Minutes of the 2001-02 AGM at Mobberley Victory Hall on Friday the 26th of April 2002
Due to the late arrival of Ray Dale due to family matters, this point was carried over to his report section (item 6).
Sid Jones welcomed all present and thanked them for their attendance. He mentioned the need to hold onto the good history of the league whilst looking forward to improving and expanding it in the future. Sid thanked Dave Nuttall for his work in the past 7 years of being Secretary and welcomed the new post holders when voted on later in the meeting.
None noted by the Secretary.
Minutes of the 2000 - 01 AGM had previously been circulated by the Secretary to all clubs and copies were available at this AGM. Accepted as a true and accurate record.
No matters arising from the minutes which had not been dealt with throughout the season in Management meetings.
As Ray Dale held both Chairman and Treasurers positions, this item was incorporated in item 7 below.
Ray Dale reported "The balance sheets as usual have been set out to show expenditure for previous years. The final balance of the year has fallen sharply due to various additional expenditures incurred. I have also included predicted expenditure for season 2002-03.
For the future, for the K&DASL to move forward, fees will have to increase to cover additional expenditure and costs to keep the balance sheet sound. I will go through expenditure with my own comments for changes to be put forward.
Honorarium; this will have to be increased to a realistic level, both Secretary's and Treasurers honorarium have not been increased since 1992 (except slight increase last year). We have the new position of competition secretary and again the amount should be increased for 2002 - 03. The amounts will have to be passed at the AGM.
Expenditure has gone up over the last year, especially the Treasurers, due to more delegates attending monthly meetings. The league offers delegates a drink, as a thank you for attending - no doubt they attend at their own expense and in their own time on behalf of others.
League Handbooks; None were issued this last season due to lateness of starting 3 divisions and other restraints, money saved was offset by refreshments at finals and AGM.
Scorecards; Saving was made by using another printer for the same quantity.
Trophies and engraving; With having additional division expenditure, this has gone up, plus engraving costs and replacement / new annual trophies.
Trophies; Moneys allowed for prizes is approximately £400 net per division including competitions. If you take the cost away of replacement cups and engraving (£372) the figure left is around £400 x 3. The trophy suppliers give us generous 35% discount on the trophies, charge minimal (£100 instead of £450) for all the engraving and have donated the new Presidents Trophy.
Insurance; I cut out insurance of trophies some 5 years ago on the grounds that cost did not warrant value. Money saved paid for replacement trophies and engraving costs.
Photo shoot; this is a one-off for the leagues 50th anniversary.
Wreaths / donations; £10 was donated to charity via the funeral directors regarding the passing away of league player Dave Prosser.
Charity Shield; 2 x £25 donations to charity of the teams choices.
Finals of competitions; Buffets at finals was reintroduced, buffets laid on at the Jay / Pairs final (£50), Rotary final (£50), Redwood Hire Champions Cup day (£87.50). We stopped having buffets years ago due to a lack of support.
Presentation / AGM; Hire of hall £35, plus buffet for 50+ (£200), cost of anniversary of league complimentary drink will be shown on the 2002 - 03 accounts.
Income; Funding from league match fees operates as a blanket charge, introduced gradually from 1975 to replace the 10 different charges made.
Future; I would like to put to the AGM that 2002-03 Honorarium for league Secretary be put up to £750, Treasurer to £250 and Competitions / Trophy secretary up to £175.
League fees; Players fees have only gone up twice in 20 years (1982 and 1992) and now 10 years on I submit that they should be increased to £1 hopefully for another 10 years to cover any increase in proposed expenditure.
The expenditure for 2002-03 will be approximately £3,735 based on suggested figures with an income of £4,032 based on the increased fees. The balance for 2002-03 will be approximately £300. Add to this the 2001-02 balance of + £308 will give sufficient working capital to meet first expenditure of the league (handbooks and scorecards). If the fees are maintained a surplus balance will build up to a point additional higher operating costs and will gradually reduce the balance over the next 10 year period.
I trust the floor will accept my honorarium suggestions and the league Management committee will accept my match fee increases.
It is with regret that I wish to give 12 months notice of my intention to vacate the position of Treasurer and I will undertake one last season in 2002-03 if voted in. Hopefully I have laid the foundations for whomever takes on the position after myself. I have been Treasurer of the K&DASL for some 26 years.
Unaudited accounts were then presented to the members which showed 2001-02 total income as £2,517.62, Expenditure as £3,309.07, Years balance of -£791.45, Balance brought forward from 2000-01 of £1,110.74 leaving a final balance of £319.29 carried forward to the 2002-03 season. Members were given full broken down accounts as to how each of this seasons figures were formed.
