Minutes of SECC Steering Committee-July 24, 2006
Members in attendance: Jenny Garey, Katie Horvath, Vernard Wilkerson, Henry Smith, Evan Holmes, Helen Kruger, and Karryl McManus(phone).
Others present: Joe Hickey, Jenn Williams-Gillespie, Phyl’licia Dixon(Administrator, United Way).
Joe Hickey called the meeting to order at 2:10 PM and the committee approved the minutes of the June 5 meeting. Joe then explained that after further consideration, JJ established this year’s goal at $550,000. The goal for the entire United Way campaign is $21.5 million.
Campaign Materials-Phyl’licia Dixon provided copies of the pledge form and the campaign report envelope and they were approved. The committee decided to create our own goal thermometer poster from a draft given to us by United Way, to be revised by Henry Smith. Phyl’licia will ask that all forms be printed by August 15 so they will be available for training sessions. Drafts will be sent to Joe for referral to the committee for approval. Jenn will review the pension form as well as pay check stuffers with Brook Hughes and the pension office. DTI contacts for paycheck stuffers are Henry Greene and Louisa Howard.
Chairs/Captains List-The committee examined the list prepared by Jenn and noted that approximately 15 agencies had not responded, so committee members will call those agencies. Karryl will contact DHSS, Vernard will contact Finance, and Evan will contact Safety and Homeland Security. The others will be called by Joe and Jenn.
September Kick-Off-Joe will contact Rosie to determine the September Cabinet meeting date and the SECC kick-off will occur immediately afterwards. The agenda will include remarks from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, JJ, Honorary Chair Jack Markell, John Langloh(United Way President), and at least one agency. It was suggested that we use Make A Wish Foundation, Delaware Hospice, or Juvenile Diabetes. We will also need a proclamation.
Training- Jenny, Katie, and Helen volunteered to work with Phyl’licia on a training committee. The committee will determine the content, dates, locations, and required supplies (and food) for two training sessions, one in Kent and one in New Castle, at the end of August. Katie will revise the training manual. We will provide campaign materials for the training including footballs (from United Way), pencils, magnets, and candy. Agency chairs will be provided the final total raised by their agency last year so they can set goals. OMB will help with securing locations and negotiating fees if necessary.
Other Activities-The committee agreed to set up display tables at the statewide support staff conferences scheduled for September and to encourage agencies to mention SECC at all-employee events like employee recognition. We will also ask that SECC be mentioned in statewide training classes during October.
Next Meeting- On the morning of the kick-off (to be determined).