Wouldham Parish Council – 3 April 2012 1750
TUESDAY 3rd APRIL 2012 AT 7.30PM
Present: Cllr K Malkinson (Chairman)
Cllrs D Adams, T Fulwell J Head, A Parnell, K Savagej and R Stone
Mrs S Egglesden (Clerk)
In Attendance:
Borough Councillor D Davis
Community Warden D Liepnik
1 Member of Public
1 / APOLOGIESThere were apologies from Borough Councillor R Dalton, County Councillor
P Homewood, Cllr K Craib and PCSO R Wilson.
Cllr Fulwell noted that in item 16, Recreation Ground, last line of the first paragraph, should read ‘metal detecting is not permitted ’. The Clerk amended the minutes accordingly, then the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 6th March 2012 were proposed by Cllr Adams and seconded by Cllr Savage, to be a true record of proceedings and it was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman. /
Members agreed that any matters arising from the minutes would be dealt with under the appropriate heading, as the meeting progressed through the agenda. /
There were no declarations of interest. /
The police report had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting.
Community Warden Liepnik reported on:
- Assisting the new PCSO with getting to know the area
- Someone had walked over the roof of a commercial vehicle in the car park causing a small dent and the resident was advised to report the incident to the police.
- Liasing with conservation officer Terry Venn regarding any suspicious vehicles in the area
- Valley of Visions will be funded again for another year
- Whips replaced along Pilgrims Way, this time without guards
CW Liepnik left the meeting at 7.40 pm. /
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Cllr Davis reported on the successful Bash the Trash event, with thanks to Cllr Adams and his family for supporting the event.A meeting, held last night, on the 155 Bus service was supported by 36 residents from the 3 villages. It highlighted that there is a definite mis-match of bus times with what the community requires. A full leaflet survey is to be carried out in the 3 villages to find out what times the buses are required. KCC would entertain looking carefully at a social service. Discussion took place about the bus service; people using the buses for work, using smaller buses and using buses with ramps for disabled. /
Nothing to report. /
Nothing to report.
Planning applications considered and commented upon, by Planning Committee: None to report
Planning consents issued: None to report
Planning applications refused: None to report
Other Planning Issues: Nothing to report.
Cllr Adams did not have any new streetlight issues to report this month. Cllr Parnell reported on a discussion on Radio Kent about the possibility of reducing streetlights hours. Discussion took place regarding LED lights and looking into replacing PC lights as and when repairs are required. /
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Cllr Adams report that he noted a prolific amount of cigarette butts outside all the village pubs and suggested the PC should look into sending a standard letter to all the publicans. Cllr Davis suggested that if the PC does write a letter, it should copy the letter into TMBC Environmental Waste.
Cllr Savage reported on a smashed green litter bin near to the Post Office. It was agreed theClerk would report this to TMBC.
Cllr Adams asked if the PC is happy to leave KCC to deal with Hill Road maintenance? The Chairman advised that Cllr Homewood had informed him that the planned repairs would not actually be carried out until 2015 and it is up to Cllr Homewood to argue the case for bringing this work forward on our behalf. The Borough Councillors will be pursuing this with Cllr Homewood.
Nothing to report.13 /
The allotments would be affected by the current hosepipe ban coming into force on 5/4/12 and Anne Marr had made the allotment holders aware of this.
Anne Marr had spoken to allotment holders to gauge opinion on a possible rent increase for next year, as Wouldham Allotment rents seemed to be low compared to other allotment rents in the area. It was agreed that the PC would determine the new rents nearer the time.
Due to the recent allotment break-ins, the allotment holders had requested funding for some preventative measures. After a discussion, the PC felt that these would not possibly be the best options and it was agreed that the PC would speak with the new PCSO and CW Liepnik for their suggestions. The Clerk would report this to Anne Marr.
Nothing to report. /15 / VILLAGE HALL
Existing Village Hall: - Cllr Stone reported that work is to be carried out replacing the downpipes, putting up Jellybeans shed and repairing the cracked floorboard. A quote had been received for the roof felt replacement but it was agreed not to go ahead with this work, as the roof is not leaking. Two quotes had been obtained for new flooring; covering the floor with plywood, then vinyl flooring, plus a price for new flooring in the toilets. The Chairman advised that the Village Hall Management Committee might need to look to the PC for some assistance with funding towards the cost of the flooring. A letter had been received regarding the Community Payback scheme for the repainting of the hall. The initial assessment had taken place and a further assessment would be carried out shortly.