Dave Nuttall said "Just for a change I have to report that this season has been reasonably quiet with very few pieces of correspondence to attend to, quite a few phone calls but not a lot in writing.
It has been decided that now is the time for me to stand down so this will have been my last season as Secretary. I wish the new dynamic incumbent the very best for the future as he gathers the reigns and directs our league towards a more rigid and controlled future. Good luck!
I wish to thank all my fellow committee members for their support over the past 7 years with a special thanks to Ray for his total dedication and enthusiasm. I have enjoyed my time as Secretary and I hope that the statistics I have provided have been of a satisfactory standard.
Good luck to the new committee and my best wishes for their success in the future.
Please accept my apologies for cocking up the fixtures yet again - remember Division 2 and 3 should have been playing on New Years Day! - what can I say?
Finally, a very big thanks to you the players for allowing me to serve you over the past 7 years. I assure you that this has been a pleasure and not a burden to me.
Tony Crompton said "This has been a year of change - much of it needed - and I began my newly created league role around October with much I hoped for, much I needed to do and much I aimed to get around to doing.
The trophies were in a mess when I took over with the 2 main ones missing for several years and competition entries at a low level. Organisation was required and hopefully some enthusiasm and ideas if I had chance!
I am glad to report that as I resign from this role at the AGM, the situation is far better now than when I took over and certainly well able to be taken forward by the next post holder. They too will have their own ideas and we should support them in their endeavours.
Trophies, whilst not the be all and end all for anyone, are the figurehead for achievement in most sports and a right measure of a qualified achievement by those good or lucky enough to attain them. It is only right, I feel, that we should treat those trophies with the respect they deserve without placing too much emphasis upon the drive to attain them.
I don't think that it is too much to ask that when you enter a competition you know in good time where you are next expected to play - but in return nor do I think it unreasonable for you to attend that match once you have entered. Sadly whilst I have tried to let all know who and where they are playing, a minority of players have failed to attend those matches through choice or neglect. Hopefully this is a legacy of mistrust from past years and things will improve next year and in subsequent seasons.
Overall, though, I am more than pleased with my work in getting the trophies up to date and competitions running on time. Hopefully next year entry numbers will be bigger and competitions played throughout the year. I am certainly going to be on hand to offer advice or help to whoever takes over this role - if they need or ask for it.
I thank my fellow committee members for their constructive advice at times required. Steve Redwood for sponsoring the first new competition since I was league Secretary 18 years ago, Ray Dale for his invaluable help in many matters and the clubs for facilitating (sometimes at short notice) some matches.
In conclusion I congratulate all the players and trophy winners on their sportsmanship and skill whilst remembering the many examples this season that you don't always have to be a winner to actually be a winner.
A warm handshake through gritted teeth is better than a misplaced comment or not buying the loser a pint - it is not all about trophies but if we're going to have them then let's do it properly.
Ray Dale proposed the payment of the 2001-02 honoraria to the Secretary, Treasurer and Trophy / Competitions secretary. All in favour none against and no abstentions.
PRESIDENT: Sid Jones re-elected unopposed
CHAIRPERSON: Ray Dale resigned; Dave Taylor elected unopposed.
VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Ray Dale re-elected unopposed
TREASURER: Ray Dale re-elected unopposed
SECRETARY: Dave Nuttall resigned; Tony Crompton elected unopposed.
TROPHY / COMPETITIONS SECRETARY: no nominations prior to AGM; an appeal was made to the floor for a nominee unsuccessfully; Tony Crompton volunteered (proposed by Jack Tulley and seconded by Ray Dale) and appointed unopposed.
None received by the Secretary.
The management committee proposed a carte blanche adoption of a set of league rules to replace the wrong / unconstitutional / mistaken / misprinted set previously in existence.
Vote: all in favour, none against and no abstentions. Carried.
A second proposal had been submitted to the Secretary but omitted from the agenda and therefore not circulated to the members. After brief debate the members felt this could and should be dealt with tonight:
Additional rules be entered into the league rule list at rule 5 to read: (5.2) Clubs are required to send a representative to every Management Meeting and (5.3) Failure to send a club representative to a Management Committee meeting will result in 1 point being deducted from each team in the league from that non-attending club.
Vote: all in favour bar 2 abstentions and 2 against. Carried.
Meeting closed - date of next AGM to be fixed.
