1. Call to order: 6:00 pm
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. So move: Tyler
  4. Second: Savannah
  5. Discussion: Caroline read the minutes
  6. Passes
  7. Officer Reports
  8. President: Jared Holmes
  9. The discussion points are on the board again, be mindful of these during discussions
  10. I am still going to Sayre on next Monday, so let me know if you would like to go
  11. Vice President: Tyler Walters
  12. MU Crew, opening up November 1st for Mountie Madness, will be a test run to see how everything is going
  13. Iris Reading tentative location (Allen Hall), there will be a registration link
  14. We received final design for the mascot, sending that out to a design company to have it made
  15. I want to sponsor a rodeo, would look into different vendors (food and alcohol) please let me know if you would like to help
  16. Treasurer: Seung-Ho Lee
  17. SGA Balance: $47,953.20
  18. COF Balance: $436,762.51
  19. COF Report
  20. Parliamentarian: Duncan Espenshade
  21. NR
  22. PR Director: Savannah Buckley
  23. Please join the PR committee
  24. Secretary: Caroline Hutchison
  25. I doubt you want me to do that again so PLEASE read the minutes
  26. If you have read the minutes please email your hometown
  27. Director of Technology: Alyssa Osten
  28. I will be looking through the websites again, please let me know if you see anything that needs to be fixed.

Committee Reports

  1. University Committee Reports
  2. Academic Affairs Committee:
  3. Watershed Management
  4. New Course Form: WSM 3300: passed
  5. General Education Program Form: no motion (hasn’t gone through gen ed committee)
  6. WSM 3300 Online Course Form: WSM 3300: Passed
  7. Business
  8. Program Change: BUS, Bachelor of Science: Passed
  9. Program Change: BUS, Management Concentration: Passed
  10. Program Change: BUS, Marketing Concentration: Passed
  11. Program Change: BUS, Accounting Concentration: no motion
  12. University Senate:
  13. It is a combined forced of different subcommittees, if you are interested in joining any of these committees please talk to Tyler or Jared
  14. John Ulrich is new interim provost
  15. Considering Cellular and Molecular Tissue culture as a class
  16. Student Affairs and Administration committee SAAC: NR
  17. Academic Planning: NR
  18. CCSI: NR
  19. Administration: NR
  20. Administration and Elections Committee: NR
  21. Tech committee: NR
  22. Recruitment: NR
  1. House of Representatives
  2. ACDA:
  3. Young Men’s Choral Festival is all day this Friday with the concert at 4 pm in Steadman and Cantus (a internationally known guest group) will have a concert at 7 pm in Straughn
  4. BSU: NR
  5. Community Service Club:
  6. Still raising money for the Mansfield Middle School class for a class pet
  7. Undies for Everyone ending Oct 31st
  8. Santa’s Gift basket with Campus Ministries
  9. Ringing Bell with Red Cross
  10. Make a Difference Day is this week
  11. Computer Science Club:
  12. Will have a system set up during Haunted Hickory
  13. Geoscience Club:
  14. Movie Night Nov 8th at 7 pm, no location yet
  15. Spend-a-Day in department coming up
  16. Hopefully will have a date for the 3D Printer
  17. History:
  18. Movie night today at 5 in library viewing room watching “The Kings Speech”
  19. 7 items in time capsule; going to talk to heads of departments and going around to businesses in town. Guesstimate of when it will be in the library is second week of November, going to plan to have an event when we put it in
  20. Discussion on our Philly Trip
  21. HSSGA: NR
  22. Hydroponics:
  23. In the process of ordering the Green House, working on plumbing and electrical work
  24. Men for Progress:
  25. Getting geared up for SLDI trip which is this Friday to Sunday
  26. Panhel:
  27. Warm up for winter starts Nov 30th, drop off things to Greek room in the Library
  28. Blood Drive Nov 13th and 14th, everyone who donates blood gets a $10 Amazon Giftcard
  29. DZ Ghost a Friend
  30. Big Man on Campus this Thursday
  31. Social Work Club:
  32. Eric is our rep for Big Man on Campus
  33. Main focus is still the Food Pantry
  34. SVA:
  35. Pancake Breakfast on Sunday from 10 to 1 at Wellsboro Armory
  1. Old Business
  2. None
  3. New Business
  4. Motion to approve $16,800.00 for Belize Trip
  5. This is $1,200 per student
  6. So Move: Tyler
  7. Second: Savannah
  8. Passes
  9. Motion to hear application of Brenndan Dapp for IFC in House of Reps
  10. So Moved: Alyssa
  11. Second: Savannah
  12. Passes
  13. Senator Comments
  14. Only two people attended the Town Hall meeting, we would like to get more people involved with this
  15. Faculty Representative (Dr. Ranney)
  16. Congratulations to our new member and congratulations for not giving up. There are many committees that the Senate has and are available (they all have SGA reps) we want to hear your voice on these different committees, and this is your obligation as a part of this body. You have joined SGA for a reason, you should be doing things for your future experience and so you can tell your future employers what you did on SGA. This club has a responsibility and students look up to you. I want to see that SGA is visible to students on campus. The opera “Le Nozze di Figaro” will be November 10, 11 and 12th you will see your secretary in that, come out and support your fellow students.
  17. Faculty Advisor (Frank C.)
  18. Thank you to those who reached out to me about the Food Advisory Committee, you are still interested contact me
  19. Meet outside my office next Tuesday at 9:45 to walk around and hand out candy to faculty, the will be in south hall mall at 11 to hand out candy to kids
  20. Still working on things and raising money for the Trip to Puerto Rico during winter break
  21. Beautification committee should start next week, talk to Caroline or myself if you would like to be a part of that
  22. We will continue to do Town Hall meetings, thank you to SGA for continuing to do that
  23. Announcements
  24. I did not drop the ball on the Government outreach committee, I want to bring a bigger name to see what kind of political interest we have on campus
  25. Go Mounties
  26. Phi Mu Alpha is having a American Music Recital tonight in Butler at 9 pm
  27. College to Career Conference is next month, the registration deadline is this Friday
  28. Public Q & A
  29. Adjournment
  30. So move: Tyler
  31. Second: Alyssa
