Present: 7 members, Apologies: 5 members
The Chair welcomed a new patient member to our group.
1. Mr Nigel May
Nigel is the Chairman of East Cornwall PPG Umbrella Group and is the patient representative at Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group locality meetings.
Nigel began with a brief history of the Umbrella Group which comprises of representation from PPGs from all 11 GP Practices in Cornwall. The Group began as a get together to share issues affecting patients locally and ideas to improve patient services. However a year ago this changed with the emphasis from the Government that the patient should be at the centre of the organisation. PPGs are to become a more consultative component of strategic health issues within East Cornwall.
The Patients Association was set up to providea voice for patients. They have developed a PPG Development Project Plan and are holding workshops around the country. There are a few planned locally and Nigel encouraged us to send representation. There is great expectation that patients will become more involved in the development of their healthcare.
Currently Age UK and the Isles of Scilly Health & Social Care and Volunteer Cornwall are working together on the Living Well East Cornwall Programme. This has been set up to provide bespoke support for older people with long-term conditions who are at risk of being admitted to hospital. GPs can refer suitable patients directly to this programme.
Health Watch Cornwall are also running consultations regarding Youth Mental Health.
Recruitment of PPG members is difficult. Nigel said he would raise this issue at an Umbrella Group meeting. Ways to recruit might include PPG members talking to patients in the waiting room, leaflets or survey. Unfortunately there is no funding available to patients.
If a PPG is robust and prepared to get involved then they can influence and see changes in their local NHS.
The Chair thanked Nigel for attending and for giving us some of his precious time. We all now had a clearer idea of what is expected of a PPG.
- Previous Minutes were approved
- Nominations for Chair Person –we had not received any nominations prior to this meeting. The Secretary to ask for nominations prior to next meeting.
- Recruitment campaign - We will invite patients to join either our face to face group or virtual group by advertising on the PPG noticeboard with contact details of how to do this. Perhaps we should also consider a stand at Morrison’s together with Rosedean Surgery. Other ideas included website and waiting room television. It was agreed that following the next meeting PPG members to meet patients in the waiting room.
- Flu campaign – clinics running throughout October. Uptake will be monitored.
- Mythbuster Telephone Appointment System – we have developed a booklet for patients containing frequently asked questions regarding our appointments system. This is available on our website, on reception and will be added to new patient packs. Everyone present was given a copy.
- PPG Workshop Shire Hall, Bodmin on 24th October 2014 (as mentioned by Nigel May). Three people can attend and we will book places for this. Volunteer attendee names taken.
- Friends and family test – this has replaced the patient survey. From 1st December 2014 it is contractual that all GP Practices implement this test. It comprises of the following question:
“How likely are you to recommend our GP Practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”
The responses are“Extremely likely , likely, neither likely or unlikely, unlikely, extremely unlikely, or don’t know”.
The Practice then submits all responses to NHS England each month.
The Practice has to include at least one follow up question of their choice. It was agreed that our PPG members come up with ideas for this question and bring them to our next meeting.
- Open Practice Boundaries – this has been delayed.
There was none.
This will be on Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 1 – 3 pm.