The Mayor and City Council Member met in Regular Session Thursday, April 6, 2017 At 6:00pm, all were present.

Councilman Bergeron led Prayer and Pledge.

Councilman Young motioned to accept Regular Minutes of March 2, 2017 as written. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet, motion carried unanimously.

Louis Perret with the Clerk of Court was present to swear in the newly elected District 1 Councilman Doyle Boudreaux who will replace Councilwoman Tonya Carola who passed away on June 27, 2016.

The Mayor’s report consisted of reporting that the 5th Annual Boudin Festival will be April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2017. Also, he recognized the Boy Scouts Troop 156 in the audience and gave them each a City lapel pin.

Lafayette Consolidated Councilman, Kenneth Boudreaux along with fellow Councilmen members serving on the Finance Liaison Committee; Kevin Naquin, Jay Castille, and Bruce Conques presented a presentation. The presentation focused on the current standing of the Lafayette Consolidated Government Financial standing and it’s depleted funding. They also asked for the public assistance to provide input, opinions, ideas, etc.

Lynn Guidry Architect’s is working on different concepts to plan and design a Veteran’s Memorial that would be located at 915 Cayret Street Scott, LA. He presented the Council two drawings that imitate the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. Mr. Guidry projected the cost of completion to be approximately $200,000-$250,000. Mr. Guidry also presented the concept of selling name plates resembling “dog tags” in honor of fallen veterans to help defer the costs of building the memorial. Councilman Bergeron would like to move forward and to put it in the upcoming budget.

Mayor Morrison gave an update on the appraisal of Offord

Leblanc’s property located at 614 Delhomme Avenue. The first appraisal was $235,000 and the second appraisal was $280,000. The property is currently listed for $350,000. The City of Scott made an offer to purchase a sixty foot right-of-way for $120,000 to build a road to give access to Cameron Street/ Hwy 90. However, the offer was denied. The Mayor stated that the City will not move to buy the property for lack of justification of use at this time.

Councilman Montoucet motioned to adopt Ordinance #2017-2, an amendment to Sec 24-2 of the Municipal Code allowing firing ranges with the approval of Chief of Police. Seconded by Councilman Richard, motion carried unanimously.

A discussion on allowing food trucks and/or trailers to apply for permitting and operate in the city limits. Mr. Trey Ortego, owner of Pinchers spoke in favor of allowing the food trucks and asked the Council for support. Councilman Bergeron mentioned that he feels it would take away from the existing businesses but will do more research. Councilman Richard commented that he thinks it will be tough to sustain. Mr. Pat Logan, Comprehensive Plan Facilitator, stated that a code exemption would have to be done and all Councilmen would have to agree to change code not allowing food trucks on Apollo Road extension. Councilman Richard motioned to table for next regular scheduled meeting, seconded by Councilman Boudreaux, motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Pro-Tem Richard motioned to adopt Resolution #2017-4, A resolution supporting the one-half (1/2) cent Lafayette Parish School System Sales Tax proposal. Mr. Joe Craig was present seeking endorsement from the Mayor and Council in the form of a resolution for the April 29th ballot. The tax will be dedicated to remodel 12 current facilities to eliminate temporary buildings in the public schools. This tax will exempt food and medicine, and will expire in 10 years. Seconded by Councilman Bergeron. Councilman Boudreaux vote no; Councilman Hollier abstained, motion carried by majority.

Councilman Richard motioned to allow a variance to the Land Use Code, specifically Chapter 40, Article III., Sec 40-104, subsection (b), subparagraph (1), for the purpose of allowing the reconstruction and alteration of an existing fire damaged 1,200 square foot building (currently holding a valid alcohol beverage permit and occupational license) to make it a 2,000 square foot building with the same use. Owner Lisa Hoffpauir owner of Popa Joe’s Hole in the Wall was present and stated that she would like the variance to enlarge the building in order to bring it up to code. The extra 800 square feet would be to bring the bathrooms up to code and also add a kitchen in order to transform the old bar into a new Bar and Grill with pool tables. Councilman Bergeron firmly stated that residents were uncomfortable with the noise from the bar and has expressed a desire for a better class bar. Councilman Montoucet said he would support because of the improvements Mrs. Hoffpauir would be making. Councilman Richard supported the variance fully. Councilman Hollier voted no. Seconded by Councilman Montoucet, motion carried by majority.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned


Purvis J. Morrison



Donna B. Jumonville, MMC

City Clerk