Minutes of Meeting of Kegworth Parish Council

Held on Monday 2nd November 2015 at Parish Council Offices, 1 London Road, Kegworth at 7.30pm

Councillors Present: Val Teffahi (Chair), Gary Bishop, Chris Carter, Julie Cooke, Martin Hawksworth, David Hignett and Hilary Tansley

Parish Clerk: Vicky Roe

Eight members of the public were in attendance as well as Cllr Trevor Pendleton, NWLDC


Sideley Recreation ground is not a dog free zone. Member of public suggested that the gates should be removed and then it would deter people from letting dogs off their lead.

725K Apologies for absence

RESOLVED: Apologies received from Cllrs Carl Sutton & Dick Fowkes. Also Cllr Alison Smith, NWLDC.

726K Declarations of interest with regard to items on the Agenda

RESOLVED: Cllr Tansley declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 5 of the Agenda re: the library

727K To receive a Police Report

RESOLVED: Clerk read the Report as follows: 02/10 Theft of Garden Bench (Derby Rd), filed pending further evidence; 02/10 Fraud purchase of x 2 iPhones (Yew Lodge), no further lines of enquiry, Action Fraud notified; 07/10 Attempt BOTD (Market Pl), CCTV negative, no further lines of enquiry; 09/10 Vehicle interference (Yew Lodge), no viable lines of enquiry; 14/10 X3Theft from motor vehicle (Whitehouse), CCTV negative. OP PIONEER notification; 14/10 TFMV (Ashby Rd), CCTV negative, OP PIONEER notification; 17/10 Theft of phone from hotel staff room (Yewlodge), CCTV negative, no further lines of enquiry; 18/10 Theft of wallet from hotel staff room (Yewlodge), CCTV negative, no further lines of enquiry (linked); 20/10 Theft of property from staff locker (Whitehouse), no CCTV coverage to open room; 26/10 Attempt burglary (Thomas Rd), H2H negative, filed pending further evidence; 27/10 Taxi Bilkin with racist comments, under investigation. PC Jason Underwood then attended and provided further explanations.

728K To approve and sign the Minutes of 5th October 2015

RESOLVED: Minutes signed and approved.

699K Financial Matters – Vicky Roe

a.  To approve payments and sign any cheques

RESOLVED: One cheque was signed

b.  To receive a bank reconciliation up to 30th September 2015

RESOLVED: Presented to Councillors. Figures from Scribe would soon be available. Cllr Hignett reported savings had been made in staffing costs, elections non-spend and quote for church wall repairs is less than budgeted. Overall, finances are ok.

c.  To approve in principal financial support for the library, via the grant funding process

RESOLVED: Councillors voted to support the library in principle but cannot say by how much until the budget and precept for 2016/17 is decided. Cllr Bishop abstained.

d.  To approve quote from T H Heath Contracts for various works (copy with agenda)

RESOLVED: The Clerk had approved the quote except Items 2 & 6 which related to works to fencing at the bottom of gardens. The Clerk to ascertain who owned the fence and approach the resident as appropriate. Councillors agreed the additional items and for works to be carried out once the necessary information had been gathered.

700K Maintaining Kegworth Committee – Martin Hawksworth

a.  To approve proposals for:

i.  Clerk & Deputy Clerk to undertake and document monthly Market Place inspections

RESOLVED: Already in hand with one inspection carried out and to continue monthly. Repairs reported to LCC – Street Light outside Co-op not working, grit bin lid damaged.

ii. Agree date to walk round village for a bin review – removal or relocation

RESOLVED: Cllr Hawksworth to progress, target date 1st December 2015. It was noted that the bin outside the Bridal Shop is missing.

b.  To receive updates on:

i.  Progress with large bin trial

RESOLVED: NWLDC agreed a trial could go ahead with the Parish Council purchasing one bin and NWL would utilize another bin from their stores. NWL required specific information on their location which Councillors felt should be one in the Market Place and another outside the School.

ii. Progress with allotment contract

RESOLVED: The Parish Council would be joining the National Allotment Association. The Tenancy Agreement would be sent to NAA so this can be checked. If required, NAA would send someone to measure and stake allotments and to discuss best practice.

iii.  Whiteholme Gardens playground adoption

RESOLVED: Ongoing with the Clerk in continuing contact with Michael Goodall Homes who keep saying they will do the work but to date, have not.

701K Efficient and Effective Parish Council Committee – Val Teffahi

a.  To receive updates on:

i.  Job Descriptions

RESOLVED: A settling in period is required, therefore this process will begin on

1st January 2016. Clerk and Deputy Clerk have been given their Job Descriptions, based on Society of Local Council Clerks model

ii. Objectives

RESOLVED: Once Job Descriptions have been agreed, Objectives will follow.

iii Training Plans

RESOLVED: To be put in place once Objectives have been discussed and agreed.

702K Communications and Community Engagement – Julie Cooke

a.  To receive updates on:

i.  Business Plan consultation

RESOLVED: The Business Plan Consultation had been printed and distributed, thanks to EMA for sponsorship of this. The Clerk agreed to the purchase of one A2 sign at £25. Hard copies of the Consultation would be input and the finding collated after the closing date of 12th December 2015.

ii.  Business Meeting on 9th October 2015

RESOLVED: A meeting with Kegworth Businesses, hosted by Yew Lodge had taken place on 9th October. 60 invitation letters distributed with Soar Valley Tackle, Co-op, Inspire Financial Solutions, Cott Beverages, The Coach House, Lovage Homes, Yew Lodge, Gillian Squires of NWL, Parish Councillors and the Clerk in attendance. Matters discussed - Christmas, NWL Parking Strategy, Litter and the ONE Event. Further meeting to be arranged in the new year.

iii.  Christmas 2015

RESOLVED: A letter had been received from the businesses requesting use of the Market Place. The Clerk would respond giving permission. Posters had been prepared for advertising. The tree had been sponsored by EMA and GEDA Construction are keen to sponsor the lights. Councillors agreed to use uplighters in the Churchyard together with string lights. It is hoped that Brenda Moore would agree to switch the lights on.

703K To receive update regarding meeting with NWLDC about Norman Court – Hilary Tansley

RESOLVED: A meeting with Councillors, Elaine and Michaela of NWL Housing Department had taken place. Norman Court is under-occupied, with flats hard to let on the upper floor. NWL are looking for input from the PC, ideas and suggestions. NWL had recently began satellite working. Agreed that Michaela would work out of the Parish Office once a week on a Thursday afternoon. Michaela would notify the tenants know and the PC could promote this and available properties in the Newsletter, on Facebook and with literature in the office. Councillors are keen that Norman Court should be used by local residents and are keen to keep promotion as local as possible as NWL do advertise further afield if they have difficulty letting their accommodation.

704k To receive update on draft Local Plan and consultation – Val Teffahi

RESOLVED: Matter to be placed on the Planning Meeting Agenda.

705k To discuss the Flying Horse – David Hignett

RESOLVED: An email had been received from the current owners stating the property is for sale at offers over £350,000 as the planning application to convert to an HMO has been withdrawn. The PC is aware of interest from another party to buy and turn into commercial premises and the PC has mentioned informally the possibility of use of the car park during the day as well as the outside toilet block. These discussions may continue if the interested party is successful. The PC has no interest in purchasing the premises.

706K To receive correspondence from the Clerk

RESOLVED: The Clerk would send the link for Councillors to take part in the LCC Adult Social Care Strategy.

707K Date of next meeting – Monday 7th December 2015


The meeting ended at 8.43pm