New York State
Department of Transportation
Civil Rights Reporting
Equitable Business Opportunities
(EBO Release 3.0)
Supplemental Instructions - Sponsors
December 2013
Table of Contents
General Information 3
Online Training 3
Screen Layout 4
Data Searches 4
EBO Administration 5
Software Access/Password 5
Sponsors 5
Vendors 5
Deactivating Vendor/Sponsor Accounts 6
Vendors 6
Setting up Subordinate Accounts/Creating New Users 6
Creating Responsibilities for Subordinate Users 7
Resetting Passwords 7
Help 8
Construction Contract Start-Up 8
EBO Data 9
Contract Information 9
Contractor Officers/ Work Site Contacts (AAP 15) 10
Contract Dates 11
Pre-award Approvals 11
Subcontractor Approvals 12
Post-award Approvals …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Commitments and Items ……………………………………………………………………………………15
Entering Change Orders………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Payments 18
Tools & Reports 20
Prompt Payment Report 20
Contract Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………21
DBE/Subcontractor Reports 22
Monthly Utilization (Employment Utilization AAP33) 22
FHWA 1391………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Workhours Review 23
Payroll Audit (Contract Hours) 24
Affidavit of Payment (AAP21) 25
Contracts by Firm 25
EBO Project Close Out…................................................................................................................26
Responsibility Charts ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27
EBO Tasks and Responsibilities ……………………………………………………………………………………………….28
General Information
Welcome to EBO – NYSDOT’s official Civil Rights Reporting Software. EBO use is required on all Federal Aid Construction and Consultant Contracts. EBO tracks data such as DMWBE goals, commitments and attainment; Minority/Female Employment Utilization; and Prompt Payment. EBO produces many of the Federal and State reports that have been done manually in the past.
The screens and user access to data within EBO are governed by user roles. Prime Contractors will see different functions than Department Staff, because they are entering information, not just reviewing it. Sponsors will have different access than the Regional Local Program Liaisons (RLPLs).
The following is supplemental to the on-line training and a compilation of EBO and its functions to assist you with the navigation and data reporting requirements as required in NYSDOTs Standard Specifications.
Online Training
There is free, web based training available for Sponsors at: . This training offers unlimited access and will provide a glimpse of EBO for Sponsors and their staff.
To obtain a LOGIN and PASSWORD for this training, send an e/mail to: . Type the word SPONSOR in the reference box and the name of your county, city, town, etc. in the body to ensure that you are NOT charged the $75 user fee that applies to contractors, consultants and vendors.
Once a training LOGIN/PASSWORD is obtained for your office, use the URL listed above to access the training modules. Find and select the “GO TO EBO TRAINING” button – this will bring you to the login screen. Select NYSDOT from the Agency drop down box and then click “LOGIN TO MY ACCOUNT”. You will then be able to access the various training modules.
There is a selection in this training that references an EBO Training Manual. It is not recommended that this manual be used or printed. The software has been upgraded, but the manual has not. It is in the process of being removed from the training website, but until that is done, please ignore.
Screen Layout
· EBO screens are generally consistent throughout the program. There are three main types of screen options for you to choose from: Action Key – these menu items apply to the active screen and are located across the top of the screen
· Major Category Menu – these are located on the left side of the screen and list the major data categories The Major Categories are: SETUPS, CONSTRUCTION, CONSULTING, REPORTS/FORMS, GOALS, REVIEW, UTILITIES, HELP. Click on the double-arrow icon on the Major Category Menu Item. It will expand and display the Function Menu items contained within the group. Click on the icon again to close the group.
· Function Menu Items – these menu items are on the left also and are grouped under the Major Category Menu. Each of these menu items, when clicked, opens a screen within EBO.
Once you access the Function Menu Item screens you will be accessing data. If you see:
· A “+” (plus sign) next to an item indicates that there are additional data/details available. Click on the “+” to expand the selection and see additional data.
· Once a screen or data set is expanded to reveal the data, the “+” will turn into a “-“ (minus). To retract the data – click on the “-“ and it will compress and the “+” will return.
