The Retired Enlisted Association

834 Emory Circle

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915

PHONE: (719) 596-0927 FAX: (719) 570-7363

Minutes of the 19 May 2010

General Membership Meeting

{TREA 100-23}

1. Call to Order: President Wally Jones called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

2. Opening Prayer: President Jones gave the opening prayer.

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Sgt-At-Arms Lois Ross led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Roll Call of Officers: The Recording Secretary, Art Eastlick, called the roll of officers. Those present were: President Wally Jones; Recording Secretary Art Eastlick; Treasurer Ed Cates; 1 Year Director Lew Jackson; 1 Year Director Hank Reisig; 2 Year Director Chuck Zeitvogel; 2 Year Director Lois Ross; Club Manager Dennis Ellison; and Parliamentarian Dan Watkins. Excused absentees included 1st Vice President Ron Smith; 2nd Vice President John Adams; Reverend Bob Kwiatkowski, Chaplain and Bingo Chairman Mike Myers.

5. Approval of Minutes: The Recording Secretary, Art Eastlick called for any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the General Membership Meeting held 21 April 2010. There being no additions or corrections, the Minutes were approved as written.

6. Introduction of New Members/Guests: The President asked if there were any new Members or Guests at today’s meeting. There was one guest (who was introduced by the Sgt–At-Arms later in the meeting because he was not in the room at the time the President asked about guests); Mitch G. Henderson, the son of Life Member Roger Henderson, who expressed an interest in becoming a member also.

7. Announcements: President Wally Jones made the following announcements:

  • He had received a report that there has been some cheating going on in the Texas Hold ‘Em Games and has asked the Special Activities Chairman, Lois Ross to look into the allegation. He told her to first ensure that all participants of the games are being verified as TREA members and secondly to investigate that gaming is being conducted in accordance with established rules (with a report back to the President and Board of Directors). President Jones said he hopes this turns out to be nothing because he doesn’t enjoy talking to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, but that it was his duty to bring the matter to the attention of the Membership.
  • The second problem area the President addressed was that of the forthcoming Elections. He said that in accordance with the Bylaws and Standing Rules, the “people to run the Election” cannot be appointed, but must be chosen by the Membership. However, for the past four or five years the same people have done the work because no one else was willing to step forward (and he extended his thanks to Mr. Harold and those that assisted him for doing that).. He stated that this year we want to be sure that all candidates fill out their paperwork in a timely manner and follow all the proper procedures to ensure the Membership knows who is running for which office within prescribed timeframes and in September the candidates’ names can be published, ballots printed, etc. He said in order to accomplish this, he asks the Membership’s permission (since it goes against the spirit and intent of the Bylaws and Standing Rules and is something that the President can’t do) to allow Director Lew Jackson to oversee the process and actions of the Election Committee to ensure that all of these actions take place within proper timeframes. President Jones then made this request into a motion which was seconded and unanimously passed by a “show of hands” vote of the Membership. President Jones concluded by saying this was to ensure there was no question as to the legalities because the Chapter cannot afford to litigate with the legal staff of TSCL or National Staff on internal Chapter issues.
  • Finally, President Jones announced that the front door was damaged by an Auxiliary member’s car being left running (and in gear) in front. Since there is no type of curb or barrier in front of ANY of our three entrance doors, he has considered them being “accidents waiting to happen”. The President said that he has asked the Building Committee to look into options to prevent this from happening again.

8. Committee Reports: Committee reports were as follows:

a. Finance Ways & Means/Donations: Treasurer Ed Cates provided the Financial Report as of 30 April 2010 as follows: Checking - $30,233.86; Savings - $47,187.56; Bingo totals of about $51,000 and the Capital Reserve Fund earning about $2,000 in interest each month, depending upon the Market. He said that overall we continue to show a loss of about $5,000 per month; the majority of that coming from the Dining Room, which was responsible for approximately $3,000 of the $5,000 figure, which the Club Manager would talk about. He noted that under “Donations”, Chapter 1 was represented by Mr. and Mrs. Bill DeBoer at the Military Affairs Luncheon and there were eight military personnel hosted at our table. Treasurer Cates said that he believed this annual function would be more appropriately budgeted under another category in the future rather than “Donations”.

b. Club Manager Report: Club Manager Dennis Ellison confirmed the loss report for the Dining Room and said it occasionally became worse in those months with three payrolls. He showed slide comparisons from both this year and last year in the same time frames to point out that although we are still showing a loss, it is significantly less than in the past due to the efforts taken in cost control. He said that he believes we have improved about as much as possible without price increases and stated that our food suppliers have criticized him for our low menu prices compared to the other people they sell to. (Mr. Ellison said we have the lowest prices in town.) The Club Manager pointed out that the food prices, utilities and virtually everything else continue to increase and we will have to increase prices to show any improvement in these losses. He was asked about raising bar prices and said that had recently been done and are considered representative at this time, but can always be considered. He was also asked if prices were raised, would salaries be increased and he responded that decision was up to the Membership and he could only recommend, but from what he can see we are greatly underpaying our workers compared to other restaurants in the area.

c. Chaplain’s Report: Reverend Bob Kwiatkowski was not present, so President Jones reported that we have lost three members and three family members; one member has been reported sick. He asked that anyone knowing of a sickness or death report it to the Chaplain.

d. Building/Planning/BL&SR: 1st Vice President Ron Smith was not present; President Jones said that the only significant issue to report is that the Building Committee is looking into ways to improve temperature control in the Atrium because it continues to generate a disproportionate expense in heating/air conditioning due to the windows and lack of shade/insulation.

e. Entertainment/Public Affairs: 2nd Vice President John Adams was not present. President Jones encouraged members to participate in the function on 10 June and asked members to use the sign-up sheets posted around the Chapter for various classes as well as the one on the Office door to help during the annual Picnic. President Jones said he has been asked why we put sign-up sheets up so early and he explained that nobody wants to sign up, so we want to be sure to give them plenty of time and opportunity to do so!

