Date: July 13, 2015
Minutes of: PSONS Board Meeting
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: SCCA, Room G-1006
Sandra OlsonPresident / x / Bob Chapman
President-elect / X / Heather Freeborne
Treasurer / x / Reiko Torgeson
Lenise Taylor
Past president / X / Nancy Thompson
Community Service Comm / Dana Scharfenberg
Education Comm Co-Chair / X / Jacque Henry
GovtRelComm / x
Sandra (monitoring)
Membership Comm / X / (Open)
Quarterly Ed. / Kathleen Shannon Dorcy
ResearchComm / Mona Stage
Scholarship Comm
Denielle Padgett
Symposium / Mary Jo Sarver
Vendor Relations / X / Angela Knox
Webmaster / Kay Walz
Nominating Comm / x
Lenise Taylor
PSONEC Chair / X / LynleyFow
Symposium / Lisa Westmoreland
Vendor Relations
GUESTS: / YesheargDagne / X
1 / Announcements / Welcome & Introductions:
- Leadership Weekend: Sandra Olson will attend. No second Board member will attend. Heather Freeborne will present Treasurer information.
2 / Review of Previous Minutes /
- Meeting minutes from May 11, 2015 reviewed
- OCN Review course will be October 24th and 31st, 2015 at FH Pelton auditorium. Cost will
3 / Treasurer /
- In good shape. $10K surplus due to lack of Newsletter.
4 / Communication /
- Jacque Henry met with Bob
- Too late to do a Symposium issue.
- Do we want to continue to pursue a Newsletter or pursue another method of communicating? Do we know how well it is received. Very few requests to have it return.
- We’ve already voted to sunset it, let’s create an electronic version of doing this and explore this method.
- Monthly update is quick and easy method from Secretary. Is there a more expansive method to do this.
- Some people do miss the Member Profile, McCorkle lecture.
- Sandra Olson to connect with Jacque Henry meet with Reiko to explore more electronic possibilities.
- Propose to transfer Communications Chair to Angela Knox.
- Ask interested parties to explore methods to communicate. This should be in addition to Monthly Newsletter, not part of.
5 / Membership /
- Member numbers essentially the same
- Having difficulty with VC site.ONS still having trouble with linking between sites.
6 / Community Service /
- School Supply deadline: August 25th
- Who is interested in being collector?
- Mary Jo Sarver will do North End
- Jacque Henry for Minor and James
- Deb Leslie for SCCA
- Leah Buck for UWMC
- Holiday Bags for the Homeless deadline December 16th
7 / Education /
- No Committee updates
- No August event
- 39 RSVPs for July
- 17 RSVPs smallest number/27 largest
- September event, September 23rd, Helen Marshall on Drug Updates at El Gaucho
8 / Fundamentals /
- Redesign of course to include OCN BluePrint, including Professional Performance
- Updating content and timing of content to ensure 8.5 hours of content each day
9 / Government Relations /
- Jacque Henry took Advocacy 101
- Meeting with ACS to learn workflow to identify how to advocate
10 / Scholarships /
- Two ONCC scholarships available, only one applicant
- Deb Leslie met criteria, recommending her to receive
- Proposal
- ONS Leadership Development course: encourage members to develop Leadership skills and maybe then have skills to self-identify for volunteering
- SNRC: supporting to increase Nursing Research, offer scholarships to members to attend, enhance performance and distribution of quality and research
- What is meant by Memorial Scholarships and how to sustain? Bob Chapman requests that in the future we be clear with the Memorial monies how much money is left in each account.
- Board would like more information about how to replace the Ellen DeBondtscholarship as it will be exhausted and to be more strategic in how we plan which scholarships to fund.
- Board would also like to discuss how/when information about scholarships are released and how they play into the Strategic plan.
- Approved budget with the exception of the SNRC Consortium for 2017.
- Sandra will follow up with Mona regarding Memorial Scholarships.
11 / Symposium /
- Presented by YesheDagne
- Denielle Padgett, Chair (From Marysville)
- Topics will be wide variety, not just one cancer
- March 11 & 12, 2016 at Lynnwood Convention Center
- 12 returning members, one new member
- Planning committee discussing having a Friday night reception/networking
- PSONS Board interested in supporting an inspirational speaker, something to nurture the nurse
12 / New CHIP request /
- Chapter in Progress, 2 year probationary timeframe
- Would represent Skagit, Whatcom, and San Juan Islands, secede from the PSONS
- ONS Membership has requested we connect with the requestor to discuss.
12 / NEXT MEETING / Date: September 14 from 6-8 PM
Location: SCCA