In attendance:

Chair—Nancy Samuell

Parents—Gundy Upans (Secretary), Barb Hesk, Pat Pfrimmer, Ira Hall, Joanne Pepper, Kim Healey, Shirley Steven, Pauline Grimes, Kelly Beach, Aira Chapman, Roberta Alexander,

Principal—Jan Olsson

Vice-Principal—Alison Turnbull

Teacher Representative—Catherine Smith

Non-Teaching Representative—Alfred Moore (Custodian) sent his regrets

Student Representative—Jessica Grainger, Deputy Prime Minister, Student Council (sent regrets)

Community Representative—to be appointed

Also in attendance—Martin Roberts (member of community)

Regrets: Anne Costeloe, Karen Kitching, Louise Choquette, Sally Powell, Ann Cool (TLDSB Trustee)

  1. Welcome and Introductions—Nancy Samuell, Chair 2006/2007 welcomed all in attendance. She reviewed the purpose of the Council which is to act in an advisory capacity to the Principal. The first meeting must be held within the year’s first 35 school days.
  1. Minutesof previous Council meeting of May 17, 2007 were accepted without any changes. Kelly Beach moved the adoption of the minutes with Joanne Pepper seconding. The minutes can be viewed on the HHS website.
  1. Election of Chair and Council Members– Nancy Samuell was elected by acclamation for a second term. Sincere gratitude was expressed for the significant accomplishments made in the past year under her leadership after a few stagnant years for the Council. Most significant was the implementation of the Breakfast Program. Gundy Upans volunteered as secretary. Catherine Smithagreed to continue as teacher rep. Alfred Moore has volunteered to be the non-teaching rep. Jessica Grainger will be student rep. Parent reps will be: Barb, Pat, Ira, Joanne, Kim, Shirley, Pauline, Kelly, Aira.
  1. Student Council Report– Mr. Olsson spoke on behalf of council. He reported that the message that will be passed to students this year is more of “service” rather than the usual “spirit”. It is hoped that assemblies will be held once a month. Scott Hanolan, a motivational speaker presents the topic “Paid to Breathe” in October. There will be a Remembrance Day ceremony in November followed by a Christmas presentation in December. In February, Andy Thibideau will speak on “Caring and Compassion”. Ms Turnbull and Mr. Spiers will help with assemblies, Miss Pogue with dances with the first being held Oct. 24 and Ms. Roberts with Service beginning with the Terry Fox Run.
  1. Principal’s Report:(a) The School Improvement Plan was presented with $350,000 allocated in part to a new Science Lab in Rm. 314 and renovations to the main office, staff room and Special Ed. room. Ten classes per year will receive new blinds and moldy carpet will be replaced with tiles.

There is a four year plan for improvements that will be discussed with Anne Cool (Trustee), Paul Doran (School Superintendent) and Craig Young (Plant Engineer and Head of Budgets for TLDSB). Needed upgrades include the Technical Dept. which is over 50 years old. Mr. Olsson is hoping for $1 million to be spent over the next 4 years. In October the Department Heads will meet with Administration who will go to the Board with their wish lists. Bracebridge opened a new high school this year, Almaguin’ will open in 2009 and Gravenhurst has been updated. At HHS, which is 104 years old,we are waiting our turn.

(b) Code of Behaviour – a new brochure was distributed which addresses the issue of appropriate use of technology such as the Internet and cell phones. Parents are reminded to please not call students during class time—students can be reached by calling the office. In the new TLDSB progressive discipline policy, all suspensions and expulsions are discretionary.

Our new school motto is “Inspiration, Innovation, Integrity – Having the courage to succeed!”

(c) International Trips – France (March Break + 1 day), Music Dept. to France (Easter + 4 days) and Ecuador (March Break + 4 days) to help build a new school.

(d) Musical performance of Grease, Feb.13/14/15/16, 2008 at the Algonquin Theatre. Many parent volunteers will be needed.

(e) National Character Education Conference, Parent Event – Algonquin Theatre – Mon., Nov. 5 - It is hoped many parents will attend the presentation of Dr. Michele Borba on instilling moral values in our children.

(f) Parent/Teacher Interview Night – Wed. Oct. 17 in the Gyms.

  1. School Council Report – Nancy Samuell reported the Breakfast Programhas averaged 53 students a day but has served up to 95. Tara Smyth is coordinating volunteers, shopping and is there most mornings. Kelly Beach is looking after financial reporting. Volunteers are there from 8:00 – 8:50 a.m.and students can get their volunteer hours helping. The program has been fortunate with funding especially from the Huntsville Rotary Club, which has just donated $1000.

Eat Smart Program– 6 parent volunteers will be meeting soon with Dietitian Mary Ellen Deane to aim for certification of HHS in this program, which encourages healthy food choices.

  1. Parent Reaching Out Grants – Oct. 19 deadline – These funds are to increase parental involvement in the school through education, directly helping in the school, joining Council, etc. It is especially geared to include those who are marginalized by income, special needs, distance, language, etc. There is a strong co-relation between parental involvement and student success. Ideas to help involve parents include transportation, newsletters, parent information nights. After some brainstorming, a decision was reached to submit a grant application forHoya Helpers, a parent volunteer organization. Martin Roberts offered to write the proposal for the grant.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8 p.m.was made by Ira Hall and seconded by Catherine Smith.


Thursday, November15, 2007

HHS Staff Room (2nd floor, next to Library) at 6:30p.m.