Minutes of North Country Chapter Board – 6/8/2017
8:00am – 8:45am
Conference Call
Attendees: See attendance list
Absent: See attendance list
Item / Discussion/Action1 / Call to Order, Welcome and approve previous minutes.
-John Adams called the meeting to order. Short discussion on previous minutes, David Pauna motioned to approve, Terry M. 2nd, board approved.
Note time quorum achieved: 8am
2 / Membership/Recruitment/Outreach
-Dan Shea was not on the call to provide an update.
3 / General Meetings- Training sessions
-Training Committee Report provided by Conrad.
Planning committee recently met to discuss the details of the vendor show. They agreed on 2 speakers (one after another) which was based on feedback and survey results from our chapter membership. The first session will be from 8:30am-9:45am and the second will run from 10:00am-11:15am. Bill Davis is working on getting 2 speakers for a presentation on Fiber Installation and Muxing Solutions. Conrad is working with Jay Rice (Arris) to lock him down on an IPTV presentation. We plan to purchase 2 $100 gift cards as drawings at the end of each session. Entries will be based on feedback forms being filled out. We will be selling drawing tickets during the vendor show for 2 $25 & 1 $50 gift cards. We will also have a vendor signature prize drawing of 1 IPad. We also plan to do the 50/50, additional details will be discussed the morning of the show. We plan to provide each speaker with an engraved pen (John Adams will work with Bill D. on this) or $50 gift cards.
4 / Web Site or Social Media Update
-Ray Gratke continues to update the website and social media sites with training info and minute reports.
5 / Committee Reports
-Compliance: All members must fill out the confidentiality agreement. All board members must also be SCTE members. John Adams has sent out an email to the board and will send another out.
6 / New Business
-Discussion on sponsoring an upcoming golf tournament (Bill Davis is heading). Cost is $1,000 for a team of 4. We agreed as a board that this was too much money for our chapter to spend at this time.
-Financial Review Committee: Tom Heier brought this up for compliance. John Adams opened up the call for volunteers, none at this time. John will reach out to board members who were not on the call to see if there is any interest. Tom will work with the Badger State Chapter to see how they submit their committee report and if there is a template we can use.
-Cable Games Winner: We will be sending Luke Bastil to Expo with a budget of $1,000 for travel expenses, these must be reimbursed with receipts. Conrad motioned to approve, David P. 2nd, board approved.
7 / Next Board Meeting
-July 12th @ 9am prior to the Cable Games
8 / Adjournment
-Motioned to adjourn by David H, John A 2nd, adjourned at 8:45am.
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