Minutes of Parish Council Meeting,May 19th.. 2016.

Present:- , Janet Guy, Pat Gasston, , LenaMalmberg, Mary –Jane Tiller- Weeks. Brendan Brown,,David Bergmark

Absent:-, Rev. Eric Partridge (on holiday), Jim Moore, Jan Nicol-Mitchell, Renate Yeudall, Maureen Pearl, Anita McCamley, Millie Leathers.

  1. Pat welcomed everyone and Lena opened with a prayer.
  2. Check-in - everyone seemed in good spirits.
  3. The agenda was approved ascirculated. Moved M-J, seconded David. Carried.
  4. Minutes of the last meeting as circulated were moved by Janet. Seconded M.J. Carried.
  5. Business arising- nil.
  6. Rector’s Report. - not available .
  7. Rector’s Warden Report - nothing to report.
  8. People’s Warden Report - a) Driveway. - Donations for the driveway are still coming in and the wood will soon be ready for sales and distribution.
  9. Treasurer’s Report. - not available due to vacation of treasurer
  10. Committee Reports. - Jan had had a meeting of all the Committee chairs and M.J. reported on some of the outcomes of that meeting. a) once a month a friendship lunch for approx 12 members of the congregation. b) a “Lemonade on the Lawn “ event on July 17th. c) Millie will call a meeting of the Welcoming committee. d) Harvest Dinner October 20th. e) Picnic in the Park after the Service in DinnerBayPark on August 7th. Information would go on the website. Brendan was asked to see if he could arrange a Baseball game for Youth v Adults. There would also be the use of the putting green and disc golf. It was suggested the picnic be pot-luck.

11. New Business. – a) Pat is looking for a person to handle the money at the Church Fair. b) Lenaasked Brendan to put the idea of the “Prayer Chain “ on the website. She re-iterated that the process would be confidential and that the plan was to have it as a Prayer Circle making it easier for the process to take place. She said that the intercessor may ask if a prayer was needed at the time of the phone call. c) The Cemetery Committee will comprise of Lena, Pat, Jan and Jim . Peggy Robertson will be asked to join them. d) David asked if the pasta in the shed was intended for the Food Bank. He also suggested that the Food Bank be a recipient for outreach when the Church Fair’s 10% money is distributed. e) There is a need to find out where all the Church and Church House keys are located.

12. Date of the next meetingwill be Thursday June 16th. 2016. at 1.30pm