Draft Minutes: Thursday 12 May 2016–Wellington Museum–2.00 pm
Present:Murray HaslerGore District Council, Convenor
Jim PatersonWestern Bay of Plenty District Council (Exec. Group)
Fergus TateNZTA (Highway Network Operations National Office)
Jamie CoxWairoa District Council (SIG-LVR)
Stephen GriffinBuller District Council (NZTA Level Crossings Group)
Michael HarrisonDunedin City Council (Shared Footpaths WG)
Michael VossWaitaki District Council (Shared Footpaths WG)
Martin TaylorWhakatane District Council (REG)from 3.15
Wayne Newman(Active Modes Infrastructure WG)Secretary
Apologies:Fiona VesseyMatamata-Piako District Council
Warren FurnerRuapehu District Council (Exec. Group)
Glenn BuntingNZTA (Network Optimisation National Office)
Kaye ClarkNZTA (Waikato Regional Office) (Exec. Group)
ITEM / DISCUSSION / ACTION1. Notes of meeting of 4.03.16 / Noted: Actions arising from meeting on 4 March and agreed:
Action 1 (151126-6) – no further action will be taken on advocating repeal of the exemption of animal wastes in the definition of load.
Action 2 (151126-8) – as there is a risk of duplicating the number of groups looking at duplication at present, this action will be closed.
Action 3 (160304-1) – the draft topic list of broad reference groups will be further refined and circulated with the agenda for the 12 August forum.
Action 4 (160304-2) – the terms of reference of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group will be amended to reflect a need to address the function of the network and access to it, rather than focus on mode, but name change will not be forced.
Action 5 (160304-3) – the terms of reference of the Special Interest Group – Low Volume Roads will be further amended to give clear definition to the group’s area of interest, without being prescriptive.
Action 6 (160304-4) – although the trials of NZPost delivery vehicles using footpaths have produced no evidence of greater risk to any user, before RCA approvals become widespread a legal reassurance should be sought that no liability will arise under the Health and Safety at Work Act from giving approval for a vehicle to drive on a footpath.
Action 7 (160304-5) – the first meeting of the Shared Footpaths group has been held; this action is closed. Shared Footpaths and AMIG shall report to each other to ensure fullest exchange of information on common areas of interest.
Action 8 (160304-6) – the NZTA Level Crossings Group has not yet met.
Action 9 (160304-7) –no changes to the website should be considered in isolation from the work being done by the Executive committee considering an information hub.
Action 10 (160304-8) – this action is completed and closed.
Action 11 (160304-9) – the agreed budgets were presented and as a result, with four working groups now active, a motion will be put to the Forum on 13 May seeking a return to a 100% rate for subscriptions; this action is closed.
Action 12 (160304-10 – this action is completed and closed.
Actions 3, 4 and 5are closed and replaced, and Action 8 (160304-6) remains open.
Agreed: Minutes of 4 March 2016 are true and accurate record. /
- WN to prepare draft topic list for circulation.
- WN to amend ToR of AMIG for next meeting.
- WN to amend ToR of SIG-LVR for next meeting.
- Legal opinion to be sought on risk in approving use of vehicles on footpaths – need to have one RCA seek opinion to be paid for by RCA Forum.
2. Working group reports / Reports from Active Modes Infrastructure, Low Volume Roads and Shared Footpaths groups were circulated and taken as read. There was no discussion arising.
3. Research proposal / Agreed: The proposal from TDG for participation data-gathering on mobility-aid users presence on the network, costed at $5,000, is approved for funding from the Workgroup research and development budget. /
- WN to initiate project and liaise.
4. RIMS Group research / Agreed: The RCA Forum remains willing to fund any project presented by RIMS Group where the business case shows the research meets an identified need, but adequate notice of any such business case must be presented to the RCA Forum in time for being included in the budget for the coming year.
5. Website / Not taken.
6. Other business / M Hasler raised the matter of the continuing disagreement between CODC and CORC regarding planning, installation and maintenance obligations for in-transit stock-truck effluent disposal facilities.
Agreed: There is a need for data on whether there is a wider problem and, if so, for whom, and to support encouraging greater consistency of approach between the regions. /
- WN to prepare draft survey for RCA’s on any issues with stock effluent disposal.
7. Next meeting / Not taken. The next Forum is on 12 August 2016 and the groupwill convene on11 August. No decision was taken on continuing with the Wellington Museum or finding another venue.
Actions summary / 160304-6 S Griffin to take the idea of an expanded role for the Level Crossing Group to the next meeting of the group.
160512-1 WN to prepare draft topic list for circulation with 12 August agenda.
160512-2 WN to amend ToR of AMIG for next meeting in liaison with co-convenor.
160512-3WN to amend ToR of SIG-LVR for next meeting in liaison with convenor.
160512-4Legal opinion to be sought on risk in approving use of vehicles on footpaths – need to have one RCA seek opinion to be paid for by RCA Forum.
160512-5 WN to initiate project and liaise.
160512-6 WN to prepare draft survey for RCA’s on any issues with stock effluent disposal and planning, installation and maintenance obligations for in-transit stock-truck effluent disposal facilities.
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