Saturday, February 21, 2009
Osage Beach, Mo
Voting members:
Tony Mitchell (President-elect)
Joan Eberhardt (Past-president)
Gordon Rogers (Secretary)
Jo Ann Coogan (Treasurer)
Donna Pond (Central delegate)
Doreen Goldsmith (Central delegate)
Chris Hoag-Apel (Crescent delegate)
Sharon Trumbly (Crescent alternate delegate)
Teresa Coyne (Kansas City delegate)
Lori Davis (Kansas City delegate)
Cheryl Phillips (Kansas Cityalternate delegate)
Jim Gillam (Ozark delegate)
Pat Clutter (Ozark delegate)
Larry Faulkner (Ozark delegate)
Rodger Huffman (SEMO alternate delegate)
Ginny Myerscough (St. Louis delegate)
Annette Behney (alternate delegate, Kansas City)
Jan Kaminsky (member, St. Louis)
Gail Carroll (member, Ozark)
Jeanne Fogarty (member, St. Louis)
Judy Marlow (member, St. Louis)
Call to order and Introductions:
Tony Mitchell, President-elect and acting president in Helen Sandkuhl’s absence, called the meeting to order. It was determined that a quorum of 16 voting members was present. Attendees introduced themselves to all present.
Approval of Minutes:
The November 2008 minutes were approved with corrections to Chris Hoag-Apel’s name and to CedarCountyMemorialHospital’s name.
Treasurer’s Report: (see attached report also)
Jo Ann reported that the attached January report is complete. The February report has not yet been reconciled with the bank statement. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Treasurer’s report.
Chapter Reports:
SEMO:Rodger Huffman reported for the SEMO chapter that they recently acquired three new members and that in December they had $6,364.50 in their treasury. They have a membership drive planned for April and have had three TNCC classes, one in November, December and February. They have a bicycle safety event planned in May.
Central:Donna Pond reported that the Central Chapter has planned a two day CEN review course taught by Pat Clutter which will be in late April. This will also serve as a membership recruitment event because members will be given a discount deep enough to almost pay for their membership. Donna said that she has emailed nearly all members in our membership list with some responses but without seeing any new faces at the meetings.
Ozark:Pat Clutter reported that the chapter has decided to buy a laptop computer. They had a dispute with National ENA about a double discount offered to CEN testers that ended with them paying $180 to make up the difference for their nurses who tested. They have a Docu-Drama planned as well as CEN and CFRN courses. They will have an Emergency Care conference in November along with a Fun Night. Their March meeting will be a Bowl-O-Rama and they are planning a Manager’s Luncheon in October. The chapter has signed on as supporting the Primary Seat Belt Law and they sponsored a One For The Road event, for which final costs are still being calculated.
Crescent:Chris Hoag-Apel reported that they are having an ENPC class this weekend, and will have their next meeting in two days. They are working with Think First! which is being sponsored in their area by a local neurosurgeon.
Kansas City: Teresa Coyne reported that ten people attended their December Holiday meeting despite the snow. They reviewed their 2008 plans and goals and created their 2009 plans and goals. All their chapter committees have both chairs and co-chairs. They are working on coordinating disaster preparedness and homeland security. They have sponsored the Primary Seat Belt law. Lois Pusateri, who won an attendance at the CEN review course, passed her CEN exam. They are developing a point system for scholarship awards and have developed a membership needs survey, which they will take to their Spring Training on March 13. They have a CEN review course scheduled for October.
St. Louis: Joan Eberhardt reported for Carol Pettit that Carol is the 2009 chapter president, Jean Fogarty is the Secretary and Ginny Myerscough is the Treasurer. The chapter supported an ENA family with five children, the father of whom had an MI after being laid off of work during the Christmas Holidays. The East Central Region EMS Conference was financially supported by the St. Louis Chapter ENA, St. Louis EMS Officers Association and DesPeresHospital. The St. Louis Chapter contributed $1,000.00 to the day long educational endeavor which included contact hours for attendance. The chapter is buying an LCD projector to go with their laptop for educational purposes.
The chapter has several ENPC and TNCC provider courses scheduled as well as several instructor courses.
Committee Reports:
Course Operations(see attached report also):
Chris Hoag-Apel reported that a conference call was held with National, with discussion centering on bylaws and other non-Course Operations items. The cost of the provider manuals is going up by $5.00 each after June 2009. She discussed the change requiring 1:1 ratios of faculty to instructor candidates for monitoring and verification and the ability of the state to appoint temporary faculty and what the procedure should be for doing so. Judy Marlow suggested that we revisit this change with National. There was discussion about the geographic distribution of state faculty and the need for more faculty especially in light of the ratio changes. There was also a lengthy discussion regarding state faculty in the Springfield area led by Jim and Pat. Pat recommended the State Council vote on reinstituting Jim as faculty. Joan explained this could not be voted on by the Council and referred everyone to the Bylaws which state the President and Committee Chairpersons appoint all committee members, including ENPC and TNCC state faculty. A committee meeting to visit these issues and to standardize our State guidelines for ENPC and TNCC was proposed, including reviewing and standardizing the reporting requirements between course directors and the course operations chair.
