Minutes of STOKEClimsland parish council

held on Monday 15thJune2015 commencing at 7.30Pm in the Parish hALL




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SC 15/06/1 Apologies for absence: M Howlett, C Vulliamy

SC 15/06/2 Declarations of Interest: S Ross in replacement of Noticeboards.

SC 15/06/3 Public Session:

Mr I Salisbury handed out copies of the pre-planning application for building a property in Luckett. He stated that similar applications had been turned down on 2 previous occasions because of the adverse effect on the conservation area character and objections from Highways. After consultation with Highways and Cornwall Council the plans had been changed to accommodate the objections. The property is inside the development boundary of Luckett and the immediate neighbours have been consulted. After looking at the plans the Parish Council said they had no particular objections but would look at the plans in greater detail when they were submitted.

Mr D Kirkpatrick thanked the Parish Council for the new equipment on the Village Green. He brought to the attention of the Parish Council some small defects; the new swings squeak and the seats around the trees are built in such a way that people slip off the seat. Some of the slats are beginning to crack. S Tudor said that she had been in contact with Schoolscapes about the swings but would contact them about the problems with the seats. Mr Kirkpatrick asked about the replacement rubbish bins and was informed that the Parish Council had this in hand. Mr Kirkpatrick asked if the Primary school could use the Village Green for parking as the Primary School was intending to have a week of events culmination in a farewell party for the outgoing Headteacher. This would coincide with the Dante Festival and events in the Old School and Parish Hall and may lead to difficulties parking. After some discussion the Parish Council agreed as long as the ground was hard enough to take cars without damaging the grass.

Mr S Jones stated that he was surprised about the Traffic plan for the proposed Poultry shed using Back Lane, from Penpil crossroad to the Alms Houses, rather than passed the Duchy College. He suggested that the Parish Council suggested that an alternative would be to institute a one way system using both roads. This would ensure that HGV vehicles would not meet on Back Lane. N Cooper stated that this matter was on the agenda.

SC15/06/4 Minutes: The minutes were amended. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Coumbes that the minutes were accepted. All agreed. The minutes were signed.

SC15/06/5 Matters Arising

1.Parish notice board at Stoke Climsland: The clerk stated that the cost of replacing the noticeboards will be between £600 and £800. This is for flat boards made of oak with an oak surround. After much discussion it was agreed that these were very expensive. The clerk was asked to get a quote from the Woodcentre. It was pointed out that a decision had been made to move the boards onto the curved wall outside the Parish Hall and the cost should be met by the car owners insurance. D Crawley stated he would ask a local person about making the noticeboards.

2.Daffodil food: It was decided that it was too late to feed the daffodils but we should buy some for next year.

3.Insurance Cover: The insurance has been bought from Zurich Insurance on a three year basis.

4.Rubbish bins on the Village Green: S Tudor presented a proposal for fun bins on the Green. After some discussion D Kirkpatrick stated that the people around the Green would prefer black heritage bins with a cover to prevent birds accessing the bins. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by S Cazaly that the Parish council should purchase tree black bins, two for the Green and one for Downgate, and a wall mounted bin for the bus shelter at Downgate. This was agreed. S Tudor and D Kirkpatrick were thanked for their input.

5.Removal of Roller ball: A quote from AFE for the work to remove the rollerball and seat mounts on the Green was presented. It will cost £432 for all the work. It was proposed by S Tudor and seconded by S Ross that this was accepted. D Crawley abstained from the vote but everyone else agreed.

6.Risk assessment: S Cazaley will provide the risk assessment at the next meeting.

SC 15/06/6 Planning:

Cornwall Council list of Application;


Refusals, Approvals and Appeals:

PA15/03705: Mr A Corner, Parkwood Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HL: Construction of a garage and utility room with hobby/craft room over. The original application was not supported by the Parish Council but Cornwall Council had asked for changes to the application which has now been approved. They have stated that there is a condition that this will be for ancillary use only.

