Venue: Paris, Palais des Congres, Room 243

Date: Sunday, June 8th 2003

Time: 10.30-12.00

Participants:Nikos Papadopoulos, Alfonso Negri, Jacques Gayraud, Daniel Caillot, Ioanna Agache, Eirenie Andriopoulou, Catharina Ostrom, Bjorn Pehrson, Deirdre Gould, Michael Sarantinos, Marta Orta, Rina Miriello, Carlos Nunez, Fulvio Braido

1. Welcome and Introduction of the new website

NP welcomed all members of the Web Committee and thanked them for joining the meeting. He then moved on to describe the development of the new EAACI website, during the last year and a half. The Executive Committee decided that the old website needed improvement in order to enhance the EAACI public image and communication between members. A brief introduction of the new EAACI website in a plasma screen followed, focusing on the structure and content of the site. NP, also, introduced the Technical Advisors of the website, Bjorn Pehrson from Congrex and Michael Sarantinos from Steficon.

2.Structure and Functions of the website

As far as the structure is concerned, the new website had to be in line with the old one but with adding some new categories. All the content from the old website was transferred and uploaded to the new one, along with new information. The new website will be functioning like a portal.

NP mentioned specifically the great importance of the Resources category, as it is the place where users can go and download useful information about Position Papers, CME Accreditation, studies etc.

Moreover, is a dynamic website which means that it is based on a database, where all members of the web committee can upload content by themselves, using the Manager Tool. DC and IA asked if they could have some more information about the Manager Tool and how exactly it worked. The main idea of the Manager Tool is that everybody who is responsible for a certain path of the website tree, will have access to add, change or delete content from that point and downwards. A question about the access status in the Manager Tool came up by MS who stressed out that it should be made clear who can enter the Manager and to what extent. A problem with file permissions was identified when trying the Management Tool in action. Section and Interest group webmaster did not have access for changing certain files. MS assured that they would look into the problem and solve it within the next few days.

Action: MS

NP raised the question whether there was a need for training sessions for the use of the Management Tool but everybody agreed that it was not necessary. A second, updated version of the Manual was decided and EA took the responsibility to prepare and distribute.

Action: EA

3.Content – Provision and quality control

EAACI Position Papers and whether they should be published on the web was put forward, as well. NP stipulated that due to the fact that Position Papers are official Papers of EAACI they can be put online without written consent from the publisher of Allergy, although this would have to be discussed in detail with Jean Bousquet and Blackwell.

Action: NP to liaise with Jean Bousquet

The need for more content on behalf of all Sections and IGs was then discussed and everybody agreed that there should be more pressure to the relative groups. CO pointed out that this was also a problem in the past and suggested a close co-operation between the Executive Office and the Web Committee on this respect.

Action: Webmasters to contact Sections/Interest Group officials calling for content
A suggestion for protected data was made by CN, accessible to members of a specific group only, through password. BP and NP commented that this is possible, provided technical issues are solved, and possibly, it could be realized in the members area.

Action: BP to liaise with NP, MS to propose technical solution

NP suggested trying to obtain more Powerpoint files as Slide Kits in the Resources category for educational purposes. IA commented that such as thing would be rather difficult because of the copyright problems. Yet, the need forstrictly scientific information is important. It was decided that scientific papers of great importance may be accessible solely to EAACI members, after they log-in in their membership.

Moreover, DC posed the question whether it is possible to upload PDA Files and NP said that there would not be a problem as long as they have format for PDF, Powerpoint and Word. DC also said that he wished to upload a 1993 EAACI Position Paper on the website but he had it only in paper form and not in electronically one. It was agreed to contact Blackwell Munsgaard Publishing to help find the document.

Action: EA to contact Blackwell Publishing

It was finally suggested that all digitized material from Paris Congress could be uploaded on the website, however big files should better be avoided. The possibility for this would also depend on copyright issues.

Action: NP to liaise with Jean Bousquet about the possibility of using Paris material
4.Functions of the Web Committee

a) Bylaws

A brief description of the EAACI website bylaws was given. These bylaws wereproposed and approved by the Executive Committee and would be included in the EAACI bylaws.

b) Communication/Meetings

The Web Committee will meet once a year during the annual EAACI Congress to discuss strategies for web development and improvement. A virtual meeting was also decided within the next few months, the date to be finalized at a later time.

5. Other business

NP asked AN about the situation with CME and e-learning in order to investigate the possibilities of implementing an on-line CME platform. AN stressed that there is no specific legislation for the time being, however the subject is being discussed in various institutions. He proposed to send information of the current status and efforts and how the system operates in other countries.

Action: AN

The meeting ended with the promise for a close co-operation between the Web Committee members. NP expressed the hope for a fruitful future of the new EAACI website.

The business was closed at 12.00.