Workshop on

Understanding Statistics by MS-EXCEL and SPSS-2015

Nov. 23-30, 2015

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Organized by:

DST Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical SciencesBHU


Prof. Gyan Prakash Singh

All electronic correspondence should be sent to:


Most of the users of statistics, as a decision making tool, feel themselves handicapped in understanding the theoretical concepts,selection of appropriate statistical tools and interpretation of results in a meaningful ways. It is really difficult for a person who is not well versed with research methodology and the core philosophy of statistics. The present workshopis similar to the previous 9 workshops of this centre which aims to expose the participants towardssimple and exhaustive ways of data analysis through interactive and practice based sessions along with theoretical learning. Well designed and structured training sessions covering the topics outlined in the programme will be organized. The organisation of workshop is in such a way that the issues of research methods and data analysis may be easily understood by even those participants who do not have any initial background of statistics and mathematics. Theworkshopprovides the different learning styles, with an emphasis on active interactive participation through lab sessions running along with theory sessions. Participants will be provided with sample data set to analyse so that they may gain confidence and expertise in conducting researches in their respective subject domains.

The software used in the workshopwill be SPSS since SPSS is the data analysis software package of choice for applied researchers for making inferences. The Microsoft Excel is also a very strong tool in statistical computing and enhancing the practical concept of calculation mechanism. The participants will get a hands-on experience ofMS-Excel and its use in solving the examples before using SPSS.


Against the above background and context, the objectives of the Workshop will be to:

  • To expose the participants towards simple and exhaustive ways of data analysis through interactive and practice based sessions along with theoretical learning.
  • To provide a hands-on experience of the models and tools used for conducting research in the different subject domains of Social Science, Humanities and Science subjects.
  • To equip the participants with the knowhow to using SPSS to perform analyses to check for statistical significance and interpret the data output in a manner relevant to them.

For Whom:

  • Academicians, Practitioners and Researchers from the related areas of Social Science, Humanities, Management, Medical Science and Science who are interested in learning basics of Statistics and data analysis.

How to Apply:

LOCAL PARTICIPANTS:Interested participants may take ‘ON SPOT’registration during 06.11.2015-07.11.2015 (10 AM- 04 PM)in the office of Coordinator, DST- Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (CIMS), Faculty of Science, BHU, along with dully filled attached application form and a registration fee of Rs. 2500/-. Seats are limited, therefore registration will be on the basis of “first come first get registered”.

OUT STATION PARTICIPANTS:The interested participants of institutions other than Varanasi may send their dully filled attached application form by email to before 05.11.2015. The selection information will be sent to them on 06.11.2015. Such selected candidate will ask to deposit their registration fee (Rs. 2500/-) on 23.11.2015 the day of start of workshop. The travel and accommodation will be managed by the candidates.

Program Date and Venue:

Nov. 23-30, 2015 at DST, CIMS, (Near Maitry Jalpan Grih, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India

  • Programme will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Thematic Clusters:

Lectures supported by MS-Excel and SPSS

  1. Univariate data summary

(a)Graphical descriptorsNumerical descriptor

  1. Bivariate data

(a)Graphical Numerical descriptor of bivariate data( Correlation, Association, Regression)

  1. Estimation & Hypothesis testing

(a)Parametric test (t- test, Chi square test, F test, ANOVA)

(b)Non Parametric test (Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxn, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman’s Rank test)

  1. Exposure to Analysis of Multivariate data

(a) Regression analysis (b) Logistic regression analysis

(c)Principle component analysis (d) Factor analysis

(e)Discriminate analysis

Note: For any quarry regarding the workshop feel free to contact Dr. Gyan Prakash Singh, Dept. of Community Medicine, IMS & DST-CIMS, BHU. Mobile Number- 9450014381, E-Mail: .


Workshop on

Understanding Statistics by MS-EXCEL and SPSS-2015

Nov. 23-30, 2015

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Designation / Organization:
City / State
Email: / Mobile:
Research Experience (in yrs)
Please mention the topics which you want to learn in workshop (It will help us in better designing of workshop):

Signature of the Applicant Signature of forwarding authority

(with seal)

Understanding Statistics by MS-EXCEL and SPSS-2015