OCTOBER 17, 2013
The 116th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee was held on Thursday, October 17, 2013, at First Presbyterian Church, Cookeville. An orientation for first time commissioners was led by Stated Clerk Therese Howell at 8:30am. Moderator Mark Bryan called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The Moderator declared a quorum was present, and reviewed procedures for the meeting. The Rev. Pat Handlson, pastor of the host church, welcomed commissioners. Rev. Handlson stated that the presbytery meeting was being co-hosted by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Fairfield Glade; Double Springs Presbyterian Church, Cookeville; Buffalo Valley Presbyterian Church; Calvary Presbyterian Church of Big Lick, Crossville; and Rock Island Presbyterian Church.
The Moderator welcomed first time commissioners to presbytery and offered a prayer.
The Presbytery’s Mission Handbook and the Book of Order provide for the seating of corresponding members and teaching and ruling elders with voice and those with voice and vote. The Mission Handbook states that any ruling elder serving as presbytery’s Moderator, chair of Council, Moderator-in-Nomination, Immediate Past Moderator, or chair of a mission unit or support unit is to be enrolled with voice and vote; ruling elders who are serving as at-large members of Council, and an elder serving as representative of Presbyterian Women, shall have the privilege of voice and vote. The Book of Order provides for the seating of corresponding members, with voice but without vote - presbyters in good standing in other governing bodies of this church or in any other Christian church, present at any meeting of the presbytery. Commissioned Ruling Elders and Certified Christian Educators who are ruling elders are granted the privilege of the floor with voice and vote; Certified Christian Educators and certified lay employees are granted the privilege of the floor. Corresponding members were seated without objection, and are listed with the roll.
The Presbytery welcomed Dr. Bill Wilson, president, Center for Congregational Health; Rev. Ramses, Honorably Retired member of the Presbyterian Church of Egypt, and his wife, Therese; Young Adult Volunteers Tricia McReynolds (Louisville, KY), Courtney Townsend (Des Moines, IA), and Kathryn Cunningham (Hastings, NB).
The roll of commissioners, corresponding members, and visitors attending the presbytery meeting is attached (Attachment A).
The following agenda was approved without objection:
8am 1. Registration (Orders of the Day in CAPS)
8:30am Orientation for First Time Commissioners (Youth Room) – Warner and Therese
8:30am Small Group Facilitators Orientation (Library) – Bill Wilson
3. Establishment of Quorum / Statement of Procedures / Welcome by Host / Recognition of First Time Commissioners / Corresponding Members / Adoption of Agenda
9:20am 4. Prayer of Approach – Warner Durnell, Executive Presbyter
9:25am 5. Visioning - Bill Wilson, Center for Congregational Health (1.25 hrs)
10:40am 6. Stated Clerk’s Report – Therese Howell (5 min)
Agenda, continued:
10:45am 7. Administration & Finance – Mike Ingram / Brian Dixon (5 min)
10:50am 8. Coordinating Committee – Steve Douse / Freda Dye (20 min)
11:10am 9. Word and Sacrament – Pat Handlson, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Cookeville
· Sermons by Ordinands (2)
· Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
12:15pm Lunch
1:15pm Reconvene
- Concerns, Celebrations, Announcements
o Young Adult Volunteers
o Presbyterian Women
o APA Certification – Recognition of Members
1:30pm 10. Executive Presbyter’s Report – Warner Durnell (5 min)
1:35pm 11. Nominations & Representation – John Cheetham {15 min)
1:50pm 12. Committee on Ministry – John Crawford (1 hr)
2:50pm 13. Unfinished Business
Next Meeting – February 1, 2014, The Downtown Presbyterian Church, Nashville
3:00pm 14. Closing Prayer / Adjourn / Benediction
Warner Durnell, Executive Presbyter, offered a prayer for the presbytery and its meeting.
Dr. Bill Wilson, president, Center for Congregational Health, provided statistics related to churches and their members and non-members, church growth and decline, and what is needed to change and move forward. The presbytery then split into discussion groups, led by members of the Coordinating Council.
Ruling Elder Therese Howell, stated clerk, presented the following report.