President Jones also said he hoped members had noticed that TREA National has developed a slide presentation to assist in recruiting members, which is a work in progress, so he asked members to please bear with us.

f. Membership/Historian: 1 Year Director Hank Reisig first said that there was no Historian report. He then reported four new members had been signed up, of which, one was a Regular Member, being retired Army. The remaining three were one Sponsored Vet and two Courtesy Members and he asked for a vote of the Membership for their approval by a show of hands, * which was unanimously in favor. He advised that the Membership total at this time was 1,695; down nine from last month and he reported that new members gained during the period 1/1/2010 through 5/10/2010 totaled 23. He encouraged everyone to “talk to everyone you can as often as you can” to try to sign up new members.

g. Awards/Military Affairs/Legislation: President Jones called 2 Year Director Chuck Zeitvogel to the floor by asking the Membership to render a round of applause for his efforts in making the rounds to school graduations and presenting TREA Awards to JROTC Unit Members under the cognizance of Chapter 1. Director Zeitvogel provided an overview; specifically noting that Unit sizes ranges from 70 to 270 which he said presents varied challenges to Senior Instructors and NCOICs. He also said he has asked in the past to have two individuals go out and present the awards from Chapter 1 because it gives encouragement to those young folks, who he also described as very professional.

Director Zeitvogel next reminded members that the Chapter 1 awards ceremony takes place in July and we need nominations in order to recognize deserving individuals within the Chapter.

Mr. Zeitvogel said that while on active duty we were often told to stay out of politics, but now that we are retired, it is time to become involved and to get others to do so also.

He went on to note that a number of legislative issues have again been posted on the Bulletin Board and singled out one from the TREA National weekly Newsletter to point out regarding TriCare funding of Hospice benefits.

*(Note: At this time, one of the members told the President that we didn’t vote on the Sponsored/Courtesy Members, so the President again noted the three names and said that without objection, the three were approved. There were no objections.)

h. Special Activities/Parades & Ceremonies: President Jones introduced this subject by stating we will need volunteers for the Memorial Day ceremonies. He also noted that after all the work put in by TREA, MOAA and a number of other local organizations, now that the VA is coming to town to do some finalization on the Veteran’s Cemetery, he hopes that due credit will be given to those that have worked so hard and so long for this.

2 Year Director Lois Ross reported that Memorial Day breakfast will be hosted by the Club on May 31st from 8 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. She announced that the annual Memorial Day Ceremonies will then be held here at 11 A.M. in the joint Ballroom/Bingo Hall area and said that volunteers will be needed to help take down (and later restore) the wall well in advance of the event.

Ms. Ross provided an overview of Special Activities to be held, including classes in Line Dancing and Ballroom Dancing and she said that if there is interest, there will be Square-dancing classes available after the series of Ballroom Dance classes are completed. She also announced a “Let’s Go Out To The Ballgame” group event scheduled for June 1st at Sky Socks Stadium for Chapter 1, which she said would also advertise our Organization and provided advance notice of the annual Pike’s Peak or Bust Rodeo to be held in July {which again provides opportunity for community involvement and advertisement, with Chapter 1 volunteers escorting attendees to their seats}. (There are numerous sign-up sheets now in place for these events and more details are available on the Bulletin Board, on the website and in the Newsletter.)

i. Scholarships/Grievances: 1 Year Director Lew Jackson reported that Scholarship applications have all been processed and returned and Chapter 1 and Auxiliary awardees have been selected. Mr. Jackson reminded the Membership that there are six awardees of $500 each this year. He said there were a total of 32 applications which went out; 15 were not returned, and of the 17 which went forward, some may have been included with the Auxiliary.

j. Bingo: Bingo Chairman Mike Myers was not present. President Jones reported some concern over the low attendance at some of our tenant Bingo sessions; saying if any of them decided not to continue, it would have a significant impact on Chapter 1 finances.

9. Unfinished Business: None

10. New Business: None

11. Good of the Order: The floor was opened for the Good of the Order as follows:

President Jones – Said members should be thinking about the forthcoming Elections; serving on the Election Committee as well as running for office. He reminded once more about ensuring everything being done correctly and on time. He also said we have received the information for the Convention delegates and the Chapter has 36, so we could send 18 plus 18 proxies, but depending upon our financial situation, we may be able to send only about 12. We’ll have to wait to see what the Convention Delegate Committee comes up with. He concluded by saying he understands we are “in the running” for hosting the 50th Anniversary Convention.

Chuck Zeitvogel – Made the point that in reading some of the latest literature he has noted that the Air Force now stands at about one third the end strength it was in the 50’s and 60’s. He said it’s interesting to note the decrease and says he suspects the other services are the same way.

President Jones – Says he has been told that two Chapters; one in Florida and one in Texas have recently closed! He says TREA needs new members in a hurry!!

12. Attendance/Drawing: There were 25 members in attendance at today’s meeting. Sgt-At-Arms Lois Ross conducted the drawing with results as follow:

First Drawing: $15;John Guthrie

Second Drawing: $_4; George Miles

Third Drawing: $_4; Dick Claman

13. Next Meeting: June 16, 2010 @ 1900 Hours

14. Closing Prayer: President Wally Jones

15. Meeting Adjourned: President Jones adjourned the meeting at 1955 hours.

Art Eastlick

Recording Secretary