Traffic Commission




The Mustang Traffic Commission met in a regular session on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Mustang Municipal Building, City Council Chambers at 1501 N. Mustang Road. Notification of the meeting was posted Wednesday, January 4, 2012 in the foyer of the Mustang Municipal Building in compliance with the Open Meeting Act (25 OAS, Section 301, et. seq.)

I.Meeting was called to order at 10:05a.m. by Robert Coleman,Community Development Director

  1. Roll Call:

Members present:Robert Coleman, Community Development Director

Chuck Foley, Police Chief

Carl Gray, Severn Trent Services

Jay Adams, City Councilman

Members absent:Douglas Streu, Planning Commission Chairman

Staff Present:Melissa Helsel, Senior Planner

III.Introduction of Guests and Visitors, Hearing of Citizens or Delegates

City Manager, Mike Rutledge, came forward to address the 4-way stop signage at SW 59th Street and Clear Springs Road. The project will involve a stop sign being placed on N. Clear Springs Road on the north and south side approaching SW 59th Street. Oklahoma City has approved the request. The City of Mustang has offered the use of their LED Stop signs to draw attention to the new signage. The City Attorney has advised that an interlocal agreement with Oklahoma City regarding the loaning of signs.

The interlocal agreement will be on the January 17, 2012 City Council agenda. It will also be on an Oklahoma City City Council agenda for approval.

Mr. Foley asked if Mr. Rutledge thought a representative from Mustang’s Traffic Commission should appear before Oklahoma City’s Traffic Commission on matters such as this.

Mr. Rutledge stated that this item has already been approved by the OKC Traffic Commission. Perhaps on future projects that would be a good idea.

Chief Foley suggested that OKC might consider changing the speed limit approaching that intersection as part of the project, that a sign be placed prior to the 44th Street intersection, rather than the mid-way point between 44th and 59th Street.

Mr. Rutledge stated that it would be Oklahoma City’s decision.

  1. Discussion, consideration and action concerning minutes of December 14, 2011 meeting.

CouncilmanAdamsmade a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2011 meeting. Chief Foleyseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Discussion and possible action on the following requests:

1. Street Light Policy

Mr. Coleman stated that a revised copy of the street light policy was included in the packets. It was revised in accordance with comments made in the December meeting. The areas that are shaded are what was changed.

Mr. Gray made a motion to approve the street light policy. Councilman Adams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Coleman indicated that this item would be placed on the next Planning Commission agenda for review.

2. Street Light Inventory from OG&E and OEC

Mr. Coleman directed the Commissioners’ attention to the inventories of street lights included in the packets from OG&E and OEC. We have not yet received an inventory from Caddo.

OG&E’s inventory includes location, pole type, lumens, type of light and cost. The total we are playing is about $150,000, and $125,000 of that is going to OG&E.

3. Plan to Meet Federal Standards for Reflectivity in MUTCD

Mr. Gray stated that the plan has to be in effect on January 22, 2012. The first phase involves the regulatory signs but also involves street signs. Ms. Helsel has submitted a plan that breaks down the city by quadrants for identification, ordering and replacement. The final implementation for the program is January of 2018.

Mr. Gray discussed the standards for street name signs. When they have been replacing signs, they have been using the new standards.

Chief Foley asked if the color of the street signs is mandated by the standards. Mr. Gray stated that reflectivity is more of an issue than color.

Putting a “city seal” or other indication that people are in the city limits of Mustang was discussed.

Councilman Adams asked if it was possible to do the entire inventory up front. Mr. Gray stated that it would be possible. Mr. Gray indicated that going by fiscal year helped with budgeting for the project.

Mr. Coleman asked if all our signs come through OCI? Mr. Gray stated that hardly any do, we get a lot of them from Luther signs and some from Yukon Trophy.

Chief Foley made a motion to approve the Plan to Meet Federal Standards for Reflectivity with Councilman Adams’ amendment that all inventory should be done within 2012 if possible. Mr. Gray seconded the motion.

Mr. Coleman asked if the city is responsible for signs on private streets. Mr. Gray stated that in the past, the developer had put up the signs on private streets originally, but the city has borne the cost of replacement and maintenance.

Mr. Adams stated that usually traffic control signage is the responsibility of the city, but street signs would be the responsibility of the homeowners association on private streets if access is denied into that area.

Mr. Coleman re-stated the motion “to approve the implementation plan with the exception of striking ‘identify warning and regulatory signs for replacement with those dates’ and instead ‘inventory all signs city-wide during calendar year 2012 if possible.’”Chief Foley indicated this was correct. The motion was approved unanimously.

Chief Foley pointed out that the interior signs on private roads should not be included.

4. Recommendation for Authorization for Severn Trent to Start Placing Street Signs with MUTCD Standards

Chief Foley pointed out that this is just a recommendation to Council, but does not assure that there is any money in the budget to do this.

Councilman Adams agreed that it is up to Council to put the money in place to ensure the replacement of the signs.

  1. Old Business

1. Update on Traffic Plan for Mustang Elementary School/Solutions for Traffic Issues on and around S. Chalyn Lane.

Mr. Coleman stated that there has been some progress on this item. Staff met with Mike from EST and talked about the issues. They think that the intersection can be realigned. We will need to negotiate with the property owner of the old Sonic drive-in. He has been very cooperative.

EST is going to draw up a plan showing how much land it will take to align the intersection of S. Chalyn Lane and N. Trade Center Terrace to meet ODOT standards for signalization.

The property owner plans to demolish the former Sonic building and canopy. He wants to put in an 80’ by 60’ building as an extension of his business.

Mr. Coleman stated that hopefully at the next Traffic Commission meeting staff will be able to show a layout that will work for that intersection.

Chief Foley stated that his department has received the request for accident data for that intersection.


Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Adams and seconded by Chief Foley. The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 10:35a.m.



