Minutes of Stennack Surgery Patient Participation Group

Meeting 6pm - Monday 29 February 2016


Linda Petzing, Chris Parker, Fiona Vinnicombe, Pam Stevens, Anne Oxley, Rupert Manley, Will Webb, Laura Kinsey, Roy Brookes, Anita Howard, Jenna Oliver, Chris Gendall


Jane Parker, Fred Richards, Marilyn Richards, Jeremy Preedy, Jim Thomson, Kirsten Kypridedmou, Oonagh Wootton

Approval and adoption of pre-circulated Minutes on 30 November 2015

Matters Arising

FV had raised the issue of inappropriate letters being received by patients for repeat blood tests. This had been discussed and all repeat tests requested over three months ahead would be added to a “recall” screen, rather than a letter being sent immediately by Reception.

Health Promotion

Thanks to Laura Kinsey for coming in to change the displays and working with Anita Howard on the agreed themes

Hearing Loop

Linda informed the group that a hearing loop had been ordered and kindly funded by FOSS


See AGM Minutes

Carbis Bay

See AGM Minutes

Back to Basics

It was felt that the PPG should go “Back to Basics” in 2016/17. It was agreed that the next meeting would be an open forum.

Shaping the future of health & social care

Linda advised about this review and that everyone had been sent the link to the survey.


Telephone Consultations – see AGM Minutes

Fiona discussed an on-going and escalating problem of abusive and aggressive patients. Due to a few recent incidents the surgery has been working closely with the local Police to establish a more appropriate and effective protocol. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated and letters are being drafted. Posters are also being produced to be displayed. The PPG were very supportive of this initiative.

Jeremy Preedy as part of the Penwith Integrated Care Forum sent in his report from the recent meeting. Report attached.

Date of next meeting – Monday 9 May (earlier than usual as Fiona & Linda have other commitments)

Meeting closed 7.15pm