Minutes of PPG meeting held 12.30 Friday 9 January 2015
Item 1PPG structure:
Irene Ralph confirmed as Chairman.
Brian Ralph will in the interim take minutes and secretarial/clerical duties.
Photo copy/distribution will be undertaken by Surgery via email attachments sent to Kath Cini.
The following email addresses provided for communication between PPG members: Kathleen Cini, Practice Manager:
Colin Ginger:
Malcolm Briggs:
Maggie Cooper:
Irene Ralph:
Brian Ralph:
Item2Apologies:Allan Hoffman
3Update on contract changes/cuts
KC advised that Practice Contract will remain as at present as a PMS contract plus targets. This comes into place 1st. April 2015. (Wound treatment and Blood testing will remain as at present.)
KC toliaise with partners when new contract agreed reference bullet points for information and dissemination.
4Malcolm Briggs related experiences and information gained re.
Out of Hours and Ambulance cover:
Week day cover advised as 4hrs
Weekend cover advised as 33 hours
KC to investigate cover provided and report.
Ambulance cover notionally based at Saxmundham effectively operated from Ipswich and sometimes provided with St Johns Ambulance personnel without paramedic provision.
5Colin Ginger advised on confusion relating to responsibilities for ordering of repeat prescriptions at outside pharmacies.
KC confirmed that there was confusion in this respect but revised procedures had hopefully improved the situation. Rita at the Practice assists with Pharmacy liaison but it was the responsibility of individual patients to agree with their pharmacists any re-ordering arrangements.
6Kath Cini (Practice Manager) advised on Medical and Personnel changes:
Dr Kev Hopayian had retiredon 2nd January 2015 but would return 1 day per week from 3rdFebruary 2015 on a Friday as a free-lance GP.
Dr Pai and Dr Imran Qureshi will be joining the Partnership. Dr Qureshi will take over liaison with CCG from Dr Blades.
Jo and Terri have left the administrative side of the Practice and Christian Hewson will be joining the Practice on 12th January 2015 on a 2 year contract as Deputy Practice Manager.
Christian will lead on infection control at the surgery. A review of further modifications to waiting area to be undertaken to improve confidentiality at reception.
A further CQC inspection of Suffolk medical practices anticipated this year.
7Brian Ralph had raised “Utilisation of surplus space in surgery premises.”
KC reported that under the heading of Research that via direct NHS funding, Clinics relating to Diabetes and Asthma are being progressed/ anticipated under Surgery GP and nurse leads. Diabetic Nurse clinic 1st Monday each month in afternoons.
Other matters discussed:
Details of National Association of PPG previously provided by Terri now passed to KC for further investigation and utilisation by the PPG.
Re. Interaction with CCG see above - Dr Qureshi will lead on this matter.
From BR attendance at earlier Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG meeting it was noted that 3 major contract were scheduled for renegotiation this year 2015 i.e
Suffolk Community Health
NHS 111
Out of Hours General Practice.
KC advised extended weekday (08.00 -19.00) and Sat/Sun (09.00 – 13.00) Surgery cover under investigation.
(It was noted in this respect should local residents have registered near their place of work any attendance at the surgery will entail a transfer of funding as would be the case with holiday-makers.)
Recruitment of new PPG members./ Dissemination of information to general public and awareness of PPG.
KC/CH to provide Terms of Reference and details that could be sent out to Town and Parish Councils for their websites and organisations such as WIs to promote interest in PPG involvement. Albeit no specific catchment area for patients now exists SALC can probably advise on this.
Bullet points of matters dealt with by PPGs could also be included.
Also posters for Waiting Rooms.
8Irene Ralph sought clarification on availability of “age related” health checks as there seemed a lack of consistency between various areas/surgeries.
KC advised these should be consistently available to all.
It was the Practices intention that annual checks for all appropriate patients would starting May 2015 be made available within their birthday month albeit this would have to be phased in over a 12 month period.
9AOB/Next meeting.
Training days for 2015 to be advised by KC for public awareness.
MB -Failure to attend figures to be made available.
Text message reminders – problems on mobile phone use/ sharing.
KC to investigate land-line messaging as used by Ipswich Hospital
KC - Safety mirror on wall near ramp.
MB- wishes to promote for Leiston “Breath-easy” support group for pulmonary sufferers -
BR - Record sharing between Health Providers.
BR - Demographic and population (and Sizewell C) changes to affect the Practice.
Next Meeting:12.30 Friday 10th April 2015,
Distribution: Those present + GPs
Bullet points to Town and Parish Councils.