Minutes of PPG (Patient Participation Group)
The New Surgery Crondall25 September 20146.30pm
Present: Victoria Hawkins Practice Manager, David Holden Chairman, Jenny Thomas Secretary, Val Flower, Jeff Bingham, Faith Wagner
Apologies:None received
- Minutes of last meeting were agreed. Matters arising It was agreed that the Patients Participation Group notice board, next to the Pharmacy at the entrance to the surgery should be replaced with a larger one. This should include all the names and photos received of members of the PPG. The Mission Statement, ‘The PPG is composed of a group of patients who have volunteered to represent the patients of Crondall New Surgery. They will work in close liaison with the practice staff to monitor and improve the quality of care, facilities and outcomes for the patients.’ will be displayed along with a copy of the PPG minutes. Patients will be invited to join a virtual PPG group. This will help to have a better representation of patients. The email address of how to contact the PPG will also be there. Emails sent to will be redirected to Jenny for action. This information will also be included on the PPG section of the website.ACTION VICTORIA.
The planning application for the nearby development including the doctors’ surgery has been turned down.
Gwyneth More to be contacted re the accounts of PPG. ACTION VICTORIA.
- Surgery updateincluding Crondall Flower, Produce and Craft Show
Dr Hannah Hoff is now working 2 sessions a week. She commenced on 1 September and is prescribing lead for medication.
The surgery was judged third in the decorated commercial premises in the show. It is hoped to enter again next year Faith offered to help with this.
- Carers Project
Monica Cheeseman, Tony Hopkins and David Holden are organising an Open Day with Wendy Cannon from ‘Carers Together’. Patients who are registered carers will be invited. When the date has been agreed this will be publicised in the Parish Magazine, Surgery, local shops etc.
4Quiz for September
It was proposed that Shona’s quiz would be used as a fund raising exercise instead of using the Hampshire Arms as a venue. Shona to be contacted re this and her role in the PPG ACTION DAVID
It was agreed to attach invitations to join a ‘virtual’ PPG group to copies of the quiz.
5Flu Clinics
These will be held on Saturday 4th and 11th October from 9am to 11am. These are for registered patients who are eligible for free NHS Flu vaccination (over 65s and at risk groups i.e. asthmatics, etc) Victoria invited members of the PPG to be there to promote the group. Leaflets were distributed to be put in local shops, lamp posts etc. ACTION ALL
6Looking to Christmas
It was agreed to have a Christmas hamper to raffle again this year. Members of the PPG are invited to donate items for the hamper and sell tickets. The raffle prizes would be drawn on Thursday 4 December. It was suggested this would be a suitable occasion for the formal handing over of the 24 hour blood pressure monitor recently purchased from money raised by the PPG. It was hoped that this would be a good occasion for the GPs to meet with members of the PPB. GPs to be asked what they thought the role of the PPG should include. ACTION VICTORIA
7AOB Jenny asked Victoria if she would be prepared to give a talk to the PPG about the financial aspects of running the surgery. Victoria said she would be happy to do this.ACTION VICTORIA
Patient feed back There is now a ‘Friends and Family Test’ on the website inviting patients to respond to the question ‘How likely are you to recommend our GP surgery to friends and family, if they needed similar care or treatment?’ Jenny asked if it would be in order for the PPG to suggest questions for a questionnaire. Victoria is happy to receive these.ACTION ALL
Website The PPG sectionneeds updating please read and send your comments to Victoria. ACTION ALL. It was noted that the date of birth part of the application form for joining the Patient Group Sign-up form online was difficult to fill in. ACTION VICTORIA.
Growing Patient Participation. Victoria had attended a meeting on this subject. She circulated a leaflet with suggestions on how to ‘help your practice thrive’. She shared other surgeries concerns of the difficulty in recruiting members which reflected the demographics of the patients. i.e. the groups tended to be composed of patients over the age of 60, who were white and middle class. An effort therefore will be made to increase the virtual group to get a better cross section. It was agreed that money raising was not the main function of the PPG.
8Date of next meeting Thursday4thDecember(time to be confirmed) at The New Surgery. It is hoped this will be an opportunity to present the 24 hour blood pressure, draw the raffle and meet the GPs.