Enhancingtheintegration of technologyintomedicineandhealthcare

May 5-6, 2018

Izmir, Turkey

Call forpapers

Welcometo the very first European leg of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Student Conference (ISC) to be held on 5-6 May 2018 at Izmir KatipÇelebi University Central Campus! The conference is organized by students, for the students who would like to tell people how they are enhancing the integration of technology into medicine and healthcare,displayed as posters or heard through an oral presentation upon their acceptance. If they satisfy the scope, topics and submission guidelines, students who are working in the field of biomedical engineering and other related fields will have a chance to receive rewards when they present their work on solving existing problems!

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the validity of the research and the compatibility with the tracks.


The deadline for paper submission is April 15, 2018. Please refer to the following dates below for other important dates.

Activities / ImportantDates
PaperSubmissionDeadline / April 15, 2018
Notification of Acceptance / April 20, 2018
Camera-readyPaperSubmission / April 27, 2018
EventDate / May 5-6, 2018

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

-Neuroscience / -BiomaterialsandTissueEngineering
-BiomedicalSignaland Image Processing / -RehabilitationEngineeringandBiorobotics
-Biosensors / -Biomedical Instrumentation
-ClinicalEngineering / -MedicalImaging, Visualization & Image Processing


Electronic 4-page IEEE-style articles are accepted for oral or poster presentation.

The submissions will be blind peerreviewed and the selected articles will be presented to on the conference website in the proceedings.

The articles need to be in English or Turkish, with 10 pt text in accordance with IEEE conference rules.

The articles will be evaluated according to their scientific merit, quality and the best presentation tools. They will be scanned for plagiarism. You have read the author's rights and responsibilities prior to submission.

IEEE ArticleTemplate /
Frequently Asked Questions About Plagiarism /
Author's Rights and Responsibilities /

Once you have prepared your paper (PDF-IEEE conference format only) you can upload it to the following website:


The accepted and submitted articles at ISC'18 will be published on the ISC web page. Local organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.


Name / Role / Contact
Mehtap Asena Kurucu / Student Representative /
Seray Güzel / Technical Chair /
Sevgi Sarıca / Technical Co-Chair /