New Village Hall: - The Chairman and Clerk had a meeting with a professional fundraiser and the Steering Group had agreed at its last meeting to use the fundraiser. The Steering Group had also agreed that Pinelog was the preferable quote for building the hall. They work on a design and build basis and would project manage the whole build. Their designs also lend themselves for being extended at a later stage if required. Councillors had no objections to the Steering Groups recommendations.
The fundraiser has given the Steering Group a list of requirements for the funding applications. One of these is a survey of village to see what is required in the new hall. A draft survey was circulated to all councillors for comments which included artwork provided by Cllr Savage of how the new hall might look. Cllr Savage asked all councillors if they would assist with delivery of survey and provided each councillor with a designated route, to which all councillors agreed. It was agreed that the Steering Group would hold a meeting in 2 weeks time to organise the final survey draft, looking at the survey to be distributed in early May. The Chairman would arrange the colour photocopying of the survey at no cost to the PC.
It was agreed to put an item in the next Parish Magazine regarding how important it is for residents to complete the survey. /
The Chairman reported that the 2 further pieces of fitness equipment would be delivered next week and installation would be carried out by MCL. They would also be moving the existing fitness equipment following on from advice from RoSPA.
The Clerk reported that she would be contacting Fawns for a quote for replacing the Run way cable seat plus adjustments, sanding and repainting the see-saw and repairing the gate to the toddler area. Cllr Fulwell advised that the gate on Knowle Road was not shutting properly. It was agreed to get Remlap, who installed the gate, to look at this when they fit the Village Hall gate.
Cllr Davis reported that Cllr Dalton, following on from Bash the Trash, had made a report to TMBC on flytipping incident of a mattress and a microwave at the far end of the recreation ground.
17 / FINANCEGeneral – The Clerk had received the Outturn Statement from TMBC requesting the signature of the Clerk or Chairman confirming that the allocation from TMBC had been spent in full for 2011-12. The Clerk confirmed that the money had been spent and the Chairman duly signed the form.
The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Adams had been added as an additional signature to the Natwest bank account.
Financial Statement – March 2012: This had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. The Chairman verified and signed the bank statement.
Bank Positionas at 23/03/12
Current Account £100.00
Reserve Account£18903.08
Building Society £10,290.50
Income for March 2012 - Nil
Cheques signed:
2703 / Sarah Egglesden / Salary, Expenses & O/T – Mar 12 / 899.59
2704 / J Harmer / Litter Duties – Mar 12 / 243.20
2705 / HMRC / Tax & Ni – Jan to Mar 12 / 597.92
2706 / KALC / Subscription / 381.11
2707 / E.ON / Unmetered streetlighting – Mar 12 / 23.49
2708 / Wouldham Village Hall / Hire of hall – x 4 / 40.00
The following cheques were signed for the Village Hall Management Committee:
100700 / Jellybeans Pre-school / Shed / 228.94
100701 / Gary Playford / Cleaning – Mar 12 / 110.00
100702 / KCC Supplies / Toilet Rolls/Paper Towels / 55.15
100703 / TMBC / Non Domestic Rates / 238.16
100704 / Sarah Egglesden / Reimbursement – microwave & cleaning materials / 42.53
Items for the Church Newsletter – It was agreed to report on the new village hall survey. /
19 / CORRESPONDENCE LIST: The list of correspondence received and letters sent during the last month had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.20 / DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st May 2012 at 7.30pm. This would also be the Parish Council’s AGM.
Cllr Adams asked if there was any update on adding a paper recycling bin to the village. The Clerk reported that the PC is on the waiting list with Smurfitt for a container.
Cllr Adams asked if there was any update on the Tramway and the Chairman confirmed that the PC is still trying to secure a meeting date with Mike Bax.
Cllr Parnell reported on a pot hole in Burham which Cllr Davis took detail of to report to KHS.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.50 pm. /
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Signed:______Dated: ______