Held:6th September 2017 @ 7pm

Present: Ms Caldwell (Chair), Ms Drummond, Mrs Brough, Mrs McKee, Ms Campbell, Mrs Crosbie, Mrs Henry, Ms Beattie, Mrs Eason, Mrs McEachran and Mrs Baird


  • Welcome
  • Achievements over the year
  • Hopes for the future
  • Treasurers report
  • Headteachers report
  • Questions and Your Views
  • Future meeting dates


Natalie Caldwell introduced herself as the Chair of the P4P and explained her role within the group. Natalie further introduced the members of the group and confirmed that the groups sole purpose is to be a support to the school and of course the parents and children. Parents 4 Pupils does indeed raise funds but all funds raised are gifted back to the school for the children. Natalie advised that all parents are welcome to attend our meetings and that it is appreciated that not everyone can attend all meetings. To close the introduction Natalie thanked all parents who had taken time out to attend this evenings AGM.


Natalie told the group that due to the fire damage to the summer house in the nursery grounds money had been raised but the local community. The money was used to purchase trim trail for another part of the school playground, the aim is to purchase more trim trail in the future.

Parents 4 Pupils also hosted a Ladies Night and Christmas Fayre. It was agreed that both events were hugely successful. (A breakdown of funds raised will be given by Mrs Brough). Some of the funds raised were used towards; Leavers Service (P4P members man and assist in organising this event), Halloween discos, Easter Parades, World Book Day and Nursery Graduation. P4P also support and attend School Parliament Meetings and Mrs Crosbie and Miss Beattie also run the nursery lending library.

Hopes for the Future School Year

Natalie informed all that we will continue along the same vein as we have done in previous years.

Organising and hosting the Christmas Fayre

Continue to build upon our relationship with St Joachims Parents Council

Update our Twitter Page

Arrange courses – if anyone has ideas for courses these are welcome

Family Focus Group will continue to put forward ideas such as family movie nights as this was very successful last term

Join larger Parent Council Groups across Glasgow

Continue to support the school, parents and children in any way we can

Financial Report (Mrs Brough)

All attendees were given a paper copy of the report. This is as follows:


Opening Balance:£800.60

Clerks Fees:£400.00

Christmas Fayre Profit:£1735.43

Ladies Night Profit:£590.00

Just Giving £297.90



P4P Leavers Gift:£73.98

School Fund:£3100.00


Closing Balance (£649.95

P4P leavers gift was for Mrs Oliver who had left the group as her son left school at the end of last term. Mrs Oliver had been a member of P4P for numerous years.

Just Giving was the page that was set up at after the summer house in the nursery grounds was vandalised.

Headteachers report

Mrs Baird opened her report by thanking everyone for attending this evenings meeting. She went on to discuss how happy she was to see so much support for the pupils of Carmyle PS &NS and stated that she feels the school is very lucky to have this support.

Tracking Meetings:

Mrs Baird further confirmed that there have been some changes to how the children’s progress is being monitored. She has tracking meetings with the teachers and support workers frequently to discuss each and every pupil to ensure their needs are being met. Ongoing assessments are also being held between teachers and pupils.

Standard Assessments:

Children at Carmyle Primary School have always completed these in paper format but the Scottish Government has now requested that these assessments are all completed online, this will now take place within the school with the children being assisted by teachers and staff.

Learner Conversations:

In order to have a better insight into each child Mrs Baird often checks the children’s jotters and chats with them to hear how they are finding school and to check their progression herself.

Attainment levels

Mrs Baird stated she was delighted that the attainment levels in Maths had seen a significant rise along with a slight rise in attainments levels in reading. She confirmed that the attainment level for reading had remained the same – to this end more focus will be given on this area to ensure our levels raise this term. The ultimate goal is to see all 3 levels raise. Mrs Baird advised that Mrs Jamieson has been trained in reading delivery for the children and has vast experience in early years education.

Staff training

Mrs Baird was happy to report that staff are being trained to ensure the needs of dyslexic children. The training being given will enable staff to identify this and to work effectively with the children.

Standards and Quality Report

This is available online for everyone to view. This will give an insight into the targets for the school year and will be continuously updated.

Update on Primary 1 intake

Mrs Baird is delighted with how well the children have settled in this term with virtually no upset. She further commented that the smaller class sizes have been welcome as the children are getting valuable one on one time with their teacher and support workers. Children are also continuing with Learning Through Play which has helped toward settling them.

School Updates

Mrs Baird took the opportunity to remind everyone that the school Twitter Page is updated almost daily, the school website will also be updated and that we have a new school App – details on how to gain access to this App were sent home with the children. This is a work in progress and is being updated by the digital learners under the watchful eye of Mrs McEachran.

Homework Club (Supported Learning)

Due to the success of the club last term it has been brought back, funding has been granted which will allow teachers to be paid to attend and work at same.

Other Business from Mrs Baird

£15,000 was awarded to the Nursery by Glasgow City Council and new indoor furniture was purchased. This was purchased towards the end of last term and was installed during summer break. This has been a fantastic addition and the children are happy.

Mrs Mullen has left her position as Team Leader within the nursery to pursue a different role and Miss McDaid has taken over this role, currently in a temporary basis.

Mrs Baird took the opportunity to discuss the ongoing issue with school trips. Due to lack of parent helpers we are getting to the stage where it is likely that trips will have to be cancelled, the school are doing all they can to ensure this doesn’t happen and would ask that if anyone is able to help they get in touch. Mrs Baird appreciates all the help the school/children are given by parents that do assist and would urge any other parents – or grandparents get in touch to let the school know they are willing to help.

The ongoing janitorial issue has been resolved finally and it has been agreed that there will be 1 janitor per school. The janitor for our school was temporary and the permanent role will now bead advertised.

YOUR VIEWS: Mrs Baird has urged any parents/carers to come forward with any concerns/issues they may have to give the school a chance to help/deal with same.

Mrs Baird closed her section and the meeting with opened for questions.

Q. Is the supported learning group only for children who are deemed to be struggling?

A. No, The group was primarily set up for children who were deemed to be struggling but Carmyle Primary School has opened this for all that would like to attend. Although parents are not required to attend it is believed there is a benefit for the parents to see how the children are being taught as this will allow them to help at home if the child needs it.

Natalie Caldwell added that believes the parents/children of Carmyle Primary School are lucky to have teachers that are so passionate about our children’s learning and growth.

Dates for Future P4P Meetings:

06.10.2017 @ 2pm

01.11.2017 @ 7pm

29.11.2017 @ 7pm (venue tbc)

12.01.2018 @ 2pm

07.02.2018 @ 7pm

02.03.2018 @ 2pm

Christmas Fayre will be held on 2nd December from 10:12:30pm. Closer to the time we will be requesting any donations for unwanted gifts or unused today.

The meeting closed with P4P chair thanking everyone for attending and asking for anyone wishing to be added our mailing list to provide her with their email address.

Meeting Closed @ 8:13pm