Minutes of October 3, 2016 Meeting

Gerry opened the meeting, following our potluck supper at Stoughton, with Erna reading the Good Sam Pledge. Sharon took the roll call with 25 members and one guest in attendance. Linda Aalbers introduced her guest, Harold Cudmore, from Cannington Manor. Jim made the motion to accept the June Minutes, which was our last meeting before this one, and Delores Frey seconded that motion.

Jim commented that we needed to accept the Estevan $450.00 expense for those members who attended the Estevan Play. Sheila made a motion to accept this and Jim seconded it. Will read the Treasurer’s Report stating that the balance forward from August was $1,536.96. Judy made a motion to accept that and Gordon Austin seconded that motion.

Twenty One people met for a pot luck supper in Watrous and Gerry reported on the Provincial Meeting he went to there. He informed us that Provincial Good Sam had given our Chapter $500.00. He told us we would be in charge of Ladder Golf and Tabs at the Nipawin Rally. Gerry sent out a work sheet regarding this. He told us we could look at the Provincial GoodSam Site to check on further details. He said Provincial Good Sam was still looking for another location for the 2017 Rally. Gordon Austin had been checking out Estevan. Some other places under consideration were: Oungre Regional Park, Ft. Qu’Appelle and Moose Jaw Air Base. Gerry said the Provincial Good Sam decided to leave their membership dues for our Chapters at $1.00 per member. He asked us whether we wanted to increase our membership rates. Delores said she thought we should leave our rates the same if there was no need to increase it. Everyone present agreed so annual membership fees for our Chapter will remain at $5/a member.

Here is the report for the financial expenses thattranspired in June, July, August and September. In June $100 was presented to Don Sealy, who is in charge of the Therapeutic Park. In July the expense was $450.00 for the Estevan Theatre Tickets. In August there was no expense transaction. In September Willcollected $2.50 from each person in attendance at the Watrous Rally, to cover expenses for the registration fees, with a total of $52.50 collected. Our Chapter received a $500 cheque from Provincial Good Sam. Thanks to Sheila, who organized and ran the garage sale at the Rally, our Chapter raised $162.00. This left thetotal assets at $2,251.46. As to Expenses the $52.50 collected for registration fees, at the Watrous Mini Rally, was given to the Sask. Provincial TreasurerKathy Henfrey. Will also gave Kathy $33.00 to pay for our 2017 Provincial membership dues. The calculation for this was: $1.00/a member times 33 members. This was paid ahead of time out of our Crocus City Sam Funds. So the total current expense record for September was $85.50, leaving the Net Revenue at: $2,165.96

A total of $150.00,for our 2017 annual dues, was collected at the October meeting. Four more couples need to be contacted before our October Financial Report can be finalized. These four couples: Procknows, Mitchalls, Ortmans and Schmidts are requested to notify Will or Sharon Van Roon (Secretary and Treasurer) as soon as possible if they wish to remain as Chapter Members in the upcoming year. Please send Will $12.00 to cover the annual dues. Sharon needs to be notified, as secretary, in order for their names to be added to the Roster. The Roster needs to be sent in as soon as possible to Saskatchewan Provincial Good Sam. Sharon and Will are leaving on holidays soon and need this done before they leave.

Loretta presented the Benevolence Balance Sheet, to Will, showing a previous balance of $20.49. Here are the expenses recorded as of June 20: A Get Well card to Linda Aalbers for $4.69 and a $1.00 stamp and a Goodbye card to Ron and Donna Hart and a $1.00 stamp, total expense being: $10.69, leaving a balance of $9.80 as of October 3. Delores Frey made a motion to give Loretta $50.00 to add to her Benevolence Fund and Dian Fowlow seconded that motion. Linda Aalbers thanked the Chapter for the card.

Jim Stewart said he forwarded online, to all the members, the Standard Operating Procedures for our Chapter. This is also known as the Constitution and was borrowed in 2012 and rewritten three times before it was finally approved by the Regional Director. He thought it was a good idea to resend it for the new members.

Jim Stewart, reported on behalf of the Nominating Committee, that the positions of President, Vice-President and Wagon Masters were up for election. Nominations were open for President. Since no further names, besides Gerry Murray, came up for nomination Linda moved that nominations cease. Gerry Murray will remain as President for the upcoming year. Jim contacted Jeanne Procknow and she was no longer willing to run for vice-president. Jerry Nashiem was nominated for the Vice President’s position. Dale Fowlowmoved that he be elected Vice President and Will seconded that motion.

Knibbs, Fowlows and Austin’s names were submitted , by the nominating committee, for Wagon Masters. Jim asked if there were any further names to be added. No one else let their name stand so Delores Frey moved the nomations cease. The Wagon Masters nominated for the upcoming year are: Don & Loretta Knibbs, Dale and Dian Fowlow and Gordon and Elaine Austin. Since Provincial Good Sam only needs a record of one Wagon Master, Gord and Elaine Austin, were chosen to be put on the Provincial Roster.Loretta said that if anyone wanted information about upcoming outings they could contact any of the chosen Wagon Masters for more information. They are splitting their duties for the various trips or outings planned for the coming year. If any of them were contacted and it wasn’t them in charge they would refer the matter to whoever was in charge of that particular outing.

The elected Wagon Masters met after the October Meeting to discuss future plans for the Outings for the upcoming year. This agenda is to be submitted to Provincial Good Sam before the end of November. They will also be planning our Christmas Party.

Will said there needed to be three people designated as signers for the bank. Chosen to do this were: Gerry Murray, himself and Jerry Nashiem. Will also brought up the subject of where we wanted to park while at the Nipawin Rally. The majority of those at the meeting thought they would prefer to camp at the Regional Park there. Jim said his son, who lived in Nipawin, would check that out for us. Will made a motion to go to the Regional Park and Elaine Austin seconded that motion. Gerry reminded everyone who was registering for the Nipawin Rallyjust to pay the rally fees and not for electricity, since we wouldn’t be camping at the Rally Grounds.

The first Monday in November will be the next meeting. Gerry reminded everyone that the third Monday of every month we will be meeting at McDonald’s for coffee at 7pm. With all that said the meeting was adjourned by Sheila.