Minutes of Sam Hallam Campaign Committee Meeting held on 26/05/2011 at 7.30 p.m. in St. Johns Church Green Hut.
1. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received fromLorraine, Marge, David, Tess and Tom.
2. Minutes of 28th April2011 meeting
These were agreed.
3. Matters arising from minutes not already on the agenda
4. Case Update (Item 4 from 28/04/11)
Paul gave an update. David Rose, a journalist who is working in collaboration with the CCRC on an article for the Mail on Sunday and who has written a book on the Tottenham Three, interviewed Sam over the telephone.
Action: Continuing
5. Someone to BlameTheatre Project (Item 5 from28/04/11
Paul said there was nothing further to report this month but David and Tess will be back in London following their wedding and honeymoon.
Action: Continuing
6. Future Campaign Events(Item 6 from 28/04/11)
Parliamentary Seminar
Paul reported that for a number of reasons it has been necessary to postpone this event which will now take place on Tuesday 18th October in Committee Room 6 at 7 pm. Tom had let Jeremy Corbyn’s PA know and Paul would contact Dr. Stephanie Roberts.
Action: Tom/Paul
7. Finance and Fundraising (Item 7 from 28/04/11)
Jane said that in practice the Treasurer’s Trust Account still stood at £2220.88 because she had not been to the bank to effect reimbursement of £130.72 for British Monomarks andI & I Internet for the website but she would do a proper reconciliation next month. In terms of fundraising Pat suggested that Wendy might like to talk to the landlord of The Lion and Lamb to see if another benefit could be arranged. Jane said she was anxious for an opportunity to sell her cupboard full of T shirts. Matt agreed to discuss the possibility of making Patrick’s original paintings and prints available for sale. He also suggested a possible gig at The Underbelly and mentioned the Hoxton Square Bar and Grill which apparently has a capacity for 450 people. It was noted that Sam’s birthday is on Saturday 9th July.
Action: Jane/Wendy/Matt/Patrick
8. Visits to Sam
Tommyhad visited several times. Paul and Pelham, Bobby and Tom, Terry and John Rudder had visited as well as Charlotte. Jane, Paul and Wendy had visited on Tuesday (with Anoop in attendance) and could report that Sam was fit and in good form.
Action: Continuing
9. Any Other Business
Jane said that the public liability insurance with Tennyson’s at a cost of £226.60 is due to expire on 02/06/2011. It was agreed that as the campaign has no plans to participate in festivals it would let the policy lapse: it could always be renewed if the situation changes.
Action: Drop
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 30th June2011 at 7.30 pm.