2015/16 Page 45


PARISH COUNCIL / Chairman: David Mason
Waybrook, Marsh Green, Devon EX5 2EX
Telephone: (01404) 822136
Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris
Perdon House, Middle Mill Lane, Cullompton, EX15 1JP Telephone: 01884 33869
Web: www.rockbeareparishcouncil.co.uk


20 april 2016 AT 7.00PM AT rockbeare VILLAGE HALL

PRESENT: Cllr David Mason (in the chair) and Cllrs: David Mace, Colin Please, Mark Readman and Jeremy Wollen

Also in attendance: two members of the public

Mrs J Morris: Clerk

138.  APOLOGIES accepted from: Cllr Jonathan Allen (personal) and also Cllrs Peter Bowden (DCC) and Maria Hale (EDDC)


140.  MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 16th March 2016 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting.


(i)  Chairman’s Report: The Chairman’s Report included:

·  Flytipping at Westcott was reported to the Environment Agency who believed it to be legal but that the piles of rubble should be levelled out and not left in heaps.

·  Attended a joint parishes meeting about the equipment needed to accommodate the “paperless” planning changes.

·  EDDC has confirmed that, with regard to Delia Gardens, there are no conditions in the deeds that the bungalows can only be let to Rockbeare residents.

·  Meeting with a flooding/drainage consultant to discuss the problems in Marsh Green. He will be preparing a report for the Council to consider in May.

·  Attended a meeting to discuss the development at Cranbrook on 15th April.


(i) To consider and make comment on current planning applications as follows:

16/0804/PDQ / Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling and associated operational development at Lower Allercombe Farm / No objections

(ii) To consider and make comment on any planning applications received after the date of this agenda. None

(iii) To receive details of planning decisions and appeals.

(a) Grant of conditional consent for the stockpiling and processing of inert and waste materials at South West Highways, Rockbeare Hill.

(b) Appeal dismissed against the decision to refuse planning consent for the retention of a chalet building at Pebbleoak, Rag Lane, Rockbeare.


(i) To receive update on progress to-date: Cllr Mark Readman reported that the Steering Group had met on 15th April to discuss the allocation of tasks and would be meeting again on 12th May. They are currently gathering the evidence required for the Plan.

(ii) To review terms of reference for steering group: The revised terms of reference were approved. It was explained that the terms of reference would continue to be updated throughout the Plan process.

(iii)  To approve provisional quote of £4830.00 for professional support to be delivered from June 2016.

RESOLVED: That the provisional quote of £4830 from Paul Weston for professional support for the Neighbourhood Plan is approved. The costs to be included in an application for a grant to assist with the cost of preparing the Plan.

(iv) To consider any additional costs that may be incurred during the preparation of the Plan: Other costs to be included in the funding bid to include: room hire, workshops, presentation of the Plan and promotional material.


(i)  To receive financial statement for March 2016

RESOLVED: That the financial statement for Marsh 2016 is approved.

(ii) Devon Association of Parish Councils: to approve payment of annual subscription 2016/17 (157.58 plus VAT).

RESOLVED: That the annual 2016/17 subscription to the Devon Association of Parish Councils for £157.58 plus VAT is approved.

(iii) It was RESOLVED that payment of invoices for April 2016 are approved as follows:

400389 / Mrs J Morris (salary) / 360.24
400390 / Mrs J Morris (laptop and associated software) / 388.99
400391 / Devon Ass of Parish Councils (subscription) / 181.06
400392 / John Roberson (grass cutting) / 120.00

(iv)  Statement of internal control 2015/16

RESOLVED: That the Statement of internal control 2015/16 is approved.

(v)  General Risk Assessment 2015/16

RESOLVED: That the General Risk Assessment 2015/16 is approved.

(vi)  Fixed Asset Register 2015/16

RESOLVED: That the Fixed Asset Register 2015/15 is approved.

(vii)  Paperless planning applications: to consider applying for projector, screen and any other equipment needed in order to view planning applications.

RESOLVED: That the Council applies for a projector and screen and associated leads from the joint Town and Parish Fund and also asks if it would be possible to have a 3/5 year warranty with the projector or a spare bulb.

NOTE: There is funding available for broadband to be installed in village halls but this would meanthe village hall committees signing up to a monthly contract for broadband. Rockbeare and Marsh Green Village Hall Committees to be made aware of this funding opportunity.

145.  RECRUITMENT OF REPLACEMENT PARISH CLERK: The Chairman reported that himself, the Clerk and Cllr Jeremy Woollen had interviewed one applicant, Mrs Carolyn May, on Monday and considered to be eminently suitable for the post.

RESOLVED: That Carolyn May is employed to replace the current clerk.

146.  HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report. None


(i) Health and Safety: To accept items for action. None


(i) Healthwatch newsletter

(ii) Resignation of Cllr Naomi Allen

RESOLVED: That the Council accepts the resignation of Cllr Naomi Allen and sends her a letter of appreciation for her help and support over the past five years.


(i) Mr Ivan Randall asked about maintenance of ditches in Marsh Green.

The meeting closed at 7.45pm

SIGNED ______Date: ______