Study Questions (Chapter Eight, Part II)

  1. What domestic and international factors contributed to the American economy’s 1970s slowdown?
  2. What is Vietnamization?
  3. What was the Nixon Doctrine?
  4. What happened at Kent State University?
  5. What did the 26th Amendment do?
  6. What were the Pentagon Papers?
  7. What two agreements slowed the arms race between America and Soviets in 1972?
  8. Name and describe at least three of Earl Warren’s rulings during his time as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  9. How did Nixon expand the Great Society?
  10. What was Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan?
  11. What acts did Nixon pass in response to Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring?
  12. What did Nixon do to stop inflation?
  13. How did Nixon respond to North Vietnamese bombing in 1972?
  14. What did the American public discover about Cambodia in 1973?
  15. What was the War Powers Act, and how does it connect to New Isolationism?
  16. How did the Yom Kippur War impact America’s economy?
  17. What happened during the Watergate Scandal?
  18. What was the Saturday Night Massacre?
  19. How did Gerald Ford respond to Watergate?
  20. What were the Helsinki accords?
  21. How do Title IX, the ERA, and Roe vs. Wade connect?
  22. What did the Supreme Court rule in US v. Bakke, and how does it connect to Affirmative Action?
  23. What did President Carter accomplish at Camp David?
  24. What led to the first oil crisis under President Carter?
  25. What was President Carter’s malaise speech?
  26. What was President Carter’s proposed Rapid Deployment Force made in response to?
  27. What happened in Iran on 11/4/1979?
  28. How did Carter attempt to respond to the Iranian Hostage Crisis?
  29. Why did Edward “Ted” Kennedy’s campaign fail?
  30. What were some of the reasons the Republicans succeeded in 1980?
  31. What were Ronald Reagan’s beliefs?
  32. What did Ronald Reagan do to the size of the federal government?
  33. What are “supply-side economics” and how do they connect to Reaganomics?
  34. How did the economy change from the early 80s to the mid-80s?
  35. What was Reagan’s Star Wars initiative?
  36. How did Reagan respond to Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon?
  37. How did Reagan deal with communism in Latin America?
  38. What were Glasnost and Perestroika?
  39. What was the INF Treaty?
  40. How did Reagan deal with Nicaragua, and how did that lead to the Iran-contra affair?
  41. What was the Moral Majority?
  42. How did Reagan’s administration attempt to counter Affirmative Action?
  43. How did the Reagan administration address abortion rights?
  44. What was Black Monday?
  45. What happened in 1989 in Tiananmen Square?
  46. What happened to the Berlin Wall in 1989?
  47. What happened to Gorbachev in 1991, and how did that impact the Soviet Union?
  48. What was the Persian Gulf Crisis, and how did it connect to Operation Desert Storm?
  49. What were George H.W. Bush’s domestic policies?
  50. Who ran in the election of 1992?
  51. What was “don’t ask, don’t tell?”
  52. How did Clinton’s policies impact the economy?
  53. What were some terrorist attacks which occurred in America during the 90s?
  54. What was the Contract with America?
  55. What is NAFTA?
  56. What is the WTO?
  57. What were the two main domestic issues Clinton fought for during this second term?
  58. What were some of the foreign policy difficulties Clinton faced?
  59. What was the Lewinsky Affair?
  60. Who ran for the presidency in 2000?
  61. What was the Kyoto Treaty?
  62. What happened on 9/11/2001?
  63. What was the Patriot Act?
  64. What was Guantanamo Detention Camp?
  65. What was the Axis of Evil?
  66. What led to the U.S. invasion of Iraq?
  67. What domestic policies in George W. Bush support prior to the election of 2004?
  68. What caused a loss of faith in the American government in 2005?
  69. What led to the 2008 recession?
  70. What domestic policies did Barack Obama support?
  71. What is the Tea Party?
  72. What is the information age?
  73. How did economic disparity increase in America during the 1990s and 2000s?
  74. What factors impacted the “aging of America?”
  75. What factors impacted immigration in America from the 1980s to the 2000s?
  76. What happened to Rodney King?
  77. What happened in the OJ Simpson case?