Review of Session Minutes
Session Minutes will be reviewed on the following dates: Saturday, November 16, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, 10AM – Noon; Saturday, December 7, Presbytery Office, 10AM – Noon
Roster of Former Permanent Judicial Commission Members
The stated clerk provided the following roster of former Permanent Judicial Commission members, alphabetically by class, whose terms have expired within the past six years (D-5.0206b.):
Class of 2012 Class of 2010 Class of 2008
RE Susan Burns RE Lee Barfield RE Mary Ann Womeldorf
TE Jim Hudnut-Beumler TE Nancy McCurley
RE Suzanne McLemore TE Sandra Randleman
TE Robert P. Richardson TE Philip Falk
Reports to the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee
The stated clerk called attention to reports in the presbytery packet not requiring action: Presbyterian Women, Hunger Action Enabler, Personnel Committee, NEXT Church Leadership Conference information, and Committee on Preparation for Ministry.
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry report included the enrollment of Keith Venson, a member of Spring Creek Presbyterian Church, Lebanon, as an inquirer, and the action of the CPM to declare candidate Ho Dong Hwang certified ready for call.
Cathy C. Hoop / Ordination
The stated clerk has received the minutes of the commission to ordain Cathy Hoop (August 3, 2013). [minutes will be included in the permanent record]
Ben Schultz / First Presbyterian Church, Manchester
The stated clerk has received the minutes of the commission to install Ben Schultz as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Manchester (August 25, 2013). [minutes will be included in the permanent record]
Stephen Yates / First Presbyterian Church, Tullahoma
The stated clerk received the minutes of the commission to install Stephen Yates as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Tullahoma (September 15, 2013). [minutes will be included in the permanent record]
General Administrative Review - 2012
The stated clerk provided Coordinating Committee with a report on 2012 general administrative review.
Minutes of the 115th Stated Meeting (July 27, 2013)
The minutes of the 115th stated meeting of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee (July 27, 2013) were provided with the presbytery packet. The motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. There were no corrections or additions, and the minutes were approved without objection.
Mt. Tabor – Salem Administrative Commission
The stated clerk reported that the property of the former Mt. Tabor – Salem Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Tennessee, was sold and the sale was finalized on October 10. The motion was made and seconded to dismiss the administrative commission with thanks for their work and to thank the Administration & Finance Committee for their assistance with the sale. The stated clerk reported the property was sold to a church, and the sales price was approximately $50,000. There were no objections, and this was so ordered.
The Administration Finance report, which included the 2014 “Phase 1” budget, was provided with the presbytery packet.
Ruling Elder Steve Douse, co-chair of the Coordinating Committee, presented the Coordinating Committee’s report.
October Presbytery Meeting
The Coordinating Committee approved the agenda for the October Presbytery meeting, including worship and the offering, as well as displays.
Coordinating Committee 2014 Budget
The Coordinating Committee approved its 2014 budget to be submitted to Administration & Finance.
Overture from New Hope Presbyterian Church
The Coordinating Committee approved referral of the overture from the New Hope Presbyterian Church to the Administration & Finance Committee and the CC Visioning Task Force.
UKirk Vanderbilt / Belmont
Mr. Douse moved that the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee approve UKirk (Vanderbilt campus ministry) pursue a new outreach mission to the students, faculty and staff of Belmont University. Mr. Douse spoke to the motion, which comes upon recommendation of the College & Young Adult Ministries Committee. The recommendation was approved.
Nominations to the Nominations and Representation Committee
The Coordinating Committee recommended the following slate for election to the Nominations and Representation Committee. Mr. Douse moved that John Cheetham (Honorably Retired), Bill Caruso (First Nashville), Chris Joiner (First Franklin), and Joyce Harris (St. Andrews) be elected to the class of 2016. The Moderator opened the floor for additional nominations, and there were none. The slate, as presented, was approved without discussion.
Mr. Douse moved that Wanda Barr (First Murfreesboro) be elected to the class of 2015 to fill a vacancy. The Moderator opened the floor for additional nominations, and there were none. The motion to elect Mrs. Barr was approved without discussion.
Mr. Douse then moved that Bill Caruso serve as chair of the Nominations and Representation Committee for 2014. The Moderator opened the floor for additional nominations, and there were none. There was no discussion, and the recommendation was approved.
2014 Presbytery Meetings
The Coordinating Committee recommended the following meeting dates for 2014 presbytery meetings: Saturday, February 1; Saturday, May 17; and Friday – Saturday, October 3 and 4. Mr. Douse spoke to the motion. There were no questions or objections, and this was so ordered by the Moderator.
