will be located at the Maintenance Shed, 8:00 a.m. to noon, so that our homeowners can dispose of unwanted stuff that may be cluttering up their yard or taking up space in the garage. Remember the new state law regarding dumping of electronic equipment into landfills.

New State Law from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency:The Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act prohibits disposing of unwanted electronics in regular trash for burial in landfills starting Jan. 1, 2012. This includes televisions, computers, monitors, printers, keyboards, DVRs, etc.; these products typically contain many valuable metals that can be recycled.

A list of registered electronic waste (e-waste) collection sites and information for manufacturers, collectors, recyclers and refurbishers is available on the IEPA/Electronic Waste Recycling page. You can check the IEPA.com website for more information.

Remember, we cannot accept this material on our clean-up day. Champaign, Bloomington, Danville and Kankakee all have drop off sites and they are the nearest locations to Bayles Lake.

Reserving Robinson Pavilion at Healey Park: The Robinson Pavilion is available to all of our Bayles Lake community. For reservations, rules and regulations, please call Barb at 312-403-9978 or check the Bayles Lake website for more reservation information. There is a $25.00 rental fee.

Bayles Lake Boat Docks at Lakeview: We would like to remind everyone that the two boat docks on the shoreline of the Lakeview Country Club can be used by our residents to boat over to the club for dinner or golfing. In 1997 the Bayles Lake Auxiliary raised money and with the help of many of the Bayles Lake residents and the BLLOA Board, built the two boat docks so that our residents could boat over to Lakeview.

Boating Etiquette: If you observe violations, please take down the number of the boat and call Bayles Lake Security. Bayles Lake Security will contact repeat violators.

Please observe the white “Slow-No Wake” zone buoy’s on the lake.

No motor boat should be operated within 50 feet of the shoreline unless going to or from the dock.

Make sure all your boat lights work, use them after dusk. Use your docking lights only while docking your boat, not while boating on the lake.

Park Reminders: Leaf burning bins in the parks will come down starting next week.

Please check the website, Rules and Regulations, and review information regarding:

  • Burn Pile Information
  • Boat Registration
  • Boat Safety
  • Fishing Rules
  • Parks
  • Lake/Shoreline/Beaches

It is all of our responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the Bayles Lake community.

Miscellaneous Information-Bayles Lake Website: We have added many new email addresses to our “Residents” page on the website and we appreciate this easy way to communicate with you. continues to be a very valuable resource to our community. Please check it out and bookmark it as one of your favorites and see the latest news and events at the lake. If you would like to add your email address, please contact r . If you have forgotten the username or password, please contact us.

There were 8 new trees planted this past year, 4 by this committee and 4 by our residents.

Residents Comments: John Ragland stated he would like to see a plan developed for sedimentation removal. He has been talking about this subject for many years and does not see any progress. He stated that the lake is an asset and we need to protect it. He appreciates the attention and he understands that there are complicated EPA rules but hopes that something can be done soon. Anna Mae Merriman stated that we need to encourage residents not to blow their leaves into the lake