Government Affairs(see attached report also):
Cheryl Phillips attended the D.C. Government Affairs workshop. She reported that funding supporting nursing education had become part of the Stimulus bill. In Missouri, HB 665, a primary seat belt law, has 60 co-sponsors. Missouri loses an estimated 13-22 million dollars per year by not having such a law. The motorcycle helmet repeal law is coming up again also. On March 4, 2009 there will be a Primary Seat Belt Rally in Jefferson City.
Gail Carroll reported that Bylaws and SOP reports were handed out last time. There will be a new committee meeting currently scheduled for May 2 from 0900 to 1200 at LakeRegionalHospital.
Combined Clinical Conference:
Joan Eberhardt announced Bill Briggs, the 2009 National ENA President will speak at the 2009 Combined Clinical Conference, as will Cindy Lefton and Colonel White. Both presented at the National ENA Conference in Minnesota last year. All speakers are now confirmed. There will be a presentation on meth labs also. Joan announced that the Missouri Ambulance Association could join the conference and be on the planning committee but would not hold positions on the Executive Board. The Missouri Flight Nurses can also join if they incorporate. There are concerns that the current decreases in hospital funding may affect the Combined Clinical Conference attendance. The CCC Executive Board and Planning Committee are researching and issuing RFPs for other potential conference locations in 2011 which will be the 25th anniversary of the Combined Clinical Conference. Pat requested that Sherri Lynne Almeida, our board liaison, be invited to attend this year. There was discussion regarding this issue since the national president was already going to be in attendance. Pat strongly felt Sherri Lynn should be invited. Joan requested Pat contact and invite her, but Pat needed to be sure Sherri Lynn knew there would not be monetary support for her travel, etc. It was moved by Lori Davis that the state council president invite her, but a motion was deemed not necessary to accomplish this.
Lori Davis reported that the last newsletter was smaller because less was turned in. The cost was down for that reason and because less typesetting help was needed. Gordon announced that the website was modified slightly to make it more viewable with FireFox.
Injury Prevention:
Tony Mitchell’s report began by reiterating the importance of the primary seat belt law. He discussed MO-SBIRT, which is not ENA’s SBIRT although it seems to be patterned after that. Tony has been to two meetings. The state department of mental health is working on a five year, $12.5 million grant for screening, with Heartland Health in St. Joseph and Cox in Springfield being proposed as two pilot hospitals. There is concern about duplication with ENA’s effort. Tony will contact Sherri Lynne Almeida to discuss this. The Battle of the Belt was also discussed, and it was announced that it is entirely a MO-DOT effort now.
Joan reported for Dianne Epple, requesting that all potential delegate shirt size information be recorded on the point system forms for easy access.
Ginny Myerscough reported that our membership total is 668, down a little from 673 reported at the last meeting. There were 25 new members acquired at the Combined Clinical Conference, nearly all of whom are remaining active. She announced the revised point system will be presented in May.
Nursing/Advanced Practice(see attached report also):
Jan Kaminsky reported on the state board of nursing’s response to inquiries about procedural sedation and the use of propofol (full report attached). She reported on the issue of multi-state licensing and presented a discussion of pros and cons of the issue. She presented information about Missouri’s registry for nurses willing to respond to disasters.She also presented recently revised interpretive guidelines from CMS, including guidelines on “standing orders” and other protocols for administering medications without traditional physician orders.
State Leaders Orientation Report:
Gordon Rogers and Jo Ann Coogan reported on highlights from the December orientation and board meeting. The National board is considering changing the delegate to member ratio, either to allow one delegate per 100 members or perhaps one per 75 members, instead of the current one per 50 members. Pros and cons of this plan were presented. Also, National ENA recommends that we keep up to $15,000 of our state money in a CD, suggesting that we are spending too much to send delegates to the General Assembly. They suggested alternate uses for our money might be to give some to the chapters or to use some to support ENAF.
Announcements and Discussion:
The National ENA 2009-2011 Strategic Plan was presented (see attached). A grant from the MO Department of Health is funding AIDS training in Missouri. Kansas City reported that Connie Brogan has announced there will be a SANE nurse of the year award in the Kansas City Chapter. There will also be an award offered for the Missouri SANE nurse of the year in 2009, as well as an APN Nurse Practitioner award (for ED or Trauma).
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded, and after an affirming voice vote the meeting was adjourned Tony Mitchell.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gordon Rogers, Secretary