Minutes of Meeting re Norbiton Street Drinkers Wednesday 21st January 2015

Present: Jill Preston (JP), Rev Peter Holmes (PH), Stephanie Royston-Mitchell (SRM), Elaine Kennedy (EK), Dan Wheeler (DW), Matt Hatton (MH), Cllr Linsey Cottington (LC), Clive Clarke (CC), PCSO Ros Hyatt (RH), Mike de Souza (MdS), Cllr Sheila Griffin (SG), Cllr Bill Brisbane (BB) & Neville Rainford (NR) (Chair & Notes).

NR said that, as requested by the last meeting, he had unsuccessfully tried to contact Richard Adams from YMCA via their website. MH said it wouldn’t be Richard but might be someone in the team. MH will act as liaison. YMCA run useful and interesting daytime activities.

The Present

NR asked that we set the scene of the problem and its scale. SG said there appeared to be more there, 5 or 6, and not all local. RH said there was evidence of dealers from Clapham because there is a good, direct transport link.JP said there is still a group of street drinkers in Sylvestrus Close. RH asked that these incidents be reported to the Police via 101. PH said there is also a group who gather on land by the garages adjacent to St Peter’s Church. SG said that to her knowledge 2 out of the larger group had died since Christmas. Crown House incident on Friday

There was a report of an abandoned Saab in Boots car park which belonged to one of the people who had died. NR will report this to the Council’s Abandoned Vehicles Team. MdS said that some come to the Crest drop-in, engage and play table tennis. DW said that they are running First Aid courses in the JOEL Project. EK said that she observed someone lying on the ground, but they were not from this area. There was discussion about another local rough sleeper. Update?

LC said that Agencies need to join up. MdS stressed the importance of source data to understand what we are dealing with. PH said that some people are putting up friends but this may compromise the terms of the lease. MH said that KCAH and CAB offer a drop-in advice service. JP said that Council Housing has undergone a major review so fears that there will not be the same knowledge & relationships.

The Future

SRM explained the latest situation with the needs assessment. There is a quote from Lifeline to complete an assessment by the end of March and they will recruit 1 to 2 outreach workers. They are looking to engage with local businesses and street drinkers. They will also interview people living locally who drink in public. What are their needs? Health, social, etc, who wants help, who wants to engage? This is going to lead to a multi-agency partnership to find long-term solutions and study how we use and deploy existing resources.

EK asked if the needs that are identified can be met? PH thought the timing is tight – outreach can be done but can the needs assessment be completed before the end of March? SRM said there is a meeting next week with Public Health, the Ward Councillors & Lifeline. RH asked how the Police can contact Lifeline? SRM said the contact arrangements will become clear after the meeting. They are likely to work with small groups and highest needs. DW has experience that building relationships and trust takes time and sometimes the service provision to meet the need isn’t there. Mike has met and chatted with

SG said that people used to be able to access treatment. MdS said that people are becoming casualties. PH said that we need to have evidence of needs to make a difference. But remember, homeless people don’t work to our boundaries. SG said people with mental illness used to go to mental hospital. MH said that it is still the case and people with mental health problems are still dealt with. We need to be realistic and take small steps. BB emphasised the importance of the needs assessment which will make a case out to get access to funds and services.

Any Other Business

PH said that a CCTV solution has been agreed with £2500 offered by the Council and the balance (up to c.£6000) will be raised by JOEL Trustees. The CCTV will cover the Night Shelter and the people coming in and out of the site. NR, on behalf of the group, thanked the Trustees and asked that they keep in touch with the local Councillors around the unveiling. LC said to Invoice NR as there are different monies being applied.

The next Meeting will take place on Monday 9th March at 10am at the JOEL Project Meeting Room.


  • Lifeline update
  • Deaths and casualties
  • Mike has had 1: 1 with some of those involved
  • Update on recent thefts in 4 C’s
  • Possibility of CCTV in area
  • Jill /Mike to visit CCTV centre
  • Jill – met with JF from Housing to update