Data Searches
As a Sponsor, the current number of contracts for your municipality, city, etc…will be limited. At this time, the easiest way to search is by SPONSOR. Using the drop down arrow in the SPONSOR box, select the Sponsor name….ie…City of Watertown, County of Erie, etc…and hit the FIND button (Action Key) at the top of the screen. This will generate a list of all the contracts in EBO that are assigned to you as a Sponsor.
A second option for searching is to use the assigned “LD” number. Enter the number in the CONTRACT NO box. Make sure that the entire number is entered – including the “LD” letters (example – LD123456) or you will not be successful.
The PIN (PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) may also be used as a search option.
In addition to searches using the known data as stated above, a WILCARD symbol may be used if only partial data is known for the project. EBO uses the percent sign - % - as a WILDCARD. For example:
· To search for all contracts that begin with “LD26” , use “LD26%”
· To search for any contracts with the characters “253” anywhere in the contract, you would use “%253%”. Keep in mind, the WILDCARD % should be used in the appropriate search box….if you have a partial LD#, use the data in the CONTRACT No box; if you have a partial PIN, use that data with the WILDCARD in the PROJECT box.
NOTE: Keep in mind the easiest and quickest SEARCH is to sort by your SPONSOR name.
EBO Administration
Software Access/Password
A Sponsor is any municipality or agency that is a sub recipient of Federal-Aid funds from USDOT through NYSDOT and is letting/awarding a Federal-Aid contract. The Responsible Local Official (RLO) will function as the EBO administrator for the Sponsor and will request access. That person will assign accounts, passwords, and responsibilities for the Sponsor’s employees, including consultants retained by the Sponsor. The Sponsor’s version of Request for EBO System Log-In/Password form MUST be remitted accompanied by a copy of the municipal resolution that designates the RLO or it will not be processed. The Sponsor’s version is located at: This is a “one-time” process for EACH RLO. If there is a change in RLO, NYSDOT must be notified a.s.a.p. so access may be amended to protect the security and integrity of the data in EBO.
NOTE: Sponsors will not be granted access to EBO until they have a Federal-Aid contract loaded into EBO and a vetted RLO. Both criteria must be met in order to obtain access.
A vendor is any firm that is participating on a contract in EBO: contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, consultant engineering firms, etc. The person who will function as the EBO administrator for the firm will request access. That person will assign accounts, passwords, and responsibilities for the firm’s employees. Once you have access to EBO, you will see that many Vendors have already been “vetted” in EBO and are able to access the program. If you find that a Vendor proposed to be used on your contract is not in EBO, notify the Vendor that it is their responsibility to become “vetted” by taking the following action:
· The vendor downloads the vendor’s version of the Request for EBO System Log-In/Password form located at: and submits the completed notarized form to the Sponsor.
· The Sponsor’s Responsible Local Official (RLO) submits the request for EBO access to the Regional Local Project Liaison (RLPL).
· The RLPL will forward to NYSDOT’s Helpdesk to release the LOGIN to the Vendor. This will be a PRODUCTION Login – not one for the Training Modules.
Deactivating Vendor/Sponsor Accounts
A vendor account for CONSULTANT or ENGINEERING firms that were given access to the SPONSOR’s data by being issued a Login/Password by the for the purposes of contract administration may need to be deactiviated upon project completion. If the firm(s) will be working on additional projects for the Sponsor, their Login/Password may be left as is. If they will no longer be working for the Sponsor, the RLPLs must be notified ASAP – again for data integrity and security. A simple e-mail will suffice for this notification.
If a Sponsor has a change of employee or employee duties, the administrator of the Sponsor’s EBO account may deactivate a Login and Password. Instructions for this action are listed below.
This is very important when an employee leaves or is terminated to maintain data security and integrity.
Setting up Subordinate Accounts/Creating New Users
NOTE: Only the person functioning as the EBO Administrator (designated as the PRIMARY LOGIN HOLDER) for a Sponsor can assign subordinate users and set up accounts.
Log in to EBO and using the guide below, follow the necessary steps:
· Complete all the required boxes on the screen.
· Username can be tied to the user’s name or the actual duty position if desired.
· Ensure the ACTIVE box is checked. (Unchecking the box with DEACTIVATE a user)
· Access to Construction, Consulting or ALL contracts is an optional choice.
