Minutes of Nailsea School PTA

Minutes of Nailsea School PTA

Minutes of Nailsea School PTA

Wednesday 4th November, 2015

Conference Room, Nailsea School

Present:Louise Dumbell (Chair), Trudy Jones (Treasurer), Karen Bidgood, Karen Farrell, Lisa Needham, Jo Wood, Karen Smith, Cristina Napier, Steve Cayzer, Julie Cayzer.

Welcome and Apologies: Alison Kirkham (Secretary), Lynne Gosden, Nicky Shoesmith, Greer Mayne, Sharon Cooper, Anne-Marie Pheasant, Becky Roach, Lyn Lloyd-Jones, Louise Turner.

In Alison Kirkham’s absence, Karen Bidgood took the Minutes.

Minutes of last meeting (23rdSept 2015): Approved as correct by the Committee.


Wish List - Plaques, Book Plates and Notice Boards. Trudy advised all in hand. Approximate cost to PTA funds, £300 for 3 Notice Boards and approx £50 for Plaques and Book Plates.Suggested wording of Plaque agreed at meeting as ‘Resources purchased from funds raised by Nailsea School PTA. Thank you for supporting your PTA.’ Book Plates to be in the form of stickers, at a cost of £4 per sheet of 20. Trudy to order 200 initially. The Committee decided upon the ‘pile of books’ design, with the wording ‘Donated by Nailsea School PTA’. Notice Boards x3, the English Dept have in hand and Trudy to monitor.

ACTION Trudy, please note and continue to monitor.

Quiz Night -The Committee agreed this was a very successful, fun event, with good feedback received. Trudy advised a total of £555.56 banked, with approx £150 of costs paid out of this, leaving a profit of approx £405 for the evening. Avery good fund raising event. A particular thank you to Steve for his hard work in putting the event together, also the helpers on the night and to JoshHayler (Student) for his excellent musical entertainment. Thank you also to Jo Wood for organising ‘chocolate’ tokens of our appreciation for Josh and Mrs Perkins.

Cake Sale-Wellsupported by the Staff. A total of £44.45 raised, with the correct balance of cakes. Committee agreed we would continue to provide on the last Friday of each term, asfelt appreciated by the Staff and seen as a good opportunity to raise the profile of the PTA and publicise future PTA events.

Food Hygiene Course-To be left pending at the moment, Louise D has in hand. She is awaiting an email response from Georgina Batt (The Link). Apparently, there is a possibility of doing this course on-line. ACTIONLouise D,please continue to monitor.

Local Primary School PTA’s-Louise confirmed in Greer’s absence, thatGreer has this matter well in hand. She has been in touch with all the local Primary School PTA’s in the area and has compiled a list of contacts. She is liaising with them re dates of future events, so we can try to avoid any clashes. Greer is happy to continue to monitor this.

Second Hand Books-Carley and Louise T have now gone through all the books left over from the Book Sale in Sept. Have donated some to charity and kept the books worthy of onward sale at school events. These are now ready to sell by the PTA, when an opportunity arises.

Second Hand Uniform-Louise D has in hand. She has produced a letter which needs approval by the School and once received, will advise the Committee.

ACTION Louise D, please note and action.

Annual raffle – The Committee agreed smaller raffles at individual events will continue to take place, but Louise D reported that Louise T is looking into an Annual Raffle. As Louise T was not at meeting, this will be discussed again at next meeting, when more information should be available.

Post Meeting Note: An Email to Louise D from Louise T received after the meeting, advises the cost of this Annual Raffle is £40 per year Jan – Dec.Completion of a form from N S Council is necessary, quoting a named person from the Committee who will hold the licence. Once obtained, raffle tickets can be printed with details of prizes and draw date, place & time on them. These tickets can then be sold throughout the year, not necessarily at an event. A returns form is then sent back to N S Council once the draw/raffle has taken place, with details of sales/costs. Louise T suggests a small sub group could be set up to obtain prizes and once the top three prizes secured, tickets could be printed at an approx cost of £50 for 3000.

ACTION Louise D/Louise T – suggest we discuss this at next meeting.


Trudy advised Bank Account Balance £1237.09 Cr.

This has been boosted by recentQuiz Night/Cake Sale takings. A few expenses to be paid from this, Notice Boards approx £300, Stickers and Plaques approx £50 and £200 to be transferred to a long term savings account,to be accumulated for bigger fund raising projects as agreed at previous meetings. Also, a further £240 for music stands, see note below - Wish list, new items requested.