2014 Budget
The Coordinating Committee recommended approval of “Phase 1” of the 2014 Budget (a copy was provided with the presbytery packet). Mr. Douse spoke to the motion, and stated this budget was subject to modifications as pledge income is finalized. After discussion, the budget was approved (Appendix B).
Changes to the Mission Handbook
The Coordinating Committee recommended changes to the Mission Handbook; a copy of the Mission Handbook with the proposed changes (additions indicated by underline, deletions indicated by strikethrough, existing text that has been moved is indicated by italics, and the original location of the text to be moved is indicated by italic with a strikethrough) was provided with the presbytery packet. Mr. Douse spoke to the recommendation, and stated there were five substantive changes: (1) changes requirements for presbytery meetings, as the presbytery moves from four meetings / year to three meetings / year, and eliminates the requirements for days, giving presbytery flexibility in scheduling; (2) presbytery worship will be planned by the three moderators, which the Coordinating Committee believes will be more workable; (3) cleans up procedures for the Moderator and the Treasurer; (4) clarifies the responsibilities of Administration & Finance and the Coordinating Committee with regard to designated funds, grants, and special offerings; and (5) proposes changes in criteria for election of commissioners to the General Assembly.
There were no questions or discussion, and the recommendation was approved without objection. (Appendix C)
The presbytery then moved into worship. Worship leaders were The Rev. Pat Handlson, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Cookeville, and The Rev. Walter Canter, pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church of Big Lick, Crossville. Candidates Ho Dong Hwang and Leigh Bonner both preached sermons. The Rev. Lindsey Wade, chair of the College and Young Adult Ministries Committee, spoke to the offering (to be divided equally among the presbytery’s campus ministries). Music was provided by Mr. Paul Thurmond, organist / choirmaster for First Presbyterian Church, Cookeville, and Mr. Josh Voiles, bass. The Lord’s Supper was celebrated and communion servers were ruling elders from the host churches: Shirley Puckett, Buffalo Valley; Dora Estes, Double Springs; Debbie Handlson and Andrew Smith, First Cookeville; Bev Talbott and Al Wilson, Calvary; Patricia Booth and Roselie Van Deuren, Westminster Fairfield Glade.
The meeting was recessed for lunch, provided by the host churches. After lunch, the Moderator reconvened the meeting, and opened with prayer.
Warner Durnell, Executive Presbyter, led the presbyter in concerns, celebrations, and announcements.
Young Adult Volunteers
Young Adult Volunteers Tricia McReynolds, Courtney Townsend, and Kathryn Cunningham spoke of their volunteer year with the YAV program. Ms. McReynolds stated it was “a year of service for a lifetime of change.” The volunteers work at five international or 12 national sites. Commissioners were urged to support this worthwhile program, and challenged to help triple the program.
Presbyterian Women
Diane Thurston, moderator of Presbyterian Women, reported that 2013 was the 25th year of Presbyterian Women. She reported on the Fall Gathering held September 21 at Historic Franklin. Ms. Thurston called attention to the Legacy Christmas CD, a collection of Celtic inspired Christmas carols produced by Living Waters for the World; proceeds from the sale of the CD will be shared between the PW Birthday Offering and Living Waters for the World. Information is available at LegacyChristmas.net.
Administrative Personnel Association
Warner Durnell and Freda Dye (past president, APA) recognized Linda Rogers (Trinity Presbyterian Church) and Linda Griffis (Presbytery Administrative Assistant) for achieving certification through the Administrative Personnel Association. Ms. Rogers completed requirements for Level III Certification, and Ms. Griffis completed requirements for Level I Certification. Rev. Durnell and Ms. Dye led the presbytery in recognition of these achievements.
Guatemala Task Force
David Carlton, a member of the Guatemala Task Force, spoke of the upcoming mission trip to Guatemala, February 19 – 26, 2014. Anyone interested in attending should contact him.
Presbytery Meeting Offering
Rev. Durnell celebrated that the worship offering collected for the benefit of the presbytery’s campus ministries totaled $1,640.
· A book on the history of the First Presbyterian Church in Gallatin, written by Dr. Charles Moffatt III, is available for sale. The church will host a book signing on October 27, 2pm – 4pm.
· “So Falls A Sparrow”, a book by Dr. Robert Crumby, Honorably Retired, is now available.
· The Rev. Don Beisswenger, Honorably Retired, was the recipient of Yale Divinity School’s William Sloane Coffin Social Justice Award.
Rev. Durnell then led the presbytery in prayer.