July 15, 2015
Michigan Association for Local Public Health
Members Present:
Brent Helm, Lapeer County HDJohn Meyers, Ottawa County HD
Bethany Jacques, Saginaw County HDLynnette Royer, Saginaw County HD
Dodie Putney, Benzie-Leelanau DHDAlex Parrish, Monroe County HD
Theresa Fisher, Branch, Hillsdale, St. Joseph HDTom Harris, Genesee County HD Tamra Bricky, Genesee County HD
Jason Howard, Central Michigan HDBob Avery, Kalamazoo County HD Brittany Shinall, Berrien County HD Kate Beer, Western UP HD
Juncai Li, Mid-Michigan HD
Others Present:
Jon Gonzalez, MDHHS-LHSCraig Boyce, MDHHS - Medicaid Relations
Micki Smith - MDHHS - Medicaid RelationsJustin Shaulis, K,LA
Call to Order: John Meyerscalled the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.
Introductions were made.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes ofMay 20, 2015were reviewed. Motion was made byBrent Helm,supported byTheresa Fisher, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried. Minutes are posted on the MALPH website.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dodie Putney reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. Currently have a balance of $692.24. There were no deposits or expenditures. Just received the bill from MPHI for the May meeting.
Department Reports:
MDCH: Jon Gonzalez reported that there is $5.5 million in federal funding for a special pathogen response network. This a collaborative group with MDHHS, hospitals, local health departments and healthcare coalitions. More information is to come. There will be some State office closures throughout the State. Jon confirmed that access to CSHCS files in EZLink is part of the current accreditation process. This could change once EZLink goes away. There is a second round of funding budgeted for collaborative projects but nothing is confirmed. See attached report.
Medicaid Provider Relations Unit: Craig Boyce did not have much to report on. Discussion focused on hearing and vision screenings diagnosis codes and converting ICD-9 to ICD-10. Craig forward an email to another division and hopes to have an answer soon. Health departments should be using a set of diagnosis codes to use for ICD-10. The State will not give health departments the codes, but will help them decide from a list of codes. The State has an application on the website called GEM Viewer to help with the conversion ofICD-9 to ICD-10 that people can use. Craig commented that this is just a tool and should consult the coding book for exact codes.
MCIR: Karen McGettigan was not able to attend the meeting today but sent her report. "There are 1761 total number of sites live in production as of June 30th. There are 118 total number of sites approved to go live with a training date pending. There are 18 health departments live with HL7 in MCIR production. The following health departments are currently in DQA testing with MCIR HL 7: Other Ingham County HD sites = NexGen, Western UP Health Departments (4) = eClinical Works, Genesee County Health Department = eClinical Works."
OPHP/HAN Update: No report. Discussion on whether these reports need to be continued on the agenda. It was agreed to drop OPHP/HAN Update as a regular agenda item. If there was something in particular Brook Babcock needed to address to the group, he could.
MALPH Update: John reported that Monday's meeting discussion involved an immunization waivers study and the funding formula change for the hearing and vision program.
Premier Public Health Conference Planning: Dodie Putney reported that the Conference is going to be held at Crystal Mountain October 6th, 7th and 8th. Questioned was asked if Insight was doing a preconference. It is planned and details about conference activities will be released soon.
Accounting Seminar: Brent Helm reported September 10th and 11th in Mt. Pleasant. Two tracks; billing and administrative. Registration information has gone out. Insight will be present along with four or five health plans.
Old Business:
MIS Marketing Flyer: John Meyers reported that he has approached Meghan Swainfrom MALPH several times to send it out but yet she has not done so. Discussion focused how we get the flyer out to groups.
Meaningful Use: No comments. Bethany Jacques questioned if there were any health departments doing HL 7 interface with MCIR that are not going after meaningful use funding. There are a couple departments that are moving ahead without meaningful use funding.
ICD 10: See earlier discussion in Medicaid Provider Relations report.
Health Information Exchange: John Meyers asked Jon Gonzalez what the future of HIE with the State or Federal government. Jon has not been brought in to any discussions. John questioned if there is someone at the State envisioning the future of HIE? Jon will investigate and provide an update at the next meeting.
CSHCS EZLink Update:
Justin Shaulis of Kunz, Leigh & Associates (KL&A) gave a presentation on their services and how they can help health departments retrieve their data off EZLink. Currently KL&A are retrieving data off EZLink for the State of Michigan. Discussion focused on the transfer process, EZLink status and when DMP will be up and running. When asked about the cost to extract data, Justin stated that the cost is based on CSHCS population tiers. If interested, please contact Justin at or 517-803-3217. See attached presentation.
New Business:
Election of Officers:
Current Slate: Brent Helm, Chair, Theresa Fisher, Secretary/Treasurer, Chair-Elect - is still open. Discussion focused on the need to fill the Chair-Elect position. With no further discussion or nominations, it was moved by Theresa Fisher that the nominations be closed and officers be elected as slated. Seconded by Dodie Putney. Motion passed.
Future Agenda Items: None.
Adjournment: Moved by to adjourn by BethanyJacques,supported byBrent Helmto adjourn. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:57 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Dodie Putney