· Click SAVE when completed
· Default Password for all newly created users is: WELCOME1
· New users will be prompted to reset their password upon the first login.
The USER RESPONSIBILITY is programmed to DEFAULT SPONSOR – giving user access to the every screen. To limit the access of a user, a new RESPONSIBILITY must be designated by the PRIMARY LOGIN HOLDER (see next section). It is recommended that if additional responsibilities are deemed necessary, they should be created prior to setting up the users.
Creating Responsibilities for Subordinate Users
NOTE: Only the person functioning as the EBO Administrator (designated as the PRIMARY LOGIN HOLDER) for a Sponsor can create Responsibilities for subordinate users. See charts at end of document for roles and associated responsibilities.
· In the NEW NAME box, enter the name of the responsibility that you wish to create.
· It is recommended that the name coincide with the duties to make it easier for future use.
· In the column labeled EXCLUDE: a checkmark in the appropriate box will keep the screen from view.
· In the column labeled READ ONLY: a checkmark in the appropriate box will allow the user to see the screen without the ability to make any changes.
· No checkmarks in either column will allow access to view and edit/add data.
· Click SAVE when complete.
· Once the new responsibility is created, the Administrator can return to the USER screen and set up a new user or amend a current user to reflect the new responsibility.
Resetting Passwords
NOTE: Only the person functioning as the EBO Administrator (designated as the PRIMARY LOGIN HOLDER) for a Sponsor can reset passwords for subordinate users.
EBO Screen: SETUPS > USERS > FIND (all the users will appear) OR
SETUPS > USERS > Enter the first few letters of any of the above followed by the WILDCARD Symbol - % > FIND
· Once the User’s Name comes up, select it so it turns blue
· Click EDIT.
· The screen will refresh and in the lower left will be a box labeled RESET PASSWORD.
· A new password will be automatically displayed. It will consist of FOUR letters, TWO numbers, and TWO Letters.
· Write the password down or copy/paste it for use in an e/mail to the User needed the reset.
· Click SAVE.
· HINT: Keep in mind that the 5th and 6th characters are NUMBERS – the rest are LETTERS. It is important to distinguish between the LETTER “O” and the NUMBER ZERO. If there are several zero’s/O’s in the password, it may be wise to hit the RESET PASSWORD button again until it provides a password that may be less confusing. If this is done, make sure to SAVE.
If you have a question, first refer to the online training or the supplemental training materials. If those materials don’t provide the answer, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . If you cannot locate the information there, please contact the NYSDOT Office of Construction’s mailbox at: and provide them with your name, contact information, and a description of the information needed or the question you may have.
For PROJECT SPECIFIC questions, contact your RLPL.
Construction Contract Start-Up
In order to set up a contract in EBO, you will have to utilize the FA CONTRACT TEMPLATE (Excel Format). The Regional Local Program Liaison (RLPL) will complete the first Tab of this template – the “header information” - and forward the rest to your Representative. The Sponsor is responsible to complete the information in the second Tab. There is a third Tab that provides an example of a completed second Tab.
Some notes on completing the Template:
· Template should NOT be modified
· Contract number is always entered as the SLA number preceded by “LD”.
· Utilize established Units of Measure (UOM) abbreviations
· Ensure items are identified as Specialty or Non-Specialty
· Template should be completed as soon after letting/bid award as possible or as soon as the low bidder is verified so that bid prices may be included
· RLPLs review template and forwards to Main Office, Albany to be loaded into EBO
· Once contract data is loaded into EBO, RLPLs are notified and LD# is provided
Once this process is complete:
· Low Bidder assigns items to vendors
· DBE Utilization is reviewed and approved electronically
o DBEs acknowledge their utilization electronically
· Good Faith Effort documentation (GFE) is reviewed if goal not met (GFE still in paper)
When the project is awarded, the Sponsor must notify the RLPL who in turn will notify Main Office, Albany so that EBO may be electronically “awarded”. Sub-approval, data collection and other reporting processes can not start until the EBO “award” is done.
EBO Data
Contract Information
NOTE: The contract number for locally sponsored contracts is the State-Local Agreement (SLA) number preceded by the letters “LD” (e.g., LD 555123). The PIN is unchanged.