Minutes of St Francis Xavier Parish

Date: 11th June 2015


Fr. Michael Morrissey

Sr Lyn Sparling

Fr. Alby George

Benny Joseph

Fr. Larry Rodillas

Sr Goretti Keane

Therese Asplin

Alison Dawson

Prayer: A farmer's Prayer

All present welcomed by Therese Asplin - Chair of Committee

Minutes accepted by Fr. Michael with minor changes

Seconded by Benny Joseph


A training session which as well received was held for the new ministers which was also attended by some as a refresher. The ministers were then commissioned during the Masses over the weekend in the Cathedral.

The intention is to hold another meeting of special ministers in a few months at which Fr. Michael will be outlining protocols for special ministers. When the meeting is advertised agenda items will also be included with opportunities for different times to meet the needs of special ministers.

JourneytoIndia Event

Great evening with $20,000 was raised through a variety of ways including donations.

Fr. Alby congratulated and thanked Benny for all his organising which saw a successful event.

Visits to people in their homes

Pastoral home visits to people in their homes. Fr Larry reports this has been a good experience for the people visited as well as for the priests. Anointing of the sick is offered as appropriate.

Youth Group at Sunday Night Mass

Fr Alby reports singing by youth at mass has been very appreciated.

FrLarry reports the movie night, barbecue events. Fr Michael will follow up with the 18+ group.

Foley family are hosting the youth group in their home at Drummond's Cove

World Youth Day 2016 update

Fr. Michael to follow up with Salvatorian order to linkDiocese youth to for WYD

Possibility of a fundraising evening to support families with youth attending WYD

Catechism Class

One class every month with approximately 15 attendees

Mission Conference

Fr. Michael’s presentation was well received. DVD's of the presentations are being produced and Fr. Michael intends to utilise back in Parish


In: nil

Out: nil

WorkingWith ChildrenChecks

Benny reported on status

Financial Report April 2015

Tabled and explained by Fr. Michael

Liturgy Report

Sr Lyn is providing information for new people to the liturgy group which has a formation focus which will assist them in this ministry.

There is a possibility of a session next term inviting people to allow for consistency.

Liturgy Committee will meet when a date is set for Masses to move to St John's Rangeway.

Sr Lyn has also produced a power point for Hymns.

Pastoral Report

Sunday communions to the hospital, nursing homes and I homes still happening

Youth Report

Fr. Larry just joined and is offering to assist where ever and has suggested a spiritual inclusion in the gatherings.

General Business


First stage has been completed and now back in Cathedral now but next step will take good planning. CDF explanation to Parishioners to understand how CDF supports the Diocese.

Conference in March

Year of consecrated life prayer distributed to Parishes with information on the charism of the orders. Fr. Michael will check with Benny to ensure information goes into bulletins.

Fr. Gerard also looking for stories from Religious people around exploring their motivation and inspiration for entering into Religious life. Sr Goretti has volunteered her story.

Next meeting: Thursday 30th July