Minutes of Patient Representation Group

Held on Thursday 28th June 2012


Dr Mike Paxton

Dr Ryan Jackson

Gill Glover (FOPs)

Margaret Lugg (FOPs)

Mark Taylor

Emma Berry (minutes)

8 x PRG representative

Mark welcomed all to the meeting.

A review of the previous minutes was undertaken by Mark.

1. Mark confirmed that System One was now in place and was proving to be a great benefit with no regrets in changing the system.

2. Booking of on-line appointments will be implemented which will allow patients to pre-book appointments either via their computer or mobile phone.

3. A question was asked how the practice plan to communicate these changes once they are implemented. Mark agreed that unfortunately our communication is not the best but we will endeavour to escalate the changes to our patients by either telephone message, notice board, Packet newspaper, leaflets etc.

There was also a comment about how PRG representatives could leave topics/questions to be raised at the next PRG if they were unable to attend the meeting . It was suggested that facebook, email and a suggestion box could be used

4. Changes have been made to the Reception staff. We have two new members of reception staff joining the team with two existing members of the reception team moving to administrative jobs within the practice.

5. Car Parking – still remains to be an issue. The practice has two options:

- Patient parking remains, but there will be a sign up stating that residents are only able to use the car park after 6pm in the evening and before 8am in the morning. Should residents continue to use the practice car park, then the practice will enforce parking fines (using a specified company to implement this).

- Have staff parking only – remove the facility of the car park

from the patients and only have the car park for staff parking

only (of note, at present, no staff or doctors use the car park).

6. Blood Tests – We hope now that there is no delay with regards to bloods test appointments. We did have an issue with nurse availability due to sickness, but we hope that this is now resolved. It was commented during the meeting, that perhaps there could be some sort of availability to have a blood test when it has been recommended by the GP during their appointment. This would save time in having to come back to the surgery for the blood test.

Dr Paxton also stated that the practice is looking into purchasing a centrifuge which will allow blood tests to be taken in the afternoon.

7. TV screen in waiting rooms – ongoing. We did have the screens up and running during the System One changeover but due to resource issues, no further work has been done on this. This is a priority and we will endeavour to have this up and running.

8. Radio in waiting room – it was questioned by the the PRG whether there was a requirement for a radio in the waiting room. Dr Paxton confirmed that due to confidentiality, we have a radio playing in the waiting room. It was also questioned whether Radio 2 was the best station to play as the songs can be quite depressing at times. Another option, as mentioned by the PRG, was to use the Community radio(96.1).

9. A presentation on System One was undertaken by Dr Jackson.

10. On-line prescriptions – Mark confirmed that we are endeavouring to speed up the prescriptions process. The current turnaround for prescriptions is 5 days. Mark then went on to explain to the PRG the process involved. There was a suggestion by the PRG that perhaps we could have some staff working later shifts to complete the workload. It was also questioned why are the repeats done in the same place.

Another question asked by the PRG was why do I have to keep ordering the same medications month after month (and has done for the last 7 years) – why could they not be automatically ordered. This was explained by Mark and Dr Paxton that due to the large amount of wastage in patients not taking their drugs that this was not an option. There is a vast amount of drugs wasted each month. It was stated that perhaps the practice could undertake a campaign or awareness on wasted medication.

It was also mentioned that perhaps the practice could have monthly “topics” to focus on.

11. FOP’s representatives stated that they were currently struggling to recruit younger people to join them. The PRG stated that they were not always able to give full commitment to the FOPs but may the FOP’s could state what is needed eg an afternoon handing out questionnaires and maybe the time could be given for that.

12. The next PRG will be held in November (final date to be confirmed). The PRG asked if another patient questionnaire would be undertaken and the practice will look into this.