Somerby Parish Council


8th June 2016

Somerby Memorial Hall

Present Cllrs. Howard Blakebrough

Lynne Camplejohn

John Crosby

Colin Marlow

Clerk/RFO Kathryn Staley

1. WELCOME, apologies and declaration of interests

111/16/17 Welcome – The Chairman welcomed 2 Government Electors and Cllr Higgins

112/16/17 Apologies – Apologies were received from Cllr Fynn, Cllr Vurley and Cllr Orson

113/16/17 Declarations of Interest – There were none

2. Adoption of Minutes of Meeting held: 11TH MAY 2016

Proposed by Cllr Blakebrough Seconded by Cllr Marlow

Cllrs. resolved to approve


114/16/17 Melton Local Plan/SHLAA

Melton Local Plan/SHLAA

SPC have submitted their response to the SHLAA update as follows:

MBC/014/16 Land off Somerby Road, Pickwell

A development on this site, adjacent to the village hall, extending the southern boundary of the village is undesirable. Parishioners at a public meeting held in March 2016 indicated that they would prefer infill sites and not ribbon development of the village.

Access would be on the edge of the current speed limit zone. This stretch of road is driven at speed as shown by our monitoring with LCC traffic 'speed gun' over several years; so any such access is likely to be hazardous. Apart from the church and currently a bus stop, Pickwell has no amenities so any new development would rely on car journeys which in such numbers would only add to the traffic dangers.

MBC/023/16 Land off High Street, Somerby

Most of this site is currently a recreation area for the village. Part of it is swings etc and picnic areas used by the young and their families. This is a social focal point for many mothers and children. The other part is set up as a football pitch which is used by a volunteer group each Sunday, the primary school which has little outdoor space of its own, and throughout the week by both adults and children. The land has been rented from Ernest Cook Trust for many years and they have endorsed this community use as part of the ethos of the Trust. Somerby Parish Council has invested considerably in equipment and maintenance over the years and regard it as a considerable community asset. There are no other similar amenities in the Parish and so it is particularly important especially to the younger members of the community.

Access onto Manor Lane is undesirable as it is a single track roadway with a virtually blind junction onto the High Street. To access directly onto the High Street through what is the recreation area would mean coming out immediately after a sharp bend with all the implications of a traffic hazard.

MBC/024/16 Land off Manor Lane, Somerby

To be considered, this large site needs adequate access. It really is dependent on going through the area covered in MBC/023/16 as both Manor Lane and Newbold Lane, which is where this touches any highway are totally inappropriate, being rural single track roads. To accept such a huge volume of traffic onto Somerby High Street is a bizarre suggestion given that it is single lane for much of the way because residents have nowhere else to park their cars. At busy times vehicles are obliged to back up to allow traffic through and any increase will just compound the problem.

A comment from a councillor reflects the feeling of the Parish if this was made public “212 houses is a grotesque idea. To put a development of such a size anywhere in Somerby is unacceptable. It would destroy the village as we know it and is way out of proportion to any possible requirement.”

We as a Parish Council are most concerned about the seeming lack of control of the SHLAA process. If the current proposals and requests for outline planning are added together the village would have nearly 350 more houses thus more than doubling its size and putting a strain on the infrastructure that it could not stand. We feel that the three sites above should be rejected and no further ones accepted until there is some order in this land grab by developers.”

Cllr Blakebrough has spoken to Jonathan Stebbing who informed him that ECT has put forward three pieces of land for potential development, two of which are in Somerby. Cllr Blakebrough expressed the disappointment of the Parish Council that we were not consulted on this matter. Jonathan stated that ECT would almost certainly relocate the play area/football field if that land were to be developed. Cllr Blakebrough responded that SPC would need something formally in writing and an agreement on a new site before we would do anything but oppose such a development, and that we are implacably opposed to both potential developments. Cllr Blakebrough suggested that, if it was deemed appropriate, SPC should contact the ECT trustees to discuss the matter further.

Cllr Crosby pointed out that this development casts doubt on the feasibility of making improvements to the play area. Cllr Camplejohn proposed that we have the play area classified as a ‘community asset’. Davina Bates asked the Parish Council to consider introducing a Community Asset Register. Cllr Camplejohn suggested that the paddock on Manor Lane could also be added to such a register. Davina suggested that we could also join the Centenary Fields Programme run by the National Playing Fields Association (operating as Fields in Trust) which has the objective of securing recreational spaces in perpetuity, in memory of the lives lost in World War I.

Clerk to look into the creation of a Community Asset Register

Clerk to look into the Centenary Fields Programme

Cllr Blakebrough proposed that SPC needs to meet with Rachel Armstrong, Local Plan Manager at MBC, to obtain an update on housing requirements and timescales for decision making.

