30th May 2008
Ms Sarah Skelton (SS) Plane Training (Chairlady)
Mrs Janice Fisher (JF) CAA
Mrs Sue Adair (SA) CAA
Capt Colin Adair (CA) First Choice
Ms Elizabeth Albone (EA) Easyjet
Ms Jacqui Gough (JG) BA
Ms Helen Reynolds (HR) XL
Ms Heather Derbyshire (HD) Easyjet
Ms Karen Bath (KB) CTC
Apologies received from members of the Group who were unable to attend. Apology received retrospectively from Marie Russell.
1. Welcome
1.1 SS welcomed all to the seventh meeting.
1.2 As the new chairlady she called the meeting to discuss the forthcoming conference. A new secretary for the group is yet to be named.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
2.1 JF had been able to access the RAeS website successfully and clarified how to get access.
Your user name is your first name with a capital letter and the first initial of you surname, also capital letter.
Password is the above followed by 111 e.g.
2.2 Terms of reference for the group discussed at the last meeting are to be made final
2.3 As decided at the last meeting from the icebreakers submitted, not too many were deemed suitable so shall not be added to the conference DVD.
2.4 SS thanked for the good response to e-mails and looks forward to communication within the group remaining this way.
3. Pilot RAeS group
3.1 Still being discussed is for a member of the Cabin Crew RAeS group to attend a Pilot meeting and for a Pilot to attend the Cabin Crew group. Introductions need to be established.
3.2 JF was happy to give a brief summary of discussions from the latest CRM advisory meetings
Action - SS to speak to Carey Edwards
4. Group membership
4.1 SS confirmed that the membership list from the last meeting was still current apart from the members that were involved with airline mergers.
After group discussion it was decided that AF and HD would to be part of the group for another 12 months and their membership to be reviewed at this time.
4.2 KB had been approached by Andy Unwin and Danny Barrowclough from Thomas Cook who have expressed an interest in joining the group
Currently we have stated that there should be a specific number of members from each area of the airline market.
It was decided that these numbers should be removed from the terms of reference as we are restricting ourselves from interested parties.
The group agreed that another member from cabin crew who has extensive knowledge of cultural issues would be an asset to fit in line with our Group objectives.
Following a discussion that JF had with Emirates, SS has contacted Emirates to inquire if they are able to commit to an individual to join the Group. We are awaiting a response from Emirates. As they will be operating on the A380 and have such cultural diversity within the Airline, it was felt it would be beneficial to have a representative from Emirates on our team.
KB has been approached by a Scandinavian group of airlines also expressing their interest in joining the group
After discussion it was decided that until after the conference the group would be kept UK based, but to be review following it.
Action-SS to contact the Thomas Cook interested party and invite to the next meeting
5. Venue for Conference
5.1 The venue for the conference has still to be finalised – however the favour lies with Aviation House
6. Conference
6.1 The remainder of the day was taken up with discussions about the forthcoming Conference.
A member from the RAeS to open the meeting.
SS will introduce the conference and the Group together with its purpose and objectives
JF to follow giving pointers for the delegates on EU OPS and application of the legislative requirements into training sessions
Guidance material
After a tea break EA and HD to give an introduction to HPL.
Discussion continued about the afternoon content and how to run the workshop. The conclusion was to contact other airlines and see if they have and use a skills list and if they would be willing for it to be used at the conference. The afternoon content will be designed around what is collected.
6.2 Current plan for conference
9.15–9.45 Registration and coffee
10.00–11.15 Welcome
Heath and safety brief
Guidance material
Websites RAeS, SS, JF
11.15-11.30 Tea break
11.30-12.00 Introduction to HPL EA, HD
12.00-12.30 Introduction to facilitation KB
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-16.00 Workshop, Q and A, yet to be finalised
Action – JF to check for room availability for the conference
1. 21-23 Oct 2008
2. 15-16 Dec 2008
3. Jan 2009
Action - Volunteers to contact airlines to see if they use skills lists
KB contact Virgin, Jet 2, BMI Baby
SS contact Thomas Cook, BMI
HD contact Monarch
CA contact ThomsonFly
Action – SA and HR to organise logistics of conference
Action – Any progress, success in obtaining skills list is to be e-mailed to group members to keep us all up to date on progress made. All information to be collated and distributed by email by the end of June so that the next meeting can be structured/organised.
7. Any Other Business
8. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 17th July 2008.
Post Meeting Note:
JF had enquired as to availability of Conference accommodation for the above dates and there was no accommodation available for the October and December dates. There was a reasonable amount of availability in January.
HFCCSG 1 Meeting 5 – 17 January 2008