Louise D advised she has received communication from Lynda Perkins of the Music Dept, seeking our support to fund the purchase of 30 music stands. The Dept are planning a Music Tour to Paris in July 2017 and the current music stands which would accompany them, are of a very poor quality and would not represent the School well. The Dept would then keep these stands specifically for concerts and tours. A quote was provided from Gear4music for approx £240 plus VAT. After discussion, the Committee agreed we are happy to fund the £240 necessary for this purchase.

ACTION Louise D to advise Lynda Perkins please.


Staff Room Cake Sales - Next Cake Sale Fri 18 Dec, to be Christmas themed.Set up 10am. Helpers - Louise D, Karen B and whilst Lisa N initially volunteered, she has subsequently had to pull out, so ONE MORE VOLUNTEER IS NEEDED PLEASE.All committee please note and advise Louise D if you are able to help.Cake bakers- Cristina, Lynne G, Karen S, Lisa N,who’s baking the Gluten Free option. ACTION Louise D to provide Lisa with the recipe please.

All Committee please note - next cake sale scheduled for Fri 12th Feb.

KS3 Concert Thurs 19th Nov - The question was raised as to whether this concert was actually going ahead?Louise D to liaise with Lynda Perkins and advise.

Post Meeting Note: Louisehas been in touch withLynda Perkins and she’s confirmed this concert is not taking place, so no PTA refreshment service is needed thank you.

Christmas Fair Sat 5th Dec - This event is being run by the Link. The PTA has been approached as to whether we wanted a stand and to provide refreshments. Unfortunately, this has proved to be a very busy day for Committee members personally and no one is available to participate. We therefore, have no choice but to decline on this occasion.

ACTION Louise D to advise Georgina Batt accordingly.

Carol Service Holy Trinity Church, Mon 7th Dec at 6.30pm -Anew school event, at which the PTA have been asked as to whether we could provide a refreshment service from the Church kitchen, approx 7.45pm to 8pm. Money raised could be used to cover costs, with any remaining funds going to a Church charity. As with the Christmas Fair, however, the Committee is unable to provide sufficient volunteers for this event, being a busy time of the year and therefore, Louise D agreed to advise the Church Officethat on this occasion we are unable to help and make the suggestion the Church Helpers might like to do it instead.

ACTION Louise D,please note and action.

School Production -Trudy advised dates still to be set by the School for this event. Ameeting is to be held next week, so hopefully we will have more informationby our next meeting as to whether the PTA needs to provide refreshments/raffle.

STEM Evening Thurs 25th Feb -Louise advised the PTA are not required to provide refreshments at this event, as the Business Students will be doing this.

Literacy Week commencing 29th Feb –Louise advised Scholastic booked by School to do Book Fair and the event may be extended to 3.30pm to allow parents to come into school to look at the books. If this happens, it would be nice to have PTA support. To be discussed at next meeting, once more definite plans known.

ACTION Louise D, please note for next meeting.


The Committee agreed after some discussion, that our next main event is to be another Wine Tasting Evening. Date set Fri 22 April, 7pm for 7.15pm start (need to be finished and out by 10pm), ticket price £8 to include tastings and nibbles. To appeal to a wider audience, the possibility of including a guest Cider or Beer into the tasting is to be considered.

ACTION Steve, you kindly agreed to set the wheels in motion, setting up a sub- committee to help you, nearer the time.

ACTION Louise D to speak to the Music Dept regarding the possibility of Josh (Student) providing musical entertainment for us again on the night.

ACTION Trudy, please book the space for the evening and an ‘A Board’ to be used to provide directions to the event. Also, Car Parking and enquire please,as to whether it’s possible to have the student entrance open until 10pm, for ease of access.

AOB (Any other business):

Steve raised the need for us as a Committee to ensure we follow through on various matters following our events. Any concerns raised at eventsto be looked into; could we improve on anything? Was the concern justified? Also post publicity of the event;can we ensure photosare taken and posted on Facebook and in Newsletters, with a report on each event.It was also felt necessary to use an ‘A Board’ at each event, as mentioned above, with directions on it, as it’s easy for people to get lost.

ACTIONAll Committee, please note.

100 Club – The question was raised as to whether we are any further forward with this as a possible fund raiser? Suggested item added to next meeting’s Agenda and discussed then.

ACTION Louise D, please note for next meeting.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wed 20th January 2016, 7pm, Conference Room.

ACTION Trudy,please book room, thank you.