Cllr Blakebrough to arrange meeting with Rachel Armstrong

Cllr Blakebrough stated that SPC needs the assistance of our Borough Councillor, Cllr Higgins, in addressing the increasing concerns around the SHLAA. There are currently 4 sites in Somerby and 1 in Pickwell, which have been proposed in the SHLAA, amounting to a total of 350 potential houses. Although the SHLAA is not planning permission, it does open up the opportunity for developers to put forward planning applications which will be decided upon before either the Neighbourhood Plan or Melton Local Plan are in place to have an impact. It was agreed that we need more feedback from MBC regarding the SHLAA, Local Plan and others matters which affect Somerby Parish. Cllr Higgins explained that this is why he has called a meeting for Parish Councils on 22nd June to explain how the SHLAA works. Each plot of land put forward is divided up into average house plot sizes (effectively the number of houses is used as a unit of measurement), so the available sites in Somerby Parish does not equate to 350 extra houses per se. Cllr Higgins would not support 350 houses being built in Somerby. However, planning applications may be submitted for any site (SHLAA or otherwise) and these will be appraised as they arise. Cllr Blakebrough pointed out that any sites accepted into the SHLAA have already gone through some basic assessment for approval, so how can planning applications for these sites be controlled before its becomes a ‘land grab’? Cllr Higgins acknowledges that the controls are not as strong as they were before the NPPF was introduced; Highways have virtually no powers to reject planning applications now. He stated that the Neighbourhood Plan will be vital but no consideration will be given to this until it is live, and the Melton Local Plan will not be in place for another year. However, Cllr Higgins suggested that the cumulative impact of successive planning applications would in itself be a reason for refusal of subsequent applications. Cllr Higgins stated that most of the applications which are being accepted, and building commenced, are in rural areas, while it is anticipated that the major development in Melton town will take place in years 5-10 of the Local Plan.

The Council agreed that it is important to maintain a dialogue with MBC on this topic.

115/16/17 Housing Needs Survey

The results of the survey have been received. There is an identified need for 5 open market homes, 9 affordable rental homes and 3 shared ownership homes in Somerby parish for those with a local connection. The report can now be released for public consumption and will be made available on the PC website.

Clerk to put report on PC website

116/16/17 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Camplejohn and Cllr Fynn met with Gary Kirk on 26th May. Photographs were provided to Gary, courtesy of the Somerby Camera Club who were thanked for their assistance. Gary stressed the importance of Councillor attendance at the public meeting on 18th June. Cllr Camplejohn and Cllr Marlow will both be present from 9.15am. The Clerk and remaining Councillors will be present for all or part of the event. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. Cllr Crosby volunteered his wife to help make drinks. The Clerk will purchase refreshments.

Leaflets have been provided by Gary Kirk to be delivered to every household in the Parish. The Clerk has spoken with James Beverley who is arranging for large scale maps to be provided. Gary Kirk will provide all paperwork required for the event. Cllr Marlow will provide a write up on the event for the July Towards.

A meeting had been arranged with Gary on 5th July, to discuss the findings from the event. Cllr Blakebrough and Cllr Crosby are unable to attend on this date, so it was proposed that it be moved to 13th July immediately before the PC meeting. At this meeting it is also intended that the NP constitution be discussed.

Clerk to purchase refreshments

Clerk to contact Gary Kirk to rearrange meeting date and request sample constitution

117/16/17 113 Bus Service

Cllr Blakebrough has circulated the minutes of the last CBP meeting on 7th June. He stated that the number of attendees continues to fall. Alignment of the 113 service with rail services is not possible and will not be pursued. Work on branding is progressing; the children at Somerby School will name the dog which features in the artwork. A launch event will then be held to raise awareness. Other topics discussed included sponsorship by local businesses and publicity in other Parish magazines.

Cllr Higgins enquired about the use of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) during the recent road closure in Somerby. No feedback has been received, though there was anecdotal evidence that DRT had been utilised.

118/16/17 East Leics and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group

Nothing to report.

119/16/17 Pot Holes

The patching work has been completed in Somerby. The drains are full of tarmac and LCC have been asked to clear them as a matter of urgency.

120/16/17 Patient Participation Group

Cllr Fynn has provided the minutes from the last PPG meeting on 19th May. The Council are concerned that the PPG is not addressing any issues relevant to Somerby. It was suggested that a new Somerby based PPG be instigated.

Clerk to contact the head of practice at the Surgery to investigate the possibility of creating a new PPG

121/16/17 Improvements to Somerby Play Area

The Clerk and Rosie Edwards met with Sovereign Play on 21st April to discuss the available options. Sovereign Play have provided a design and costings for a piece of multi-play equipment and a basket swing, together with associated fittings and installation costs. The quote is £7,146 plus VAT. It was felt that the design, while very cost effective, did not fully satisfy the requirements, so alternative equipment is being investigated. Hannah Buck at MBC has been contacted for advice on funding sources; she is on leave until 6th June. In light of the SHLAA proposal relating to ECT land which includes the play area, it was agreed that improvement plans would not be progressed until we have further information from MBC/ECT.

122/16/17 Millennium signs

Hayley Pitcher has done some initial work on the signs in preparation for painting.

123/16/17 Flooding on Pickwell Road

The drains have been cleared.

124/16/17 Parish Council Website

The Clerk has had an ‘online project kick-off’ meeting with 2commune and is now in the process of transferring across the content from the old website to the new website so that it can go live before the end of August 2016.

125/16/17 Traffic Measures Pickwell

Cllr Blakebrough and Cllr Vurley will continue to pursue the matter with Highways.

126/16/17 Street signage

The Leesthorpe sign has been cleaned.

127/16/17 Somerby Parish Protection Group

The Clerk has written to Eileen Tomes and Mary Hamilton confirming that SPC has taken receipt of all paperwork relating to the SPPG and will ring fence the funds once they have been transferred. The Clerk has spoken with the bank and, since the account has been inactive for a number of years, the balance has been transferred to the bank’s unclaimed balances account. Mary Hamilton has been informed that she will need to go into a branch and authorise the transfer of funds to an SPC bank account.

128/16/17 Drain cleansing on The Field

Tim Maydwell has been given instructions to clear the gulley.

129/16/17 Somerby Cemetery

Following a complaint from a relative regarding the condition of the cemetery, Tim has been asked to do some work and so far has strimmed around the graves. Graves that have caved in will be filled with topsoil. Cllr Blakebrough will check whether any further work has been done.