Tangleloft Goldens Puppy Buyer Questionnaire

1. Name(s):

2. Email Address(es):

3. Phone Number(s):

4. Address:

5. Number of adults in the family:

6. Number of children: Ages:

7. Other pets (number, species, ages, etc.):

8. Referred by:

9. Have you ever owned a dog? Which breeds?

10. If you have ever owned a Golden, from whom did you acquire it?

11. Do you have experience with the breed?

12. Why did you decide on a Golden?

13. Do you live in an apartment, house, townhouse?

14. Do you consider your yard large, small, average?

15. Is your yard fenced? What type of fencing?

16. Where will you dog spend most of its time? In the house:

fenced yard: house with dog door access: other:

17. Generally how much time will the dog be alone during the day and night?

18. Do all adults work outside the home?

19. In spite of the best care and the best breeding practices, health problems may occur that require surgery or extensive treatment. These problems can include but are not limited to: hip dysplasia, allergies, cancer, accidental poisoning, and auto accidents.
Can you afford good veterinary care and are you willing to invest in your puppy in the event ofhealth problems?

20. Are you willing to take your dog to obedience classes so that it will become an enjoyable companion and good canine citizen?

21. Are you interested in your dog for (check all that apply):

Companion Hunting Agility Conformation Therapy Dog Tracking

Obedience Show Hunt Tests

22. Are you interested in joining the:

Local Golden Retriever Club?

National Golden Retriever Club?

23. Preference for sex of puppy? Male Female Either


24. Are you willing to buy and use a crate?

25. Are you willing to abide by a contract that specifies matters regarding registrations; health, breeding, and general care requirements?

26. When this puppy is purchased as a family companion and is not going to be bred, doyouagree to have it neutered/spayed no sooner than 1 year of age?

27. Will you agree to spay or neuter the puppy?

28. If not purchasing a puppy for conformation showing, will you accept a limited registration (does not allow offspring of your pup to be registered or your dog to compete in conformation)?

29. Until your dog is at least two years old are you willing to keep it thin, on an adult premium dog food, and not expose him to exercise that jeopardizes joint formation?

30. Are you willing to keep the dog on heartworm preventative and safe flea/tick control products?

31. Is there any additional information you would like to share?

Thank you for completing the Questionnaire. Please email it to me at: