Attending: Ian Atkinson, Joe Hicks, Sandra Scaman, Anna Keeler,
Derek Birbeck, Sally-Ann Bradley, Alan Gurbutt, Sarah Harley,
Margaret Lillywhite, Pamela Maplethorpe, John Mowbray,
Pat Mowbray, Bryan Parker, Kevin Proctor, Alan Reeves,
Geraldine Smedley, Geoffrey Waters, Maureen Waters,
Barrie Littler, Dorothy Quantrell, Brenda Willson, Hazel Bogg,
Margaret Enderby, Noreen Farrow
Apologies: Neal Storr, Mia Simms, Dawn Jacklin, Annette Leader,
James Clarke, Kristina Collingwood, Jodi Gazda, Julie Moore, Sue Jones, Victoria Monk, Brian Monk, Gillian Gell, Maurice Kent.
Welcome and Introductions:
Welcome & Introduction of Ian Atkinson, Practice Manager and Joe Hicks, Phlebotomist.
The Clinical Commissioning Group covers Alford, Wainfleet, Spilsby, Stickney, Skegness and the East Coast.
Ian Atkinson explained to the PPG that we can discuss complaints (Not individual complaints, there is a complaint procedure at the doctors surgery for individual complaints), surveys, engage with patients, where we advertised.
Aims and Objectives:
To move services forward.
Will we link with Mablethorpe as patients set up group for families and their children and would like the groups to join up.
There is lack of Physiotherapy for older people in Alford. There is a bad feeling in the town as physio was here and it’s been taken away and moved to Mablethorpe.
The elderly find it hard to get to Mablethorpe and Louth.
Doctors do not live amongst the people here like the old days and hope this forum will help us get through, i.e. show more interest & Doctors will listen to the patients.
How much time will the Doctors have to put in to this PPG. Otherwise this is a waste of time.
GP’s will be commissioning services & the PCT will be going out.
Have GP’s felt there is a deficit? GP’s are putting their ideas forward and this is why we are having a PPG.
Pt’s would like to be listened to and have communication as it isn’t working now.
Ian Atkinson asked for any ideas to be put forward and we would also inform patients what is happening etc.
Patients want to know about change before it is changed so they can influence any decisions before they are changed.
Patients want to discuss more than one problem in a single appointment. Patients want to see a Doctor NOT an accountant.
The reason for the PPG is let us know what patients want.
Doctors will have more say and hopefully things will get done.
PCT hold purse strings at present so where does that leave the Alford Patients. GP’s in time will be holding the purse strings.
Prescriptions – Patients are told they can’t have the drug they want as it is too expensive. When GP’s hold the purse strings, will patient’s get the drugs they want? It should be patients needs, not costs. Alford Doctors will prescribe what is relevant. Group says this needs clarifying.
Are the GP’s singing from the same hymn sheet? If so, they are out of tune!
Some patients can’t be on the PPG but if any member of the PPG know anyone who has issues, please get in touch with IA.
A survey should be devised for Alford Group of Doctors Patients – Questions in the survey to be sorted.
The proposed survey to be completed and returned then put to the cluster meeting. Dr. Tant, Dr. Freeman and Ian Atkinson are on the Group.
Patients would also like the PPG to be targeted at young families and schools as none of this age group is at the PPG meeting. Services should be aimed at young people and they need to differentiate between issues with children. Nobody present at meeting from the 16-20 yr old age group either.
Mr. Gurbutt said he would approach the Governors at John Spendluffe & QEGS should also be approached.
Letters to patients should be more personal.
Social Education in schools – children and family issues are very important.
At present there is not a big service for Asthmatic patients.
GP’s are taking over money – will they have a better say of what is going on. Louth is currently GP & Skeg is to become. It will run better when GP’s are in control.
GP’s are looking at Choose & Book. They can send you to which hospital you want as long as there are available appointments.
How are GP’s going to have time to do all of this as well as be a GP and what about their training. Are they trained for the money side? IA advised they will have staff etc.
Patients are picking up on cheaper prescription drugs being given which they are not happy about.
Patient budget to be sorted over the next couple of months. Surgeries should pull all the money together. Merge resources.
No transport to Louth. Groups to liaise with the County Council etc.
Local services – Set examples for the rest of the county to follow.
Why is there so much information on the prescription paper given to patients with medication? i.e. DOB, Address, NHS Number etc. Too much information if the paper part is lost.
Do government take into any consideration we are rural and transport is a big problem? Dr. James Howarth does raise issues and is on the National Committee Group?
Mr. Gurbutt has had meetings with Peter Tapsell and he said it’ll get worse. Dr. James Howarth to ring Mrs. Quantrell about a physio room.
One Chair available, would we consider a vice chair as we can represent Mablethorpe as they haven’t got one. Mr. Gurbutt has put himself forward for it.
What we would like from the meeting:
At present the group is large. PPG think it’s a good idea for the group to be of a smaller committee of 8 – 12 patients with a
Chair, Secretary and Regular meetings.
The Committee preferably needs to be a cross section of patients with patients from Alford and villages on the outskirts of Alford. There needs to be more flyers informing patients on the outskirts of Alford about meetings etc.
Mrs. Quantrell proposed Mrs. Hazel Bogg to be on the committee second by Geraldine Smedley.
A separate fund raising committee could be set up which would appoint a Treasurer.
Fundraising with PPG group. – To raise money for equipment and services for Alford Group of Doctors.
Fundraising can’t be done by some members of the PPG as they are already fundraising with a registered charity. Other patients are very welcome and anyone interested to contact Ian Atkinson.
Ground Rules:-
1. All views and ideas will be considered and taken back to the Doctors for discussion. There will be feedback and minutes.
2. Forum – This forum is not be used for individual complaints (A complaint procedure is held at Alford Surgery for individual complaints). Group complaints are acceptable for meetings only if they are PPG related.
3. We will try and be flexible, we will also listen and try to be helpful and supportive. Commitment with results.
4. Any points or issues raised, these are to go to IA or when the committee is agreed, to the chair.
5. We hope to have meetings every 2 months unless there are any urgent matters. Various times and place of meeting to be arranged.
6. The Commissioning group is usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of Month.
Patients currently interested in joining the committee are:
Derek Birbeck
Sandra Scaman
Sally-Ann Bradley
Alan Gurbutt
Sarah Harley
Alan Reeves
Anna Keeler
Bryan Parker
Hazel Bogg
Pam Maplethorpe
Peter Rigarlsford
Maurice Kent
Date of Next Meeting – We are looking at the middle of December 2011. Time and place to be arranged.
The next meeting to have just the new committee members:-
Names of anyone interested in joining the committee to inform Ian Atkinson by 12th December 2011.
Chair will represent Alford District PPG on the Clinical Commissioning Group PPG.
We will have a proper constitution when we sort out the committee.
Other groups should have their own groups, ours is for Alford and we need ours, not sharing.
Thank you to everyone who attended our first PPG meeting.