Minutes of the 2002-03 AGM at Knutsford Liberal (Brook Street) club on Friday the 23rd of May 2003
Attendance (50):
Tony Crompton; Jack Tulley; Bruce Tulley; Mike Roylance; Mike Gittins; Gary Nolan; Mark Holden; Les Howard
Knutsford Liberal:
Ray Dale; Andy Long; Steve Prosser; Sheila Dale; Tommy Drinkwater; Harold Cox
The Private Club:
Dave Taylor; Sid Jones; Andy Vickers; Tony Prole; Rick Edwards; Chris Smith; Harry Halsall; Alf Johnson; Dennis Robinson
Bob Jones; Mike Manley; Geoff Owen; Andy Cowell
Knutsford Conservative:
Carl Prince; John Prince; Steve Power; David Potter; Ken Shenton; Phil Redclift
The Tatton Club:
Ron Tagg; Rob Clarke; Keith Roden; Steve Franklin; Drew McAra; Phil Roden; Nick Walton
Shaw Heath;
Norman Cooper; Mick Hanson; Dave Jenyons; Peter Hankey
Wilmslow Conservative club:
Dave Nuttall; Peter Stakes; Norman Richins; Richard Bayley
Royal London:
Jeremy Straker; Mark Newall
None present
1 Opening remarks by the chairperson
David Taylor welcomed all to the meeting and explained the format for the meeting before handing the chair to the League President for the rest for the meeting.
2 Opening remarks by the President
Welcome to our 51st Annual General Meeting. I will begin my short opening comments to you by saying that there does seem to be a great deal more interest in the affairs of our league of late. Why? because you, the members, are more involved - especially in attending the league management meetings. I remember attending meetings not too long ago when there was only the Secretary, the Chairperson and me present. I'm glad to say that is not the case nowadays.
Credit goes to you but also credit must go to our new Secretary Mr Tony Crompton who has definitely stirred up new interest in our league. I must also say that Tony's work in researching and producing the magnificent commemorative league handbook for this season deserves a special mention.
Let us also not forget the previous secretary, Dave Nuttall, who took the role on when no one else wanted to know and did his best in his own way. This is an appropriate point to mention Ray Dale, our Treasurer, who has tended his resignation after over 25 years of loyal service to the league. Ray has helped out in many posts and capacities through the years and he leaves a legacy on his departure - I personally thank him for his work and wish him well in the future.
On the subject of work, I appreciate, as you will, the effort it takes for the officers to run our league but I also want to mention the work of the many team captain's. Again, years ago I ran teams and I'd give my players a fixture list and they'd turn up without hardly a contact between games. Now we all have very different lifestyles and much fuller and busier lives and the workload of Captain's has increased accordingly. These captains deserve yours and my appreciation.
My next point is that there is a clear improvement in the general standards of play in snooker as a whole and in our league in particular. In the 50's and 60's a good break in the league would be just over 30 and our league has breaks of that size winning the 3rd division, breaks over 50 in the second division and 70's in the first division.
We must not lose sight of the whole picture though as we see an improvement in the levels of play we must also remember that we are a league from top to bottom and all parts of the spectrum are vital to the success of the league. The likes of teams such as Mere B, at the lower end of the league, are just as important as the team that wins the first division - without both a league does not exist.
Finally I hope you all enjoyed your season, that you contribute to tonight's proceedings and that you continue to play in the league next year - and don't forget that someone has to lose so play it sportingly.
Thank you, Sid Jones
3 Apologies for absence
Steve Bond (Private); Richard Owen (Mere); Alec Wright (Mere); John Higgins (Wilmslow Cons); David Sykes (Mere); Craig Wreglesworth (Liberal); Graham Walls (Knutsford Cons); Bob Spilsbury (Mobberley)
4 Minutes of the previous AGM
The minutes had been previously distributed, discussed at Management Meetings and had been attached to the evening's agenda. Agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting, no objections or abstentions.
5 Any items arising from the minutes of the previous AGM
None arising
6 Report by Chairperson
Firstly , at the end of my first year in office, a warm vote of thanks to the other committee members, especially Tony for his hard work throughout the season, and Ray for the many years he has devoted to the League in a variety of roles. Equally the hard work of all previous Chairpersons and secretaries deserves mention, for which we should all be grateful.
Covering this season in particular - our mutual aim, from the start of the season, was to streamline Committee meetings, and in so doing create greater interest for all those attending, which has I believe, been successfully achieved. The success of the League, both now and in the future depends entirely on all players and officers acting as a unit, against a background of clear concise workable rules, to preclude as many problems as possible. To this end, a lot of time this season has been devoted to this topic and is clearly working. Long may it continue.
The efforts of Tony and Ray in seeing through the production of the Commemorative Hand book cannot be overstated, - congratulations!! On a personal note, I feel proud of the overall achievements of both Players and Committee this season and sincerely hope that the same levels of support are given to the new Committee.