Minutes of Teesdale Cluster Headteacher’ Meeting – 11.3.08

Apologies: John Redman (Cockton Infants) and Carole Connolly (Forest-in-Teesdale)

  1. Brian Kinnair introduced the newly-appointed Extended Services Co-ordinator, Gill Adams to the meeting.
  1. Lynda Walker from School Meals section of LA provided an update. Some key points were:

·  6 companies involved in re-tendering process – 3 are larger and 3 are smaller.

·  Tenders to be in by 4pm on 31st March

·  Tender presentation and evaluation by 29/30th April

3. Steve Vallack distributed some comprehensive notes on EYFS Staffing

ratios and required hours of provision. Some key points were:

·  County Durham is a Pathfinder Authority and changes to be implemented by Sept 2008 instead of 2010.

·  From Sept 2008 it is required that nurseries provide 15 hours instead of 12 ½ hours. This can have some organisational challenges especially around lunchtimes.

·  Currently there is a lack of clarity around staffing ratios in mixed reception and nursery classes.

·  If only nursery children are in classes the staffing ratio remains 1 teacher plus one other member of staff for 26 pupils

4.  Emma Boer from AONB ‘Living North Pennines’ Project spoke about

Projects in the Blanchland, Middeton-in-Teesdale and Alston areas for which she held funding. The aim is to encourage schools to use AONB (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) as an outdoor classroom.

There are 4 elements for which funding are available. They are

·  Travel Grants (Could be for supply costs, admission costs.

·  Networking

·  Activity Weeks

·  Resources

There are 5 projects:

·  Water Systems

·  Woodland based project (‘seed to saw’)

·  Film and animation project based around Alston

·  Buildings and Architectural Project

·  Hay-time growing project around Bowlees.

Gill Adams, the cluster Extended Services Co-ordinator agreed to be the ‘Green Ambassador’ for the cluster.

Emma Boer’s contact details are tel- 01388 528801; mob – 07815118232


5.  Darren Hryniszak gave a Spring update from SSCO. Steve Vallack and

Rebecca Jellis agreed to join a steering group. The partnership has been extended to 2008-11. HT’s were asked to sign to confirm that they wish to once more be part of the partnership. This involves the willingness to ensure there is a PLT is in place in each school to co-ordinate SSCO activities. Darren to send HB a document to pass to cluster schools to provide evidence that the £840 (12, ½ day’ supply) has been spent by July 2008.

6.  COL Business:

·  Sue Sewell reported on meeting of COL executive board and reminded colleagues re CAF training on 1st and 2nd April at Teesdale and Staindrop comps

·  Sue Sewell to invite Bill Niblo, chair of Children’s Board to next meeting

·  There is currently a lack of clarity re systems related to CAF forms but it is hoped the training will answer some questions

·  Derek Sayer mentioned there would be a meeting of the Children’s Board on 30th April – venue not yet known

·  A county-wide Language Link evaluation showed there is a high predominance of receptive language difficulties in children in the county. Evidence is also suggesting that the programmes are effective.

·  Sue Sewell explained that John Redman has written an action plan for the development of the COL and this was approved

·  Derek Sayer explained that the COL budget is to promote inclusive practice and individual pupil support. Contrary to the perception of some, funding is never taken from COL funds by LA without the consent of the COL

·  Funding can’t be used to top up perceived discrepancies between funding and level of support. There is a form on the Extranet for HT’s to complete it they wish to access COL funding in this way. Recommendations for expenditure can then come from the LA, but the ultimate decision must come from a decision making agency within the COL

·  It was agreed that for COL 6T approaches should be made to Derek Sayer in the first instance. This is then passed on to a decision making group / working party within the COL. The following agreed to form this group: Brian Kinnair (chair), Howard Blindt, Linda Sams and Paul Ruane. They will then report back to the whole cluster.

7.  Paul Harrison explained he might be able to provide MFL teachers to

work in primaries in the cluster on request. Heads completed a questionnaire from Paul regarding how they were currently providing MFL. He believed there would be additional funding made available for the teaching of MFL. Marilyn Gordon mentioned that Janet Boyd, an advisory MFL teacher is back at work following an illness and is available to work in cluster schools.

8.  Induction days in Teesdale and Staindrop Schools are 16th to 18th July

9.  Mike Grainger asked whether schools would be interested in using the learner pool at Green Lane if it were refurbished (the main pool is to be demolished). There was no interest in this option, heads preferring to use Teesdale Leisure Centre.

10.  Mike also mentioned that Janet Greaves had asked him to say she would be happy to check schools’ safeguarding files to ensure they are in order.

11.  Marilyn Gordon reported that Carole Connolly had asked her to pass on her thanks for all the support of HT colleagues over the years. Linda reminded colleagues that her leaving ‘do’ is at the Rose and Crown, Romaldkirk on 27th March

12.  Brian handed out a copy of the Job Description for the new cluster Extended Services Co-ordinator as well as some further information about her induction / deployment. He explained there is currently IRO £55K in the Extended Service budget and this includes Gill Adam’s salary. She is to be on the payroll of Teesdale Comp and have bases in both Staindrop and Teesdale Comp. A list was circulated inviting HT’s to suggest a date / time for an initial visit from Gill.

13.  Sharon Stelling reported on issues around the appointment of the 2 new S and L TA’s to the COL. She was thanked for managing the appointments and for her contribution to the meeting.

14.  Brian reported on 2 items from the School Forum. The first was ‘Health, Wellbeing and Achievement in Durham Dales’ which may contain a substantial funding stream for the cluster. Also Integrated Locality Service through the Children’s Trust and Use of Extended Schools Funding. Handouts were provided for both of the above.

15.  Judith asked that any unsold tickets for the Big Sing, along with a raffle prize be taken to the last workshop at Staindrop School on Friday this week.

16.  Sharon reported that due to pleasing personal circumstances, she is no longer able to attend DCPHA meetings. Richie Whitfield was nominated to take on this role. Sharon will also no longer be able to line-manage the S and L TA’s but it is expected that this will continue to happen at Evenwood.

17.  Linda Sams explained she has links with a person working for ‘Year of Food and Farming’ who is available to visit schools to talk about chicken farming or allow visits to her farm.

18.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 20th May at Headlam Hall (The Gallery)