Computational Intelligence / Control Systems/ Robotics and Automation Societies
Joint CIS11/CS23/RA24Chapter of the Russia (North-West) IEEE Section
REPORT for Jan 2009 – Dec 2009
The Computational Intelligence/ Control Systems/ Robotics and Automation Societies Joint Chapter of the Russia (North-West) IEEE Section was initiated in June, 2003 and approved on Dec. 12, 2003. At the Chapter administrative meeting on Dec.22, 2008Prof. Alexander Fradkov was reelected as the Chapter Chairman, Prof. Alexey Bobtsovwas elected as the Chapter Vice-chairman and Dr. Nikolai Nikolaev was elected as the Chapter Treasurer/Secretary. The Chapter has 15 active members, including 3 student members. The following Chapter main events were conducted during the year 2009.
- The information website “Physics and Control Resources”, located at was maintained.
- The Chapter website located at was maintained.
- Reviewing for the track “Control Systems” for EUROCON 2009 has been doneand the track was conducted. There were Tutorial lecture, 11 oral presentations, and 5 posters.
- Chapter members took part in reviewing for IEEE CDC’09, ACC’09, MSC’09 upon request of Chapter Chair as IEEE CEB Associate Editor.
- IEEE CSS conference MSC 2009 in St.Petersburg was organized (295 participants, 46 countries, 250 international participants (out of Russia)). Separate report is attached
- Chapter administrative meeting took place on Dec.28, 2009.
- During the year 7 sessions of the St.Petersburg Seminar on Control Theory took
place. Average attendance was 25 persons, including 5-8 professors of 3-5 main universities of St.Petersburg, 6-10 IEEE members. The following sessions attracted most attention:
Dec.28, 2009. Summing up international conferences of 2008.
Speakers: B.R.Andrievsky, O.A.Stepanov, A.A.Bobtsov, A.L.Fradkov.
Dec.7, 2009.Hidden dynamics in delayed systems, Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Kharitonov (SPbSU)
Nov.2, 2009. Evolutionary stability and control of hybrid networks, Speaker: Prof. Sergey Vakulenko (North-WestPublishingIndustryUniversity).
Sept.14, 2009.Transversal linearization with application to control of mechanical systems, Speaker: Prof. Anton Shiriaev (Umea Univ, Sweden).
June3, 2009. Homeostatic control of neural cell activity, Speaker1: Dr. Andrey Olifer (Univ. Atlanta, USA)
May 4, 2009.Multiagent systems and cooperative control, Speaker1: Prof. Vladimir Gorodetsky (SPIIRAS)
Apr. 13, 2009. Recent Results on Immersion and Invariance (I&I) Nonlinear Control, Speaker1: Prof. Romeo Ortega (SUPELEC, France)
March 23. Mathematical model of non-basal testosterone regulation, Speaker1: Alexander Churilov (SPbSMTU)
5. The Olympiad of high school students on Cybernetics was held on May 25, 2009. About 100 students participated in tasks solving, see Olympiad website (in Russian).
Prof. Alexander Fradkov, Chapter Chairman, Jan.22, 2010.