Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in
‘Yr Aelwyd’, Tregynnwr at 6.30p.m. on Thursday 15th January 2015.
PRESENT: Cllr G. Lloyd (Chair), R.O. Griffiths, G. Bevan, L. Whatley, P. Totterdale, Dafydd Williams, David Watson. Selwyn Thomas, A. West, Sandra Thomas, S. Howells.
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Elwyn Williams.
Before commencing the meeting the Chair asked that a minutes silence be observed in the memory of Cllr. Merlin Jones who had passed away recently.
1. Chair’s Announcements – the Chair reported that she had been to the school to welcome the new headmaster, Mr. Aled Davies, to his new post.
It was moved by Cllr Howells and seconded by Cllr Bevan (minute 0115-2) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on 11th December. The clerk was asked to check that the wording of item 9 had been amended on the records as agreed at the meeting.
3. Matters raised / resolved outside meetings.
a) Tree planting in Capel Dewi Road – update at next meeting.
b) Noticeboards – update at February meeting.
c) BMW parked in Llangunnor Road – I understand the owner has moved it.
d) Paths at back of 46 Bron Y Dre and the path at the bottom of Haulfryn about Clos Sticle in dire need of maintenance - update.
e) Elder Grove – response from CCC “As you may be aware, we have completed the work to install some additional drains on the road / hill down towards the bottom end of Elder Grove, (as requested by certain members of the Community Council). Incidentally and just to let you know that we’ve carried out a lot more work than originally anticipated, i.e. we’ve now installed ‘two’ cut-off filter drains in the road and constructed two new gully chambers as part of the works. We’ve also done quite a bit of patching works in the vicinity at the same time. We’ll obviously have to wait and see if the new drainage arrangements helps with the alleged flooding / seepage problem, however I’m still not overly confident that it will catch all of the ground water that was seeping up to the surface. Nevertheless the work that was carried out will definitely not make the situation any worse.”
f) Manhole in Roman Park – CCC response “we’ve raised a defect with Welsh Water to repair / change the loose manhole cover in question”.
g) Traffic in and around school – meeting arranged with school / police for Thurs 22nd January.
h) Sat Nav sign in Nantycaws – confirmed by CCC that sign will cost £350, only they can place it, will require written consent from landowner. It was unanimously resolved that the Council do not take this matter any further (Minute 0115 – 3(h))
i) Meeting with Technical Services set up for Monday 19th Jan @ 11.00a.m. to further discuss bus stop in Penymorfa Lane. It was reported that CCC were considering placing a bus stop outside the school, this matter to be placed on agenda of next meeting to allow further information to be sought.
j) Old Print Works Pensarn – it was unanimously agreed that the clerk write to CCC expressing the Council’s disappointment at the appearance of the building and its surrounds as it was at the ‘gateway’ to Pensarn. It was also disappointed that although it had been up for sale for some years CCC were not willing to give a short term lease to Healthy Planet.
4. The Park
The clerk / Cllr Watson gave a brief update on the current position. It was agreed that the clerk set up a meeting of the sub-committee in the next few weeks.
5. Traffic issues – Pensarn, Penymorfa Lane, Roman Road
The Clerk reported that the information was not to hand and suggested that this be moved to the February agenda.
6. Web Sub-Committee Update.
The sub-committee would be bringing a report on the pro’s / con’s of social media to the next meeting.
7. To receive the Finance Sub-Committee report on Budget Proposals and determine the Precept Requirement for 2015/16.
The clerk reported that the committee had considered the proposals for 15/16 and although were concerned with the amount carried as reserves they were satisfied with the park project having a cost of approximately £30K that this would be reduced. They also intended to ask Cllrs for projects to further reduce this in coming years, they would meet in Sept/Oct to consider these suggestions and bring a report to council on expected cost. They had discussed the difference options for the precept, but bearing in mind that at County level it appeared that some services were being passed onto community councils were recommending to Council that the precept should remain as it is for a further year at £36,000, this would mean a small reduction in the household contribution towards the Council Tax. It was unanimously resolved (minute 0115 – 7) proposed by Cllr Dafydd Williams and seconded by Cllr Whatley that the precept for 2015/2016 be set at £36,000.
8. Risk Assessment – Finance Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee had considered the existing risks and the additional ones in respect of the Park Project and the new Web Site. These had been added to the Risk Assessment Schedule for 15/16.
9. Consider Vacancy on Council
The clerk reported that as a result of the sad death of Cllr Merlin Jones there was now a vacancy on the Council, he summarised the options open to members and it was unanimously resolved (minute 0115 – 9) that the appropriate notices be placed in the notice boards and on the webpage from Monday 19th January 2015.
10. Standing Orders – Rules of Debating.
The Clerk reminded members of the rules of debating as outlined in Standing Order’s, members would keep these in mind for the future.
11. Annual Dinner
Following a brief discussion it was agreed that this year’s dinner would be at the Ivy Bush Hotel on January 29th at 7.00 for 7.30. It was further agreed that Mr & Mrs Lyn Davies (retired headmaster) be invited. Confirmation to the clerk by Mon/Tues 19th/20th.
12. To receive reports from Members representing Council on other Bodies.
None reported.
13. To approve the schedule of accounts – it was Resolved (minute 0115 – 13) proposed Cllr Totterdale and seconded Cllr Whatley that the following be approved (unanimous).
A) Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:
1. E Williams Playing Field (31/12/14) 75.00
2. C.J. Thomas Salary – Jan 2015 612.84
Office Allowance – Jan 2015 85.00
IT Allowance – Jan 2015 30.00 Work in assoc. with xmas tree 60.00
3. H.M.R.C. 402.93
4. Clinical Ocinology In Lieu of Xmas Tree 150.00
5. Pro Print 2 No. Banners 141.00
6. Wyn Davies Work in assoc. with xmas tree 87.00
B) Council to note receipt of income:
- Third Installment of Precept 14/15 12,000.
14. To receive Correspondence and agree responses – (Minute 0115 - 14)
No / Nature of Correspondence / Agreed Action1. / Re: Carmarthenshire County Council – Planning Seminar
I write to notify you that the above seminar will take place on Friday, 13th February 2015 at the Ivy Bush Hotel, Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LG at a cost of £15.00 per delegate (including lunch). / Noted
2. / Hywel Dda University Health Board and Hywel Dda Community Health Council are holding a series of meetings in communities across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to provide information and to listen so we can improve service. Information with Clerk / Noted.
3. / From Cyril Phillips - We have a PCC meeting on 2nd February when the matter and in particular your e mail will be considered.
Perhaps you would be good enough to inform your Council of this at your next meeting. / Noted
4. / Don’t miss out on – Understanding the Law Training at St Peters Civic Hall, Nott Square, Carmarthen. SA31 1PG on Thursday 19th February, information with Clerk / Noted.
5. / New details of Park & Ride Timetable with Clerk / Noted.
15. Any other business.
i) Fallen tree on path by Pont King Morgan - Clerk to inform CCC.
ii) Blaengwastod Road – speeding traffic, clerk to check when traffic was last monitored in this area.
iii) Placing memorial plaques on seats – to be placed on next month’s agenda.
iv) The Chair asked if any member took photographs that were relevant to the Council could they pass these onto the Clerk.
v) CCTV in Llangunnor – placed on agenda of next meeting.
vi) The Clerk asked if the AGM could be held on Tuesday 5th May 2015, this was agreed.
16. Next meeting would be held on Thursday 19th February 2015 at 6.30p.m. at Yr Aelwyd.
Signed as a true record – Chair Cllr Glenda Lloyd -
Thursday 19th February 2015.