Deacon’s Meeting
Jan. 10, 2016
Max Reddick opened our meeting with prayer. Excused absences are Lyn Oakley. Minutes were approved as written from the Nov. meeting. Max did a devotional exercise using S.O.A.P. Then there was an introduction of new deacons to the board. Mission Statement was read.
Old Business
First Aid Kits and defibulator set for the church-defibulator is outside of the chancel and first aid kit in the office. Need more first aid kits placed around the church and checked to make sure they are stocked. David Lufkin and Rhonda Garrison will check on this.
Re-key all outside door locks- Max suggested getting a bid for a key-less entry. Especially needed during Family Promise weeks. Dave will get in-touch with person for a bid on this.
Library- Theresa McManus will talk with C.H.A.T. team and see what has been discussed. Corner Class said they would store the reference books if needed.
Old Pianos- Report from C.H.A.T. is that the old pianos will be moved to new homes by the end of Feb.
New Business
2016 Budget- Chris Rohwer went over proposed budget. There was a surplus of $10,000 in 2015 that will perhaps be given to LRP. This will go to session for approval. A motion was made and seconded that we recommend this proposed budget for session approval. Motion passed. A motion that the $10,000 in surplus from 2015 be sent to LRP. Motion passed for session approval.
Devotional sign-up was passed around. Theresa recommended that we take turns with the secretary position. She will provide a form to go by. Rhonda Garrison volunteered for the month of Feb.
Home Communion- was passed around for Feb.
Meeting dates for the year were passed out but are subject to change to Wed. nights if session approves the change. They are voting tonight on this.
Committee Reports
Vans- no report
Congregational Care - no report
Ushers- Dave still needs some ushers. Need 2 ushers for 3rd Sunday, 3 ushers for 4th Sunday. We have 6 ushers now with the combined service.
Maintenance- David reported that the Foundation has approved the use of $82,000 to fix the chapel basement. This will be used by LRP to repair chapel basement.
Fellowship- Rhonda said that she and Maria Hagan will be meeting soon to plan events.
Finance - Lisa New is working with stewardship but no chairperson has been picked yet.
Missions- no report
Publicity-no report
Theresa McManus wants us to recognize the staff somehow. We will discuss this at our next meeting.
Submitted by
Jan Tarver
Theresa McManus