First Grade Homework
Due Friday
Name: ______Dec. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2014
Mandatory - Read and log your Book-in-a-Bag each night.
Monday: / No SchoolTuesday:
Directions: Read the story then circle the correct answer. Please help your child if he/she is having trouble with words in the story and the comprehension questions. Have your child underline where he/she found the answer.
How to Grow a Sunflower
You can grow a sunflower.
First, place the sunflower seed in the ground.
Next, cover the seed with dirt.
Pat down the dirt to hold the seed.
Last, water the sunflower every day.
Soon the sunflower will grow big and tall.
1. What is the first step to help a sunflower grow?
a. water the sunflower
b. place the seed in the ground
c. cover the seed with dirt
2. What is the last step to help a sunflower grow?
a. cover the seed with dirt
b. place the seed in the ground
c. water the sunflower
3. What is the story about?
a. how to grow a sunflower
b. how to grow dirt
c. how to grow water
4. What else can you grow in the ground?
a. chickens
b. corn
c. hamburgers
Option 2 –Log onto for 30 minutes, 2 times this week instead of completing all activities under Option 1. Please initial nights completed.
Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs.Option 1 – MATH SKILLS
1. Practice the math fact cards that were sent home. See how fast you can do them.
2. Fill the hexagon using the following shapes. You can use the shapes more than once.
3. Solve the following problem. Make sure you show your work and include an equation.
4. Let’s play “Guess My Rule.” What attribute do all of the shapes have in common?
They all ______.
5. Write your numbers from 85 – 105
____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____,
____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____,
____, ____, ____,
Option 2 –Log onto for 30 minutes, 2 times this week instead of completing all activities under Option 1. Please initial nights completed.
Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs.