Minutes of PTSA General Meeting on 8/27/14

Meeting began at 5:30pm.

Stacey Kotzen: Called for approval of general meeting minutes from 5/28/14 and minutes were approved.

She introduced the 2014-2015 PTSA Board:

President: Stacey Kotzen

Upper VP: Karen Cohen

Lower VP: Drina Portman

Treasurer: Kerri Hill

Volunteer Coord: Teresa Leonardo

Corresponding Sec: Liz Forde

Recording Sec: Cindy Valenchis

Stacey announced that Volunteer Orientation will be on September 12, 2014 and the importance of attending it.

She would like our school to be the first in the state to have 100% PTSA participation.

She spoke of our school Facebook page and asked all to join.

Louse calls will be at our school on 9/5/14 and again in January, after winter break. A reminder will be sent home to parents and there will be no charge to parents for this service, as PTSA is paying for it.

We will be kicking off our Boosterthon fundraiser on 9/8/14. We were able to purchase ipad carts with the profits from last year’s Boosterthon fundraiser.

Shannon Alfele and Jeanne Hildebrand will be chairpersons of Adopt-a-Class this year. Adopt-a-Class applications will be available in the classrooms at Open House.

The Beachside Birthday Club is up and running, forms are on the PTSA website.

Karen Kermis is chairing PTSA membership.

Joseph Balchunas: Welcomed all, announced that we are entering our 5th year at Beachside, and introduced his staff.

He urged everyone to try to attend all activities and meetings, and to read your emails to stay informed. He said our school does more than most schools and that’s why we are so successful.

Our first SAC/SAF meeting will be held on 9/17/14 at 6pm. The new assessments and curriculum will be discussed.

He addressed that last year our school’s attendance was below the county average and asked parents to please make certain their children get to school and try not to leave early or come in late.

He also introduced ChereeLiebowitz-SAC President, Michelle Williams-SAC VP, and Lillie Carlson-SAC Secretary. Cheree invited everyone to come to the SAC meetings to voice concerns. They will have lots of guest speakers and different topics to discuss. You can also go on the website to request topics you would like discussed. She spoke of after school Enrichment Programs and guided everyone to the tables at the rear of the room for more information.

Kerri Hill: Our PTSA 2014-2015 proposed budget was given out.

Kerri spoke of the importance of the Boosterthon fundraiser, as this is our most profitable fundraiser and if it does well, hopefully our only fundraiser.

She informed volunteers to turn in receipts, along with the reimbursement form found on the PTSA website, if they front any money for PTSA sponsored activities they are helping with.

She asked if anyone had any questions regarding the proposed budget and announced that the budget is always online for viewing.

Stacey took a hand vote for approval of the budget and the budget was approved.

Meeting was adjourned.