SC 15/06/7 Items for Report and Discussion

1.Report from Cllr Burden: Changes to the Planning rules are due to be discussed this week. With reference to non-material amendments, a system for informing Parish Council is to be put in place. The toilet debate is continuing and N Burden is going to raise all the problems he has been informed about. The Library and One Stop Shop consultation has been concluded. The case for Cornwall is being discussed. Devon Council has asked if Cornwall will join with them. This may lead to the loss of funding and Cornwall cannot do with less money. EU funding has still not been agreed, and is not likely to come until January 2016. Small businesses will not be able to apply for funding, of about £2m, until September or October although they can prepare for it. S Harvey from Tutwell has won two prizes for her cordials. The number of Group Leaders in Cornwall Council has fallen mainly because they have had an increase workload but no support. There are lots of problems with broadband around the area. BT claim to have 95% connectivity but for many this is intermittent. It would be helpful if anyone who has problems contact BT. There has been no news about the Trefinnic Solar Farm. Cllr Burden has spoken to Gavin Smith about the proposed route for the HGV vehicles. It has been decided that no HGV vehicles should go past the Duchy College or the Primary School. Highways will enforce the movement along Back Lane. It was pointed out that since the bus route has been changed many people walk along Back Lane now. The Parish Council will contact Gavin Smith and ask if the Construction Contract can ensure that no vehicle meet along the road. The Contractor can contact the Parish council for help with this. Cllr Burden was asked about provision of Dog Bins. He agreed to this. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by S Tudor that two bins should be bought. All agreed. The clerk was asked to contact Rosemary Stone for the appropriate forms.

2.Luckett Playground: C Vulliamy was absent.

3.Japanese Knotweed treatment: Areas with Japanese Knotweed have been reported to Cornwall Council who will inspect the areas. If they are on Cornwall Council land they will be treated.

4.Norton Farm and the car in the ditch: It is not known who owns the land the car is on. Further efforts to identify the owner were agreed.

5.Feedback from S Ross on the Green Incident with the College students; S Ross has not had an apology from these students. After some discussion it was agreed to ask the Principle of the College and Alison Hamilton, the warden, to the next meeting.

6.Caravan and shack near Wooda Bridge: Enforcement has been informed about these problems.

7.Feedback on the construction Traffic Plan for the poultry unit: This was discussed in Cllr Burdens report.

8.Luckett Mine: There has been interest in this site but there is no legal pack available. Luckett village association has shown interest in buy the site and have had a number of pledges from people in the Village. They have to form a Community Interest Company and arewaiting for information from Companies House.The land cannot be sold at the moment. It was suggested that Luckett company write to the Parish council asking for their support in this proposal and that the site remains as it is.

10.Feedback from Joe Jones on the Stoke Road Flooding: There has been no response yet although he has applied for funding to do the work.

SC 15/06/8Highways and Maintenance:

Highways have asked if any areas need to be resurfaced.

SC 15/06/9 Correspondence:

  • The Old School News has asked for funding towards the production of then news magazine. There followed a discussion about this. It was suggested that people outside the parish should pay but it was also pointed out that this pulls people into to attend parish events. Last year the OSN got £200. After further discussion it was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Coumbes that the OSN should be given £300. In a vote there were 5 for and 1 against. The proposal was passed.
  • Friends of the Parish Church have asked if they can put a banner about the Barn Dance on the Village green. This was agreed.
  • Validation List: This was circulated to the Parish Councillors.

SC 15/06/10Finance

The books have gone to be audited.

Payments: Cheques to the value of 862.79were written for the clerks wagesand Zurich Insurance. It was noted that Tamar Farms have requested another rent rise. The clerk was asked to write to Tamar Farms about the rent rise.

Receipts: Clairaut Energy £1466.67; ADM £105.00; Allotments £30.

SC 15/06/11Items for Agenda for next meeting

Japanese Knotweed

Luckett playground


Litter Bins

Meeting with Joe Jones

Meeting with Andrew Counsell

SC 15/06/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting

7.30pm in Parish Hallon 20 July2015

Clerk: Mrs Louise Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY

Tel: 01579 370819

