1. Decide whether the pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular, or neither?

The lines are?

2x + 3y = 4

2x + 3y = 9

Slope of the first line is -2/3

Slope of the second line is -2/3

Since the slopes of the pair of lines is equal, they are parallel.

2. Solve. -10 ≤ 3x - 5 ≤ -4 What is the solution set is?


3. Evaluate. x + y divided by 9, for x = 60 and y = 12, x + y divided by 9 = ?

4. Find the indicated outputs for f(x)=3x squared - 3x, f(0) = ? f(-1) =? f(2) = ?

f(0) = 3(0)2 - 3(0) = 0

f(-1) = 3(-1)2 - 3(-1) = 6

f(2) = 3(2)2 - 3(2) = 6

5. Solve. 4 > 3x + 3 or 9 ≤ - 5x + 3 What's the solution to the einequality?

or So the combined solution is

6. Solve by the subsitiution method. 9x + 7y = -13 x = 9 - 6y What is the solution of the system?

9x + 7y = -13
x = 9 - 6y

Substitute x = 9 - 6y in the first equation,

9(9 - 6y) + 7y = -13

81 - 54y + 7y = -13

47y = 94

y = 2

Now plug y = 2 in the second equation to get x,

x = 9 - 6(2)

x = -3

So the solution is x = -3, and y = 2

Or in ordered pair notation, (-3, 2)

7. Solve. y - 9 > -12

y > -12 + 9

y > -3

Solution set can also be shown as (-3, +∞)

8. Translate to an algebraic expression. The product of 12% & some number. The translation is?

0.12y (the question was incomplete but I assumed the variable is "y")

9. Solve using the multiplication system. -5/8x = -9/10 The solution is?

x =

10. Simplify. 2[-50-(-74-16)] = ?


11. Find the slope & the y - intercept. f(x) = -5x - 9 The slope is ? The y - intercept is? (0, ?)

The slope is -5

The y-intercept is -9

12. Solve for the indicated letter. a = 2b, for b The solution set is b = ?

b =

13. Solve the following system of equations. x+ 9y = 5 x = 3 - 9y What is the solution set?

Substitute x = 3 - 9y in the first equation,

3 - 9y + 9y = 5

3 = 5

This can not be true, hence there is no solution to this system.

14. Solve. 0.9x + 6 ≤ 1.3x - 3 The solution set is?

9 ≤ 0.4x

x ≥ 22.5

15. Find the domain of the function. p(x) = x squared - 2x + 9 What is the domain of p?

Domain is all real numbers.

16. Multiple. 9/4 * [1/7]

Result is

17. Solve. 5/4x + 1/8x = 9/8 + x

x = 3

18. Solve using the multiplication system. -2x > 1/9 The solution set is?

x <

19. Solve. -0.3x < -24 The solution set is?

x > 80

20. Solve using the multiplication & addition principles. 2 + 5x < 37 The solution set is?

x < 7

21. Find the slope, if an exists, of the line containing the pair of points (6, 8) & (10, -5) The slope m = ?

m =

22. Solve using the elimination method. 3x + 4y = 5, 6x + 8y = 10

3x + 4y = 5
6x + 8y = 10

Multiply the first equation by -2,

-6x - 8y = -10
6x + 8y = 10

Add the two equations side by side,

0 = 0

There are infinitely many solutions.

23. Determine if (-5, -4) is a solution of 9x - 4y = -6

9(-5) - 4(-4) = -29 ≠ -6

it is not a solution.

24. Find the slope if it exists. x = -3 m = ?

Slope is undefined. There is no slope.

25. Use the distributive property to solve the equation. 8(w-6) = 16 w = ?

w = 8

26. Solve. 8x - (6x + 7) = 3 The solution is x = ?

x = 5

27. Use the multiplication system. 10x = -70 The solution is x = ?

x = -7

28. Collect like terms. 15a + 6b - 12a - 8b = ?

3a - 2b

29. Find the domain of the function. g(x) = 2/3-5x

{x | x ≠ }

30. Solve by the elimination method. 7r - 9s = -46, 9r + 7s = 108 What is the solution of the system?

7r - 9s = -46
9r + 7s = 108

Multiply the first equation by 7 and the second equation by 9,

49r - 63s = -322
81r + 63s = 972

Add the two equations side by side to eliminate s,

49r - 63s + 81r + 63s = -322 + 972

130r = 650

r = 5

Now plug r = 5 in the first equation to get s,

7(5) - 9s = -46
s = 9

So the solution is r = 5, and s = 9,

or in ordered pair notation (5, 9)

31. 25% of what number is 10?