Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 19th September 2011
at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath at 2.30pm.
Members Present:-
Cathaoirleach Cllr. T. McElhinney, Cllr. J. Fegan, Cllr. B. Carey, Cllr. J. Fox, Cllr J. O’Shea
Officials in Attendance:-
Senior Executive Engineer Vincent Collins
Area Administrator Brian Murphy
Clerical Officer Áine Brennan
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes:
1.1 Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on the 18th July 2011
Proposed by Cllr. Carey and Seconded by Cllr. Fegan
2.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes:
Cllr. Carey: Queried the status of the taking in charge process of Delmere Housing estate in Enfield.
Administrator: Advised that he had checked with the Planning Department and that he had no further update since July.
Cllr. Carey: Queried the prioritisation list as circulated on the 19th April 2010 and stated that some of the estates that were listed have still not been taken in charge.
Administrator: Stated that the list had been altered due to problems within the estates. He stated that snag lists had been returned to the developers and that until such time that the matters had been addressed the process could proceed no further. He informed Cllr. Carey that he will contact him with an update as soon as he had received one.
Area Engineer: Informed the members that Sean Harlin from the Planning Department had been out to inspect some of the estates recently.
Cllr. Fox: Queried some of the smaller estates on the list to be taken in charge.
Administrator: Stated that works are presently being carried out in Allen Dara and Steeple Manor.
Cllr. Fegan: Acknowledges the fact that progress is being made and that the Area Office can do nothing further. Suggested that the members contact Sean Harlin of the Planning Department with any further queries. He also suggested having by-monthly meetings and that if there was an update to be given in relation to the taking in charge process that the Area Administrator could do so via e-mail.
On the proposition of Cllr. Fegan and seconded by Cllr. Carey it was agreed to hold by-monthly meetings. The next meeting to be held in November.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations.
Congratulations were expressed to Summerhill, Clonard, Ballivor and Longwood Tidy Town on being accepted into the Village Renewal Scheme. It was suggested that a letter issue to the committees congratulating them and offering the Area Members help. Cllr’s to forward on details for correspondence to issue.
Congratulation to Cllr. Vincent McHugh on bringing the AMAI conference to trim and thanks to all the office staff that assisted in preparing for the conference.
4.0 Correspondence and matters raised by the Manager.
5.0 Statutory Business
5.1 To note the commencement of statutory process in relation to the taking in charge of:
· Beechwood Estate, Ballivor
· Cluain Ri, Trim
Administrator: Informed the members that the advertisement indicating that the above mentioned housing estates were in the process of being taken in charge was to be published in this weeks or next weeks Meath Chronicle.
He also informed the members that taking in charge of Newcastle Woods was to appear on the October Full Council Agenda and the no submissions had been received.
6.0 Notice of Motion
6.0 Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer
6.1 Notice of Motion from Cllr. William Carey
Cllr. Carey read out the following Notice of Motion which was seconded by Cllr. Fox.
"That Meath County Council review the directional signage for Enfield on the ring road as the present directions cause confusion, and also change the "no right or no left turns " at the traffic lights and if necessary alter the junction to allow these changes.”
Area Engineer: Advised the members that he had been in contact with the relevant department and is awaiting a response.
Administrator: Stated that a letter would issue to the Transportation Office in order to get a full response.
Cllr. Carey: Requested that he receive the reply.
Cllr. Carey proposed that if no response was received from the Transportation Office by October that the above Notice of Motion go on the Full Council Agenda in November. Cllr. Fegan seconded this proposal.
7.0 Update on works ongoing from the Area Engineer.
Cllr. Carey: Stated that the works at Laracor Junction were looking good.
McElhinney: Informed the Area Engineer that she was pleased with the works that had been carried out to the bend coming into Ballivor and asked if there were any proposals to refurbish to Ballivor Road from Trim.
Administrator: Informed the members that there are no plans to carry out refurbishment works on the Ballivor Road from Trim at this current moment in time.
8.0 Any Other Business.
Cllr. Fox raised the following:
· Asked if there were plans in place to improve the road at Newtown adjacent to Marcie Regan’s pub.
· Informed the Area Engineer that there is an unfinished housing development in Ballivor that is not fenced off which is a danger to kids and also causing some anti-social behaviour issues in the area.
Administrator: Advised that the members should contact the Health and Safety Authority in relation to fencing off the site in Ballivor as it is not the Local Authorities responsibility to contact the developer.
Cllr. Carey: Requested that the Area Administrator issue a letter to the developer indicating the insurance implications of leaving the site open to the public.
Administrator: Stated that a letter would issue and advised that any concerned resident in the area should also contact the Health and Safety Authority.
Cllr Fegan raised the following:
· Asked if there was any funding remaining from the Navan Road project in order to carry refurbishment works on the road at Newtown near Alfco.
· Informed the Engineer that there is a flap broken in a stop cock on the Dublin road.
· Informed that he had been abroad recently and saw an unusual advanced warning sign that could be suitable for the Laracor and Enfield road. He is to provide a photo of the sign to the Engineer.
· Commented on the excellent work that was carried out on Frenches Lane, Trim
Engineer: Informed the members that there is no funding remaining from the Navan Road project. However there are proposals in place to create a walk way around Newtown if funding is received.
Cllr. Carey raised the following:
· Stated that it took a long time for the sequence on the traffic lights in Enfield to be fixed and asked that the Engineer look at the lights for the pedestrian crossing as he thinks there may be a problem with the settings.
· Stated that the cul de sac off the GAA road needed some attention.
· Asked what the situation was in relation to bus stops in Enfield.
Area Engineer replied as follows:
· Stated that he will investigate the problem with the traffic lights in Enfield.
· Informed the members that as far as he was aware the bus stops in Enfield were to be part of the SMART Transport project and that he would look into it.
Cllr. McElhinney raised the following issues on behalf of Trim Town Council Cathaoirleach Cllr. James O’Shea:
· Asked about the road at Marcie’s.
· Asked for trees at Steeple Manor to be trimmed back.
· Stated that there is a loose manhole cover at Laracor.
· Stated that there is a problem with people parking at house entrances at school times in the vicinity of the Boyne Community School.
Cllr. McElhinney raised the following issues:
· Asked if there was any update in the installation of a pedestrian crossing at Kildalkey School.
· Asked if there was any update regarding fencing at the library in Ballivor.
· Informed the members that there is to be a public Joint policing Committee meeting to be held in Ashbourne in November.
Area Administrator and Area Engineer replied as follows:
· Informed the members that there are no plans to put a pedestrian crossing in place at Kilbride and stated that the parents association should contact the Road Safety Officer in Meath County Council regarding the junior school warden programme.
· Informed the members that there was no update regarding funding for the library in Ballivor.
Meeting Concluded at 3.40
Minutes of September 2011 area meeting Page 1 of 4
Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath